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I was driving through a forest and spotted a man walking two dogs, a small and a big one. The bigger one was misbehaving and disobeying the man and the man had a trouble leading the dog. The man was clearly nervous in hurry. Then I spotted bears in the forest and realized the man was trying to escape the bears. Then I found myself at home and I was worried bears could be inside my house. I closed all doors to the kitchen where I hid. When I entered the hallway, I spotted a black bear which got startled by my presence and ran away as I ran back to the kitchen
The dreamer's journey through the forest represents their personal journey in life. The forest symbolizes the unknown and the subconscious mind. The man walking two dogs represents the dreamer's inner conflict and the two different aspects of their personality. The small dog represents the dreamer's obedient and controllable side, while the big one represents their wild and rebellious side.
The bigger dog misbehaving and disobeying the man symbolizes the dreamer's own struggle with controlling their wild and impulsive nature. The man's nervousness and hurry show the dreamer's anxiety and urgency to keep their wild side in check. This could also indicate a fear of losing control and the need to constantly be on guard.
The appearance of bears in the forest represents the dreamer's fears and challenges in life. Bears are often associated with strength, power, and danger. The dreamer may be facing a situation in their waking life that feels overwhelming and difficult to handle. The man's attempt to escape from the bears shows the dreamer's desire to avoid or overcome these challenges.
As the dreamer reaches their home, it represents their personal space and comfort zone. However, the worry about bears being inside the house shows that the dreamer's fears and challenges are not limited to their external environment, but also exist within themselves. The kitchen, where the dreamer hides, symbolizes nourishment and sustenance. This could suggest that the dreamer turns to food or other forms of comfort during times of stress and fear.
The dreamer's decision to close all doors to the kitchen could represent their attempt to shut out their fears and challenges. When they enter the hallway, it represents a transition or a journey towards a new understanding of themselves. The appearance of a black bear in the hallway symbolizes the dreamer's fear of confronting their inner struggles and wild nature.
However, the dreamer's presence startles the bear, showing that they have the power to overcome their fears and challenges. The bear running away and the dreamer's quick retreat to the kitchen could represent the dreamer's avoidance of their inner conflicts.
Overall, this dream reflects the dreamer's inner struggle with controlling their wild and impulsive nature and their fear of facing challenges in life. It may be a reminder for the dreamer to confront their fears and find a balance between their different personalities in order to achieve inner peace and growth.
Приснилось будто узнала от знакомых, что мой бывший любовник очень болен и находится в больнице.
Ваш сон отражает ваши беспокойства и заботу о бывшем любовнике. Знакомые в вашем сне могут представлять ваши внутренние чувства и мысли. Узнав о болезни бывшего любовника, вы можете чувствовать сильное эмоциональное волнение и глубокую связь с ним. Больница может символизировать ваше желание помочь и заботиться о нем. Это может также указывать на ваше внутреннее желание вернуться к прошлому и исправить ошибки в отношениях с ним. Возможно, вы чувствуете сожаление за то, что не смогли сохранить вашу любовь и теперь хотите исправить это. Этот сон также может указывать на ваше подавленное чувство вины и желание прощения за прошлые события. В целом, ваш сон может отражать ваше стремление к исцелению и восстановлению связи с бывшим любовником.
In this dream, I was in a world where i had a new dad, and i called him 'daddy'. He had curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and was a gentle giant. I on the other hand, was very tiny in this world. Nonetheless, he would hold me in his hand and we loved each other. We made a song together and it was very catchy. It was called, 'Why I love daddy'. But an evil woman wanted to steal this song and chase us. So we ran and ran to a part of the forest where there was a race track and lots of circuits. We took a car and raced around, playing the so whilst the woman and some of her ' summoned creatures' chased us. Suddenly, daddy and the woman and everything was gone, except the race track and circuits. I was all alone. Until, some boy came, and suddenly dirty clothes appeared in a huge ring shape. The boy told me that if we wear them, take them off, and put the in the basket he was holding, they would become clean. So we repeated this action and it worked. Then it cut to the next dream.
According to the dream, you are in a world where you have a new father figure. This symbolizes a desire for a strong and caring male figure in your life. The fact that you call him 'daddy' suggests a longing for a close and loving relationship with this person. His curly blonde hair and blue eyes represent qualities such as creativity, intelligence, and kindness. The fact that he is a 'gentle giant' suggests that he is both physically and emotionally strong, yet has a gentle and nurturing nature.
In contrast, you are very tiny in this world, which could symbolize feelings of vulnerability and powerlessness. Despite this, your father figure holds you in his hand, which signifies protection, support, and love. This suggests that you feel safe and loved in this relationship.
Together, you and your father figure create a song called 'Why I love daddy'. This represents a strong bond and connection between the two of you, as well as a sense of creativity and expression.
However, an evil woman appears and wants to steal your song and chase you. This could symbolize fears or obstacles threatening your relationship with your father figure. The fact that you run to a part of the forest with a race track and circuits suggests a need for escape and finding a sense of control in the face of these challenges.
Taking a car and racing around while playing your song symbolizes the need for teamwork and determination in overcoming these challenges. The woman and her 'summoned creatures' could represent negative thoughts or influences that you are trying to outrun.
Suddenly, your father figure and the woman disappear, leaving you alone. This could symbolize a fear of losing your connection with your father figure or a feeling of abandonment.
However, a boy appears and offers a solution to your problems. The dirty clothes symbolize negative or burdensome emotions that you have been carrying. The fact that they can be cleaned by taking them off and putting them in a basket represents the possibility of letting go of these emotions and finding a sense of relief.
Overall, this dream may suggest a desire for a strong and loving parental figure, as well as a need to overcome challenges and negative emotions to maintain this relationship. It may also symbolize a need to find a sense of control and release negative emotions in order to move forward.
Babamla üç bölmeli buyuk bir alandayiz vediger iki kısımda pencere var ama camları yok . Biz tartışıyoruz babamla diğer iki oda da Kuran okunuyor. Bizim bulunduğumuz oda da yerlerde düğmeler dökülmüş çok ben toplamaya çalışıyorum. Sonra bağırmaya başlıyoruz daha şiddetleniyor kavga diğer odadan kadınlar ayıp falan diyorlar. Sonra babamla göz göze geliyoruz bir bakıyorum onun gözüne dikiş iğnesi batmış. Çıkarayım diyorum yok diyor tuvalet aramaya başlıyor aynalarin olduğu bir koridordan gidioyruz sonra tuvaleti bulup giriyor. Bende tam aynada kendime bakarken uyanıyorum.
Bu rüya, baba ve çocuk arasındaki iletişim ve bağlantıyı sembolize ediyor olabilir. Üç bölmeli alan, farklı düşüncelere, inançlara ve duygulara sahip olabilecek farklı 'bölmeler' olarak yorumlanabilir. Penceresiz odalar, dış dünyadan izole olmuş hissini yansıtabilir ve belki de baba ile çocuk arasındaki iletişim eksikliğine işaret edebilir.
Babamla tartışmak, rüyanın önemli bir parçasıdır ve muhtemelen baba ile çocuk arasındaki iletişimdeki zorlukları temsil eder. Babanın iki oda da Kuran okunurken, dini ve manevi bir arayış içinde olduğunu gösteriyor olabilir. Ancak, tartışmanın ortasında yerlerde dökülmüş düğmeler görmek, belki de baba ve çocuk arasındaki gerilimi yansıtabilir.
Düğmeleri toplamaya çalışmak, baba ile çocuk arasındaki iletişimin düzeltilmesi için çaba göstermek olarak yorumlanabilir. Ancak, kavganın şiddetlenmesi ve diğer odadaki kadınların ayıplaması, baba ile çocuk arasındaki iletişim sorunlarının büyüdüğünü ve aile içindeki diğer kişiler tarafından fark edildiğini gösteriyor olabilir.
Babamın gözüne dikiş iğnesinin batması, çocuk ile baba arasındaki iletişimdeki yaraları sembolize edebilir. Baba, bu yaraları kabul etmek istemiyor olabilir ve tuvaleti bulup kaçması da bu durumu yansıtabilir. Bu, baba ile çocuk arasındaki iletişimde
Des avions très haut dans le ciel avec des informations affichées comme sur un ordinateur avec leur destination, temps de vol... Première fois que je vois cela, je suis époustouflée, j'en vois de plus en plus. Puis arrivent des oiseaux, dont un qui se positionne devant moi en vol stationnaire, un canard sauvage, tandis que je suis montée sur un très haut escabeau pour observer toutes ces curiosités aériennes. J'appelle un jeune garçon, Bastien, le fils de nos amis qui est lui aussi un artiste dessinateur pour attirer son attention sur cet insolite situation.
Dans cette rêve, les avions hauts dans le ciel symbolisent le désir de s'élever, de prendre de la hauteur et de voir les choses d'un point de vue différent. Le fait que ces avions aient des informations affichées comme sur un ordinateur peut représenter le besoin de contrôle et de planification dans la vie du rêveur.
Le fait que vous soyez époustouflée et que vous en voyez de plus en plus indique que vous êtes fascinée par cette idée de s'élever et de découvrir de nouvelles perspectives. Cela peut également refléter une période de changement et de croissance personnelle dans votre vie.
L'arrivée des oiseaux, en particulier le canard sauvage, peut symboliser la liberté, la spontanéité et l'adaptabilité. Le fait que le canard se positionne devant vous en vol stationnaire peut représenter un défi ou une situation inhabituelle qui demande votre attention et votre réflexion.
Le fait d'être monté sur un escabeau très haut peut représenter le désir de s'élever dans la vie et de surmonter des obstacles. Cela peut également symboliser votre besoin de prendre du recul pour observer les choses de manière plus claire et plus objective.
Le jeune garçon, Bastien, peut représenter l'innocence et la créativité. Le fait de l'appeler pour attirer son attention sur cette situation peut indiquer que vous cherchez à partager cette expérience avec quelqu'un d'autre et à obtenir un point de vue extérieur.
Dans l'ensemble, ce rêve peut refléter votre désir de prendre de la hauteur dans la vie et de voir les choses d'un point de vue différent. Cela peut également indiquer une période de changement et de croissance personnelle, ainsi que le besoin de liberté et de créativité.
I was watching a movie and I realized it had been filmed in my hometown at a local church. I was thinking I wanted to tell my mom about it. Then I was at that church hiding behind a door from a lion. It was attacking the door trying to get to me. A man cut the lion in half but it was still moving around for several minutes trying to attack. It was a yellow layer cake inside. Then I was with a childhood friend and we had decided to listen to the whole Bible together. We got an audio Bible from a discount store but the books were all out of place. One of the books was a man singing a racist song and I told my friend that I seriously questioned if we could trust a Bible from the discount store. The world was about to end and I was anxious about trying to get to Heaven.
The movie in this dream symbolizes the dreamer's desire for entertainment and escapism. The fact that it was filmed in their hometown at a local church indicates a longing for a sense of familiarity and comfort. This could suggest that the dreamer may be feeling overwhelmed or stressed in their waking life and is seeking solace in familiar surroundings.
The church in the dream can represent the dreamer's spiritual or moral beliefs. The fact that they are hiding from a lion, a powerful and dangerous predator, symbolizes a fear or threat to these beliefs. This could indicate that the dreamer is facing some challenges or doubts in their beliefs and is struggling to confront or overcome them.
The man who cuts the lion in half can represent the dreamer's inner strength and ability to overcome challenges. However, the fact that the lion is still moving and trying to attack for several minutes suggests that the dreamer's fears and doubts are not easily overcome and may continue to linger.
The yellow layer cake inside the lion could symbolize the dreamer's inner desires or needs that they are not fully aware of or are trying to suppress. The fact that the cake is inside the lion, a symbol of fear and danger, could suggest that the dreamer may be afraid to confront or acknowledge their own desires.
The childhood friend in the dream may represent a part of the dreamer's past or a aspect of their personality that they feel connected to. The decision to listen to the whole Bible together could symbolize a desire for guidance and direction in life. However, the audio Bible being from a discount store and the books being out of place could represent the dreamer's doubts or skepticism about organized religion or traditional beliefs.
The man singing a racist song in one of the books could symbolize the dreamer's concerns about the negative and harmful aspects of their beliefs or religion. This could suggest that the dreamer is questioning the validity and morality of their beliefs and is seeking a more inclusive and accepting perspective.
The dreamer's anxiety about getting to Heaven could symbolize a fear of not living up to their own moral or spiritual standards. This could suggest that the dreamer may be putting too much pressure on themselves and their beliefs, causing unnecessary stress and anxiety.
Overall, this dream may be reflecting the dreamer's inner conflicts and doubts about their beliefs and values. It could also suggest a need for self-reflection and a reassessment of their priorities and perspectives.
Ich bin am Badesee. Es ist schon etwas später. Außer mir ist nur noch eine Gruppe pubertierender Jugendlichen da, etwas mehr Jungs als Mädchen. Ich komme aus dem Wasser, zu meiner Tasche und die Gruppe schaut zu mir rüber. Ich fange an mich auszuziehen. Ich ziehe mein Oberteil aus, ich höre erste Kommentare von der Gruppe. Sie sind anzüglich, was mir gefällt. Ich stehe mit dem Rücken zu der Gruppe, vor meiner Tasche. Ich ziehe die Bikinihose aus, die Gruppe kann nun meinen nackten Hintern sehen, da ich mich etwas vorbeuge eventuell auch meine glatt rasierte Muschi. Ich lasse mir Zeit, wie zufällig drehe ich mich einmal zur Gruppe um, trockne mich ab, damit sie meine Brüste sehen können, ich bemerke, dass manche ein Handy in der Hand halten, ich werde gefilmt. Die Vorstellung, dass die Jugendlichen sich an diesem Video aufgeilen gefällt mir. Ich hole meine Sachen aus meiner Tasche und ziehe mich langsam an. Sie sehen meine Mini-Tanga. Ich höre weitere Kommentare, wie Fickstute und Dreilochschlampe. Ich ziehe keinen BH an. Ich packe meine Tasche und gehe an der Gruppe vorbei um den See zu verlassen. Die Jugendlichen werfen mir suffisante Blicke zu. Beim Gehen habe ich einen schönen Hüftschwung, bin sehr erregt und kann es nicht erwarten zuhause meinen Dildo zu benutzen.
Das Badesee-Symbol in deiner Traumwelt steht für deine Gefühle und Wünsche, die du im Moment hast. Der Badesee ist ein Ort der Freude und des Vergnügens, und es ist ein Ort, an dem man sich frei fühlen kann. Die Tatsache, dass es schon etwas später ist, zeigt, dass du dich vielleicht in einer Phase deines Lebens befindest, in der du älter wirst und neue Erfahrungen und Freiheiten entdeckst. Die Gruppe pubertierender Jugendlicher, die du im Traum triffst, repräsentiert deine jugendliche Seite und deine Sehnsucht nach Abenteuer und Aufregung.
Das Wasser in deinem Traum symbolisiert deine Emotionen und deine tiefsten Wünsche. Indem du aus dem Wasser steigst, zeigst du deine Bereitschaft, deine Emotionen und Wünsche auszuleben. Die Tatsache, dass du dich ausziehst, zeigt deine Offenheit und dein Verlangen nach Selbstdarstellung. Die anzüglichen Kommentare der Gruppe zeigen, dass du dich von der Aufmerksamkeit und der Bewunderung anderer angezogen fühlst.
Deine Rückkehr zur Tasche symbolisiert deine Selbstachtung und deine Fähigkeit, deine Wünsche und Bedürfnisse zu kontrollieren. Du bist bereit, deine Umgebung zu beeindrucken und deine Sexualität zu zeigen. Die Tatsache, dass du dich umdrehst und die Gruppe deine Brüste sehen lässt, zeigt deine Selbstsicherheit und deine Fähigkeit, deine körperliche Schönheit zu zeigen.
Das Handy, das dich filmt, symbolisiert deine Angst vor Offenbarung und deine Unsicherheit in Bezug auf deine Sexualität. Es könnte auch bedeuten, dass du dich von anderen beobachtet und beurteilt fühlst.
Der Mini-Tanga steht für deine Fähigkeit, deine Sexualität zu genießen und deine Weiblichkeit auszudrücken. Die Kommentare der Gruppe wie 'Fickstute' und 'Dreilochschlampe' zeigen, dass du dich von ihrem Sexappeal und ihrer Männlichkeit angezogen fühlst.
Das Verlassen

soñé que mi mamá me envió a llevar una gallina a un lugar no tanto lejano la verdad nos sé para que, no lo tenía muy claro, el detalle es que cuando regreso a buscar a la gallina me encuentro con una anciana que me dijo que tuvo que sacrificar la gallina para alimentar a su familia con un guiso especial, el detalle de mi sueño es que la ansiana extiende una sabana blanca con esplendor tipo dorada, esa sabana me recordó a la sabana que usaba mi difunto papá, esa sabana aún la conservo porcierto y encima de la sabana la anciana hizo una serie como de amuletos con el desecho de la gallina, entre esos pude observar como unas agujas y una pequeña brocha, pude tocar la brecha pero no pude identificar bien los otros amuletos, después de eso la anciana procecio a guardarlo porque ya lo había visto y me lo entrego. fin del sueño
El sueño que has tenido es muy simbólico y lleno de significado. Tu mamá te envía a llevar una gallina a un lugar que no está muy lejos, pero no sabes exactamente por qué. Esto puede representar la necesidad de llevar algo de valor o importancia a un lugar que aún no has descubierto o que no entiendes completamente.
Sin embargo, al regresar a buscar la gallina, te encuentras con una anciana que te dice que ha sacrificado a la gallina para alimentar a su familia con un guiso especial. Este acto puede simbolizar el sacrificio de algo valioso o importante en tu vida para satisfacer las necesidades de los demás. También puede representar el sentimiento de culpa o responsabilidad que tienes hacia tu familia o hacia los demás en general.
El detalle más impactante de tu sueño es la sabana blanca que la anciana extiende con esplendor, como si fuera de oro. Esta sabana te recuerda a la que usaba tu difunto papá, la cual aún conservas. La sabana puede representar la figura paterna y la sensación de protección y seguridad que tu padre te brindaba. El hecho de que la anciana la utilice puede indicar que estás buscando esa misma sensación de protección y apoyo en tu vida actual.
La anciana también hace una serie de amuletos con los desechos de la gallina. Estos amuletos pueden representar tus miedos, preocupaciones o creencias limitantes que has dejado atrás. Las agujas pueden simbolizar la necesidad de protegerte de algo o alguien, mientras que la brocha puede representar la necesidad de arreglar o mejorar algo en tu vida.
No importa lo que los amuletos puedan significar exactamente, el hecho de que la anciana te los entrega al final del sueño puede indicar que estás listo para enfrentar tus miedos y superar tus limitaciones. La anciana procede a guardarlos porque ya los has visto, lo que puede simbolizar que ya has tomado conciencia de ellos y estás dispuesto a trabajar en ellos.
En general, este sueño puede representar la necesidad de encontrar tu propio camino y
Dormía con mi gata, luego bajaba y luego subía nuevamente, pero lo era ella, sino que una mujer. pensé que podía ser mi hija, luego mi pareja, pero no era ninguna de ambas. Solo veía su cabellera negra y larga. Intentaba girarme para verla, cuando lo logro comienza a desvanecerse en tiras negra y luego como energía oscura. Intentaba despertar del sueño pero apenas pude abrir los ojos y volví a dormir y soñar. Está vez me levantaba de la cama pero se intermpinaia arena y jóvenes que no me dejaban volver a mi cama y pieza y comenzaba a luchar contra ellos, gritándoles que debía volver porque estaba mi hija, tenía que derribar a muchos muchachos y golpearlos. Finalmente me desperté con mucha angustia Posteriormente
El soñar con una gata representa tu conexión con tu lado femenino y tu intuición. El subir y bajar en la cama puede simbolizar tus altibajos emocionales y la incertidumbre que sientes en tu vida actual. La mujer con cabellera negra puede representar tu sombra, tus miedos y aspectos reprimidos de tu personalidad que te están afectando en tu vida diaria. Tu intento de verla puede indicar tu deseo de enfrentar estos aspectos de ti mismo. Sin embargo, su desvanecimiento en tiras negras y energía oscura puede sugerir que aún no estás listo para enfrentar estos aspectos y que siguen causándote confusión y ansiedad.
La interrupción de la arena y los jóvenes en tu intento de volver a la cama y a tu habitación puede representar las distracciones y obstáculos en tu camino hacia la resolución de tus problemas internos. La lucha y el grito para volver a tu cama y habitación pueden simbolizar tu deseo de regresar a una sensación de seguridad y estabilidad en tu vida. La presencia de tu hija puede representar tu responsabilidad y preocupación por ella en medio de tu propia lucha interna.
Tu despertar con angustia al final del sueño puede indicar que estás experimentando una gran carga emocional y que necesitas enfrentar tus problemas internos en lugar de reprimirlos. Este sueño puede ser un llamado para que te enfrentes a tus miedos y te liberes de las ataduras emocionales que te están afectando. Es importante que reflexiones sobre tus emociones y busques ayuda si es necesario para superar estos obstáculos y encontrar paz y estabilidad en tu vida.

I had sex with two 9 months pregnant women I didn't know. Those women are both 9 months pregnant with triplets. I was lying in bed when two women took turns placing my penis in my vagina and shaking their hips at high speed. I felt so good about the orgasm by seeing and touching her big breast, red areola, swollen nipple that shoots milk, and huge shaking belly directly, and because of the feeling from my penis rubbing into their vagina, I ended up ejaculating a large amount of semen inside their vagina.
The dream of having sex with two 9 months pregnant women represents a deep desire for fertility and rebirth. This desire may stem from a need for creativity or a longing for new beginnings in one's life. The pregnant women symbolize the potential for growth and the creation of new life. The fact that they are both carrying triplets further emphasizes this theme of new beginnings and the potential for multiple new opportunities.
The act of having sex with these pregnant women may also represent a desire for intimacy and connection with the feminine aspect of oneself. The pregnant woman is often seen as a symbol of nurturing and fertility, and this dream may suggest a need for a deeper connection with one's own feminine side.
The act of placing the dreamer's penis into the pregnant women's vaginas and shaking their hips at high speed can be seen as a representation of the dreamer's desire for sexual pleasure and gratification. The orgasm experienced in the dream reflects the dreamer's satisfaction and pleasure in fulfilling this desire. However, the fact that the dreamer ejaculates a large amount of semen inside the women's vaginas may indicate a fear of being overwhelmed by this desire or a fear of the consequences that may come from indulging in it.
The dreamer's focus on the women's physical features, such as their big breasts, red areola, swollen nipples, and huge shaking bellies, may also symbolize a desire for physical and sensual pleasure. This could suggest a need for more pleasure and excitement in the dreamer's waking life.
Overall, this dream may represent a longing for new beginnings, creativity, and a deeper connection with the feminine aspect of oneself. It may also signify a desire for sexual pleasure and gratification, while also highlighting a fear of being overwhelmed by these desires. Ultimately, the dream may be a reflection of the dreamer's current desires and emotions, inviting them to explore their desires and needs in a more conscious way.
had a dream with G my fried the she was in her house and didn’t know how to the her lover Tom sold his house the once he live with his wife but the people were going to move to G’s house .. so she saw the movers in her door step with 18 boxes , I was visiting her and I told her why he didn’t said he sold his house in exchange of yours not his.. then G’s lived next the to water and one of the movers said there is a boa constrictor in the water and I looked didn’t see anything but her dog Lilly just started to bark and go inside of the house .. before that on the the movers said something if I was a witch and I said no if u learn human nature then all the secrets of life get revealed .. that lady just looked at me like I was crazy for saying that and surprise I wasn’t a witch.
The dreamer is experiencing a situation in which their friend G is facing a major change in her life. G's lover Tom has sold his house to move in with his wife, but the people who bought Tom's house are now planning to move into G's house. This sudden and unexpected change is causing G to feel overwhelmed and uncertain, as represented by the 18 boxes brought by the movers.
The dreamer, who is visiting G, questions why Tom did not tell G about the house exchange. This could symbolize the dreamer's desire for honesty and transparency in their relationships. G's house being next to the water symbolizes her emotional state, which is currently turbulent and unstable due to these unexpected changes. The water also represents the unconscious mind, suggesting that G may be feeling a sense of confusion and uncertainty on a deeper level.
The mention of a boa constrictor in the water further emphasizes the dreamer's feelings of fear and danger. This could represent G's fear of being overwhelmed and suffocated by the sudden changes in her life. The dreamer's inability to see the snake could symbolize G's lack of awareness of the potential dangers in her current situation.
G's dog Lilly barking and going inside the house can be interpreted as a warning sign. Dogs often represent loyalty and protection, and in this case, Lilly may be trying to protect G from the potential danger represented by the boa constrictor. This could also symbolize the dreamer's own instinctual reaction to the situation, warning them to be cautious and protect themselves and their friend.
The conversation with the mover who asks if the dreamer is a witch and the dreamer's response about human nature reveal the dreamer's belief in the power of understanding and knowledge. This could suggest that the dreamer sees themselves as wise and knowledgeable, and wants to share their insights with others. The mover's surprise at the dreamer not being a witch could symbolize the dreamer's desire to be seen as wise and respected by others.
Overall, this dream reflects the dreamer's concerns about their friend's well-being in the face of unexpected changes. It also reveals the dreamer's desire for honesty, transparency, and understanding in relationships. The presence of water, a snake, and a protective dog all symbolize the dreamer's emotional and instinctual reactions to the situation.
I had a dream with mom and she was in the house and somehow I left and she said your dad is at the airport and I said no he is not to early and I end up driving my jeep to TJ maxx but there were so many cars in the road specially truckers not letting be turn right to get in the road
This dream may represent a desire for freedom and independence. Your mother, who symbolizes nurturing and support, is present in the house, which represents your sense of self. However, you leave this safe and familiar place, possibly indicating a desire to break away from your comfort zone. Your father, who represents authority and guidance, is at the airport, symbolizing a journey or transition in your life. Your hesitation to believe your mother's statement about your father's whereabouts may reflect your own doubts about taking on this transition.
The fact that you end up driving your jeep may symbolize your determination and self-reliance. This is further emphasized by the location you choose to go to - TJ Maxx, a store known for its discounted and unique items. This may suggest a desire to explore new and unconventional opportunities or paths in life.
The road filled with cars and truckers may represent the obstacles and challenges you face in achieving your goals. The truckers, who are known for their aggressive and dominating driving, may symbolize people or situations that are hindering your progress. Your struggle to turn right and get on the road may represent your frustration and difficulty in finding a way to move forward.
Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your inner conflicts and desires for independence, growth, and overcoming obstacles in your life. It may be a reminder to trust in your own abilities and to not let others or external factors hold you back from reaching your goals.
Soñé con que una amigo (que vive fuera del país ) se veía conmigo en un pueblo acá en el país de donde vivo ,y el quería estar conmigo pero no podía ,por qué le daba vergüenza,yo aparecí en la casa de su familia ,esa casa era humilde y desgastada ,después nos íbamos a un lugar pero el no era capaz así que me dió un cheque por 5 millones de pesos (que en la vida real es lo que necesito para estudiar en mi universidad),cuando detalle no era un cheque si no un boleto de lotería ..sali del lugar y comencé a volar por encima de las casas pero no lo hacia muy bien pero lo lograba ,buscando salir de ahí ,después aparecí en la casa de la familia de mi amigo y salve a su sobrino de ser embestido por una enorme vaca que estaba desbocada y queria atacar a los habitantes de esa casa ,después de yo controlar al animal recogí mis cosas en esas estaba mi perra (mi mascota ) y me dispuse a volar nuevamente pero ella me daba mucho y además había otro perro igual a ella ,se me dificultaba coger vuelo pero lo logré con muchos problemas por qué no sabía a dónde ir
En tu sueño, tu amigo que vive en otro país simboliza una parte de ti que está lejos y desconectada de tu vida actual. Su presencia en el pueblo en tu país de origen representa tu deseo de conectarte con esa parte de ti y traerla de vuelta a tu vida. Sin embargo, tu amigo no puede estar contigo porque sientes que te avergüenzas de esa parte de ti.
La casa humilde y desgastada de la familia de tu amigo representa la sensación de inseguridad y falta de estabilidad en tu vida actual. El hecho de que tu amigo te dé un cheque por una gran cantidad de dinero, que en la vida real es lo que necesitas para continuar tus estudios, simboliza tu deseo de tener una solución fácil y rápida para tus problemas y preocupaciones.
Sin embargo, cuando te das cuenta de que el cheque en realidad es un boleto de lotería, esto sugiere que estás confiando en la suerte y la fortuna en lugar de enfrentar tus desafíos de manera realista y responsable. Al volar por encima de las casas, estás buscando una salida de tus problemas y responsabilidades, pero no lo estás haciendo de manera efectiva y enfrentando tus problemas de frente.
Cuando llegas a la casa de la familia de tu amigo, la necesidad de proteger al sobrino de tu amigo de la vaca simboliza tu deseo de proteger a aquellos que son importantes para ti en tu vida real. Al controlar al animal, estás demostrando tu habilidad para controlar y manejar situaciones difíciles en tu vida.
La presencia de tu mascota, tu perra, representa tu lealtad y compañía en momentos difíciles. Sin embargo, el hecho de que haya otro perro igual a ella y te cueste volar con ella sugiere que hay una parte de ti que está en conflicto, y puede haber una sensación de competencia o comparación con alguien más en tu vida.
En general, tu sueño refleja tus deseos y preocupaciones en tu vida actual. Muestra tu deseo de conectarte con una parte de ti que sientes que ha estado ausente y tu necesidad de proteger y cuidar a aquellos que te import
I was at my childhood home. My ex boyfriend was there from 20 years ago. He had hurt me pretty bad at the time but I’ve been over him for many years now. I still dream about him a lot though. We were still together. He had a bunch of his friends over at my house. I did not like his friends much. My ex aunt was there, she is divorced from my uncle but I always liked her. They were all watching disturbing things on tv and I found that they had videos of people being tortured that I was angry about and wanted to get out of my house. I found out my boyfriend had cheated on me with my ex aunt. I was hurt. I told everyone that I knew about it. I wanted to tell my aunt that I was not mad at her but she left abruptly. Boyfriend was not even apologetic. I went outside for a walk and my childhood friend was there, Hal. We fought a lot as kids, sometimes we were boyfriend - girlfriend. The new neighbor accross the street was with him. She had a hot tub and I was telling her how nice it was hoping she would invite me in. Dwayne Johnson, the rock, asked us to meet with him and he offered all of us a job as delivery drivers for specialty cakes. We found a dog that had escaped and I knew it belonged to a girl I was friends with years ago. We took him to her. Someone wanted to take a picture of us together so we hugged and they said that is not appropriate, “its not a friendly picture”.
The dream takes place in the dreamer's childhood home, which symbolizes a time of innocence and familiarity. The presence of the ex-boyfriend from 20 years ago represents unresolved feelings and emotions from the past. The dreamer may have been hurt by this person in the past, but has since moved on and is no longer affected by those feelings. However, the dreamer still dreams about the ex-boyfriend frequently, which may indicate that there are lingering thoughts or memories that need to be addressed.
The ex-boyfriend's friends in the dream represent negative influences or aspects of the past that the dreamer may not have liked or approved of. This could also symbolize the dreamer's inner circle and how they may have influenced the dreamer's decisions and actions in the past.
The ex-aunt's presence in the dream could symbolize a positive and supportive figure from the dreamer's past. The fact that she is divorced from the dreamer's uncle could represent a sense of independence and freedom from traditional expectations and norms.
The disturbing videos on TV and the dreamer's anger towards them could represent repressed emotions or traumatic experiences from the past that the dreamer is still trying to process and understand. The dreamer's desire to remove them from the house may symbolize a need to let go of negative influences and move on from the past.
Discovering that the ex-boyfriend had cheated on the dreamer with the ex-aunt symbolizes a betrayal of trust and a loss of control over the dreamer's own emotions and relationships. The dreamer's reaction of wanting to tell others about it may suggest a need for validation and support from those around them.
The childhood friend, Hal, represents a familiar and possibly tumultuous relationship from the past. The dreamer's past conflicts and romantic involvement with Hal could symbolize unresolved feelings and desires for that person.
The new neighbor and her hot tub symbolize something new and exciting in the dreamer's life. The dreamer's hope to be invited in may suggest a desire for acceptance and inclusion in this new experience.
Dwayne Johnson, also known as 'The Rock,' represents strength, success, and power. His offer of a job as a delivery driver for specialty cakes may symbolize the dreamer's potential for success and new opportunities in the waking life.
The lost dog that the dreamer and their friends find symbolizes something that has been missing or lost in the dreamer's life. This could represent a

First there was a girl who was young and trying to seduce an older married man. He woke up with her trying to murder him. He kicked her out and was laughing about her with his friends. She became pregnant. The man and his wife decided to adopt the young lady as their daughter and pretend the baby was their own. Then I was trying to get ready for work but people from my past began showing up. I did not even remember them, but they were bringing up things from my past that I did not want to revisit. I was trying hard to get away from them. I was late for work and could not find my work clothes so I ended up wearing something from years ago. I was surprised that it still fit but I was not comfortable with it, it did not feel like me anymore. I was driving to work through my childhood neighborhood, very fast and my neighbors were disapproving. I was driving an old truck from my deceased husband but I had to switch vehicles. I was late for work so I just got in the new vehicle and left the old truck sitting right in the middle of the road. I knew I should not leave it like that but I decided I would deal with it later or someone else could deal with it.
The dreamer is experiencing a range of emotions and situations that reflect their inner conflicts and unresolved issues. The young girl symbolizes the dreamer's own youth and innocence, while the older married man represents a sense of maturity and responsibility. The dreamer's attempt to seduce the married man suggests a desire for excitement and forbidden pleasures. However, the dreamer's subconscious is also aware of the potential consequences of such actions, as shown by the girl's attempt to murder the man. This could represent the dreamer's fear of facing the consequences of their own actions.
The man's reaction of laughing about the girl with his friends could symbolize the dreamer's need for validation and acceptance from their peers. However, the unexpected pregnancy reveals the dreamer's fear of being judged and rejected by others for their actions.
The decision to adopt the young lady as their daughter and pretend the baby is their own could represent the dreamer's desire for a fresh start and a clean slate, as well as their need to hide their mistakes and past transgressions. This could also reflect the dreamer's longing for a loving and supportive family environment.
The dreamer's struggle to get ready for work and the unexpected arrival of people from their past suggest that the dreamer is being confronted with unresolved issues and memories from their past. The dreamer's attempt to distance themselves from these people and their past could symbolize their desire to move on and leave the past behind.
The dreamer's difficulty in finding their work clothes and having to wear something from years ago could represent their struggle with self-identity and a feeling of being stuck in the past. The dreamer may feel that they have lost touch with their true self and are not comfortable with the person they have become.
The dreamer's fast and reckless driving through their childhood neighborhood could symbolize their desire to escape from their past and move forward in life. However, the disapproving neighbors could represent the dreamer's fear of being judged and criticized for their choices and actions.
The old truck from the dreamer's deceased husband could symbolize their attachment to the past and their reluctance to let go of their former life and move on. However, the need to switch vehicles and leave the old truck behind could suggest the dreamer's recognition that they need to let go of the past in order to move forward.
Overall, the dream seems to reflect the dreamer's inner conflicts and struggles with their past, their identity, and their desire

Soñé que estaba en el Mar y de repente me rodeaba de olas gigantes que no veía el fin. Pero me preparaba y tomaba aire para entrar en esas olas
En esta ensoñación, estás en un lugar desconocido y misterioso, representado por el mar. Esta puede ser una metáfora de tu subconsciente, donde te encuentras en un estado de incertidumbre y confusión. Las olas gigantes que te rodean simbolizan los desafíos y dificultades que enfrentas en tu vida actual. Estas olas son tan grandes que no puedes ver su final, lo que sugiere que estos desafíos pueden parecer infinitos y abrumadores.
Sin embargo, a pesar del peligro y la inmensidad de las olas, te preparas para enfrentarlas. Esto indica que tienes una actitud valiente y determinada para enfrentar tus desafíos y superarlos. Tomar aire antes de entrar en las olas también puede simbolizar tu capacidad para tomar una pausa y prepararte mental y emocionalmente antes de enfrentar situaciones difíciles.
En general, este sueño puede reflejar tu fuerza y resiliencia ante los obstáculos que se presentan en tu vida. Aunque puedan parecer abrumadores, tienes la capacidad de enfrentarlos y superarlos con determinación y preparación. También puede ser un recordatorio de que a veces es necesario tomarse un momento para respirar y prepararse antes de enfrentar los desafíos que la vida nos presenta.
i dream about drinking 'dragon vein tea' serve by a noble maiden, the tea in the cup was blood and buble like a living blood vein, i feel in me that i need to wake up to go to work but i still able to drank all of the tea in my cup, the maiden said she waiting for me to return. i also cant remember her face when i wake up. the dragon vein tea i drank doesn't feel like it come from the eastern dragon but the westen dragon, like viking dragon. funny thing is the tea i drink feel connecting with the western dragon but the tea pot she serve have the eastern dragon on the lid, some how i kinda remember this detail, also the tea cup she serve is a contraption, when she pour the tea into the tray in the midle, it's flowing out to 4 cup on the corner of the tray, the tea flowing to the cup from the bottom. all of the tea serving item are make out of clay but it look beatyful and classical
In this dream, the dreamer is presented with the symbolic image of drinking 'dragon vein tea.' This tea is served by a noble maiden, who represents an elegant and refined aspect of the dreamer's psyche. The tea itself is described as being blood-like and bubbling, resembling a living blood vein. This suggests that the tea is symbolic of the life force or vital energy within the dreamer.
The dreamer is aware of the need to wake up and go to work, but is still able to drink all of the tea in their cup. This may symbolize the dreamer's ability to balance their daily responsibilities with their inner desires and needs. The maiden states that she is waiting for the dreamer to return, indicating a sense of longing or unfinished business in the dreamer's waking life.
Interestingly, the dreamer notes that the tea does not feel like it comes from the traditional Eastern dragon, but rather a Western dragon like a Viking dragon. This could suggest a blending of different cultural or spiritual influences in the dreamer's life. The dreamer also mentions that the tea pot has an image of an Eastern dragon on the lid, which may symbolize the dreamer's connection to their Eastern or ancestral roots.
The tea cup that the maiden serves the tea in is described as a 'contraption,' which could symbolize a complex or unconventional approach to life. The tea flowing from the bottom of the cup into four cups on the corners of a tray may represent the dreamer's ability to share their inner energy and wisdom with others. The fact that all of the tea serving items are made out of clay, but still appear beautiful and classical, may symbolize the dreamer's potential to create something valuable and enduring out of seemingly ordinary materials.
Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer's inner journey towards balance, fulfillment, and connection with their cultural heritage. The dragon vein tea and the noble maiden represent powerful and transformative aspects of the dreamer's psyche, while the blending of Eastern and Western elements may symbolize the dreamer's integration of different aspects of their identity. The dream may also hint at the dreamer's potential to create something meaningful and lasting in their waking life.

had a dream about being chased by a giant spider
The dream about being chased by a giant spider can represent feelings of being overwhelmed and trapped in a difficult situation. The spider, with its eight legs, can symbolize the feeling of being pulled in multiple directions at once. Its size can also represent the magnitude and intensity of the problem.
The spider is often associated with fear and danger, and being chased by it may indicate a fear of something in your waking life. This fear may be related to a specific person or situation that you feel is threatening or intimidating.
The fact that the spider is chasing you can also suggest that you are running away from your problems or trying to avoid facing them. You may feel like you are constantly on the move and unable to find a way to escape or resolve the issue.
Alternatively, the giant spider may represent a controlling or manipulative person in your life. The spider's ability to spin webs and trap its prey could symbolize someone who is trying to manipulate or control you. This could be a relationship or a situation that makes you feel trapped and powerless.
On a deeper level, spiders are also associated with creativity and weaving. This dream may be a reflection of your own creativity and the potential for growth and transformation in your life. The spider's ability to spin webs could be a reminder of your own ability to create and shape your reality.
Overall, this dream may be a warning to confront your fears and face your problems head-on instead of trying to avoid them. It could also be a reminder to tap into your own creativity and inner strength to overcome any challenges you may be facing.

Я шла по дороге домой я встретила Сухроба на большой новой машине серого цвета. Я села в нее. Он улыбался мне. Мы о чем-то разговаривали. До дома мы не доехали, я вышла из машины и пошла по прямой домой. Я увидела сестру, которая садилась в машину к Роме. Я ей помахала рукой, она мне в ответ. У меня в руке были ключи. Потом я увидела, что Сухроб отписался от меня в соцсетях.
В приведенном сне присутствуют множество символов и образов, которые могут быть подвержены различной интерпретации. Во-первых, сон начинается с того, что главный субъект, вероятно, женщина, шла по дороге домой. Это может указывать на ее стремление или желание вернуться к своему домашнему окружению, к своей семье или к чему-то знакомому и комфортному. Также, это может означать ее внутреннюю путешествие к себе, к своим чувствам и мыслям.
Встреча с Сухробом на большой новой машине серого цвета может иметь несколько толкований. С одной стороны, это может указывать на его успешность и процветание, что может быть привлекательным для главного субъекта. С другой стороны, серый цвет машины может указывать на нейтральность и отсутствие эмоций, что может отражать отношения между Сухробом и субъектом.
Село в машину и разговор с Сухробом могут указывать на то, что субъект чувствует себя комфортно и находит общий язык с ним. Это может указывать на хорошие отношения между ними или на желание субъекта иметь такие отношения.
Не доезд до дома и выход из машины могут означать, что субъекту не нужна помощь или поддержка Сухр
Мы с Дашей на пляже, с нами рядом Сулиман и очень много таджиков. Весь пляж в таджиках. Сулиман уснул. Так как мы были с Сулиманом, они к нам не подходили. Мы с сестрой пошли подальше от них. Мы стояли на возвышении. Я увидела красивый вид. Река большая извилистая, вода сверкает на солнце, корабли. Я очень хотела сфотографироваться, представляла как я буду выглядеть на фотографии, но мы так и не смогли сфоткаться. К Даше подошел какой-то очень высокий мужчина в белом костюме и белой шляпе и из-за костюма достал коричневую сумку и отдал Даше, сказав, что нашел ее. Я посмотрела на сумку и сказала, что вроде это не Дашина сумка, на что Даша сказала, что ее, и отдала мне монету.
Сон о пляже и таджиках может быть интерпретирован как символическое представление о естественном притоке энергии и жизненной силы в вашу жизнь. Таджики, которые окружают вас на пляже, могут символизировать внешние факторы или людей, которые помогают вам или влияют на вас в реальной жизни. Сулиман, который уснул, может представлять ваше подсознание или часть вас, которая отключается от окружающего мира и ищет внутреннее спокойствие.
Вы и ваша сестра отдаляетесь от таджиков, что может означать ваше желание уйти от внешних влияний и насладиться уединением. Возвышение, на котором вы стоите, может быть символом вашего стремления к лучшей и более высокой версии себя.
Красивый вид с рекой и кораблями может представлять ваше внутреннее ощущение гармонии и сбалансированности. Вода, сверкающая на солнце, может символизировать чистоту и прозрачность ваших чувств и эмоций.
Ваше желание сфотографироваться и представление о том, как вы будете выглядеть на фотографии, может отражать ваше желание сохранить память о этом моменте и выразить свою индивидуальность. Однако, несмотря на это, вы не смогли сфотографироваться, что может означать, что
had a dream with Thomas . I was walking down the hall and I heard him in one apartment talking to a woman.. I stopped and listen and i wanted to be that woman.
In this dream, Thomas represents a significant figure or influence in the dreamer's life. The dreamer is walking down a hallway, which symbolizes a journey or path they are currently on. The fact that Thomas is in an apartment suggests that he holds a special place in the dreamer's life, as apartments are often associated with intimate and personal spaces.
The dreamer hears Thomas talking to a woman, which could symbolize an important conversation or exchange taking place between them. The dreamer stops and listens, indicating a desire to understand and be a part of this interaction. This could represent the dreamer's longing to be involved in Thomas' life or to have a deeper connection with him.
The dreamer's desire to be the woman in the conversation could symbolize a desire to be perceived as desirable or attractive by Thomas. It could also represent a desire to have a closer, more intimate relationship with him.
Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer's feelings and desires towards Thomas. It could also suggest a longing for a deeper connection and a desire to be a significant part of his life. It may be important for the dreamer to explore these feelings and consider how they can be fulfilled in their waking life.
I was in a hospital where I used to work. I was looking for a bathroom but everytime I found one it turned out to be in the middle of a room full of people so I could not use it. I had to go to work at my old job, from years ago before I was a nurse. I worked in the kitchen and I had to go back and work a shift there, but everything was different. I wore the wrong uniform to work. Everyone was very busy but I could not keep up. My shoes kept falling off and I could not figure out how to get them back on. It was stressful because everything kept piling up and I was so far behind. Everyone was upset with me. I kept getting lost
The hospital represents the dreamer's past, particularly their past job and the duties and responsibilities associated with it. The dreamer is searching for a way to relieve themselves, but is constantly met with obstacles and distractions. This could represent a desire for a break or a need for self-care, but the dreamer is unable to find a way to fulfill this need.
The bathroom symbolizes a private and personal space, where one can let go and be themselves. However, the fact that it keeps turning out to be in the middle of a room full of people suggests that the dreamer's personal space and boundaries are being invaded or compromised in some way. This could represent a feeling of vulnerability or a lack of control in their personal life.
The dreamer's old job and the fact that they have to go back and work a shift there suggests a reluctance to move on from the past and a feeling of being stuck in a previous stage of their life. This could also symbolize a fear of change and a desire to hold on to familiar and comfortable situations.
The wrong uniform and the shoes falling off represent a feeling of inadequacy or being out of place in the current situation. This could indicate a lack of confidence or a fear of not meeting expectations. The dreamer's struggle to keep up with the busy work and the stress of falling behind could represent a fear of failure or not meeting the demands and expectations of others.
The fact that everyone is upset with the dreamer could symbolize a fear of disappointing others or feeling like a burden. This could also represent a fear of not being accepted or liked by others in their current situation.
The dreamer getting lost could represent a feeling of confusion or being unsure of their direction in life. This could also suggest a need for guidance and support in navigating through challenging situations.
Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer's feelings of being overwhelmed and unable to cope with the demands and expectations of their current life. It could also indicate a desire for change and a need to take care of their personal needs and boundaries. The dreamer may benefit from taking time for self-care and finding ways to manage their stress and responsibilities in a healthier and more balanced manner.
I was at my grandmas house, she has been dead for a few years, but in the dream she was there. My mom and husband were there with a bunch of people I don’t know. My mom and I were cleaning, but before I could finish one room she had cleaned the rest of the house. I felt bad, but also marveled at how well she got the house in order. Someone left a window open and mama birds had brought their babies inside on a bed, like they thought it was a nest. We were trying to gather all the baby birds up. They were adorable but I was horrified becuase i did not want to hurt them and i was afraid if i moved them the mother would not find them and they would die. We just kept finding more, there were hundreds,I had to be careful not to step on them because they were everywhere. My mom took over and began to build a cage so she could take care of all them. I saw her building the cage, I thought my mom can do anything. Then I found I was able to float, and I was floating around the house but at first I could not control my direction. When I figured out how to control it, I was having fun zooming around the house but I kept going back to my smiling husband. Lots of weird guys that I don’t know were in the house and my mom was politely going to all of them to make sure they were ok, if they needed anything. One guy had wild hair that was a different color and style everytime I looked at him.
The dream takes place at your grandma's house, a place of familiarity and comfort. The presence of your deceased grandma symbolizes your connection to your past, your roots and your family. It could also represent your desire for guidance and support from your elders. Your mom and husband, who are present in the dream, symbolize your current support system and the people who play important roles in your life.
The fact that your mom and you are cleaning in the dream may suggest that you are trying to clean up or organize some aspect of your life. However, you feel overwhelmed and unable to keep up with the pace at which your mom is cleaning. This could represent your feelings of inadequacy or inability to keep up with the expectations and standards set by others. It could also indicate a fear of being judged or compared to others.
The open window in the dream represents a vulnerability or an open invitation for external influences to enter your life. The mama birds bringing their babies inside symbolizes nurturing and protection. This could indicate your desire for motherly love and support. The bed, which is supposed to be a place of rest and comfort, has been taken over by the birds, suggesting that your personal space and boundaries may have been invaded by outside forces.
The baby birds represent new beginnings or ideas that have entered your life. However, you feel overwhelmed and afraid of causing harm to them. This could symbolize your fear of taking risks or trying new things. The hundreds of baby birds could also represent a feeling of being overwhelmed by too many responsibilities or opportunities in your life.
Your mom building a cage for the birds symbolizes her taking control and responsibility for these new beginnings in your life. This could represent your reliance on your mother for guidance and support. It could also suggest a need for structure and order in your life.
The ability to float in the dream represents a sense of freedom and liberation. It could symbolize your desire to escape from your current responsibilities and obligations. However, the initial lack of control over your direction while floating could suggest that you feel directionless or unsure about where you are headed in life.
The weird guys in the house could represent unfamiliar or untrustworthy elements in your life. Your mom going to each of them to make sure they are okay may symbolize your need for validation and approval from others. The guy with wild and ever-changing hair could represent a sense of unpredictability or instability in your life.
Overall, the dream may suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed and

I was with my husband and grandma (who is deceased) working in a nursing home for old people but also running a daycare for children. Most everyone was Hispanic. All of a sudden everyone became tense and afraid. I was annoyed because I could not figure out why. Everyone was hiding. No one would tell me what was going on. Then someone had a 3-d printer and they were making a small spaceship to get off of earth, but it only carried a few people. I began to get nervous, realizing something serious was happening. My cousin, whom I never see and have nothing to do with, showed up with his own 3-d printer, acting sketchy. He tried to act like it was no big deal, but I knew he had insider information and was making a deluxe space ship to escape in, just for him and was going to leave the rest of us to die. There was a huge glass ceiling and I could watch the spaceships take off, knowing that I was in for a dark fate. One of the fathers of the children was trying to save the children. I was touched that he was trying to save all of the children, not just his own. The whole atmosphere felt chaotic and I still felt insecure and unsafe, not knowing what exactly was going on
The dream takes place in a nursing home for old people and a daycare for children, with the dreamer's husband and deceased grandmother present. The majority of the people in the dream are Hispanic. This setting represents the dreamer's feelings of responsibility and caretaking in their waking life. The presence of the deceased grandmother could symbolize the dreamer's longing for guidance and support from their past.
Suddenly, tension and fear arise among everyone in the dream. The dreamer is annoyed because they cannot understand the cause of this tension. This could represent the dreamer's frustration with not being able to control or understand their emotions and situations in their waking life.
The appearance of a 3-d printer, which is used to create a small spaceship to escape Earth, symbolizes the dreamer's desire for a way out of their current situation. This could represent a desire for change or escape from responsibilities and challenges in their waking life.
The dreamer's cousin, who is not close to them in waking life, shows up with their own 3-d printer. This could represent the dreamer's feelings of competition or inadequacy compared to someone they perceive as having insider information or an advantage.
The cousin's behavior is described as 'sketchy' and he is seen as trying to leave the dreamer and others behind in favor of his own escape plan. This could represent the dreamer's fear of being left behind or abandoned in their waking life.
The glass ceiling in the dream could symbolize a barrier or limitation that the dreamer feels they cannot break through. The fact that the dreamer is watching the spaceships take off and realizing they are in for a 'dark fate' could represent their feelings of being stuck and unable to change their circumstances.
The father in the dream trying to save all of the children, not just his own, represents selflessness and compassion. This could symbolize the dreamer's inner desire to help and protect others, even in the face of chaos and fear.
Overall, the dream reflects the dreamer's feelings of insecurity, fear, and frustration in their waking life. There may be a desire for change and escape, but also a fear of being left behind or not being able to control their circumstances. The dream also highlights the dreamer's caring and selfless nature.
Estaba con Rodrigo uno de mis mejores amigos, en un pueblito, raro. Íbamos camino a un evento, fiesta, pero cada quién llegó por su lado. No era algo que había sido planeado. Había mucha gente que no conocíamos. Había un lago con peces grandes, como el tamaño de los salmones y Rodrigo se metía al agua, pero parecía que flotaba en el agua y me decía que se había apoyado en una piedra que estaba en la pared. Total, fuimos caminando hacia el lugar, pero en un momento me dijo que me alejara porque me iba a hacer daño, que algo se iba a apoderar de él, pero no lo podías controlar. Este ser se llamaba Adrian. Se apoderaba de él y yo tuve que escapar, a veces me escondía subiendo unos muros muy altos, sólo me buscaba por las calles, yo estaba sobre una reja y cuando ya no lo vi, me bajé a escapar de él, unos chicos lo agarraron para que pudiera tomar un taxi e irme. mi hermana me ayudó a tomar el taxi. En el sueño se supone que Adrian me quería matar y me decía que todo el tiempo me stalkeaba y estaba obsesionado, y yo sabía que no eras Rodrigo, sino el otro ser, pero tenía que escapar
En este sueño, estás con tu amigo Rodrigo en un pueblito extraño, lo que puede representar una sensación de estar en un lugar desconocido o fuera de tu zona de confort. Están camino a un evento, lo que podría simbolizar una nueva experiencia o cambio en tu vida. Sin embargo, llegaron por separado y no fue algo planeado, lo que sugiere un sentimiento de falta de control sobre la situación.
Hay mucha gente desconocida en el lugar, lo que podría representar una sensación de inseguridad o desconexión con los demás. El lago con peces grandes puede representar emociones profundas o desconocidas que están presentes en tu subconsciente. El hecho de que Rodrigo se meta al agua y flote, puede simbolizar su habilidad para adaptarse a nuevas situaciones o emociones. Sin embargo, él menciona que se apoyó en una piedra en la pared, lo que podría indicar que él también puede tener alguna inseguridad o necesidad de apoyarse en algo para sentirse seguro.
Mientras caminan hacia el lugar, Rodrigo te advierte que algo se apoderará de él y que te alejes. Esto puede representar una situación o emoción que está fuera de control y que puede afectar tu amistad con él. El ser que se apodera de él se llama Adrian, lo que puede ser un reflejo de una persona o situación en tu vida que te hace sentir amenazado o vulnerable.
Tienes que escapar y te escondes en muros altos, lo que puede representar una sensación de protección o aislamiento. Adrian te busca por las calles, lo que podría simbolizar una sensación de ser perseguido o acosado en tu vida real. Estar sobre una reja podría representar una sensación de estar atrapado o limitado en tus acciones.
Finalmente, tu hermana te ayuda a tomar un taxi y escapar de Adrian. En este caso, tu hermana puede simbolizar tu voluntad de proteger a tu ser querido y buscar una solución a tus problemas. El taxi puede representar un medio para escapar de una situación o emoción que te está afectando.
En general, este sueño puede reflejar tus preocupaciones sobre
In a dream, it was a festival and I went out for a small outing with my parents, had fun, I left my bra in the room because of which I was looking for a new top for more coverage, had brownie ice cream, we came back and my sister was making rangoli since morning and I wanted to make too, I got disappointed and I cried because I wanted to make it too and she got done w her rangoli by night when the festival ended, then my ex contacted mom, they talked, and my ex had made a map on a paper on how to reach me and see me, and then I refused to meet him and see him, unaware of that and being non chalant he pretended as if he only wanted to meet my family, then he went back to the exit door, mom encouraged me to meet him, I still refused and said that I do not get wanna see him then in a realising while I ran to the gate to see him and couldn't, I searched for the car he must be sitting in, and then I cried a lot, thought that was the only chance for me to meet him, then I met an old friend and she saw me crying and she consoled me
The dream symbolizes various aspects of your relationships and emotions. The festival represents a joyful and celebratory time, which could symbolize your desire for happiness and connection with others. Going out with your parents and having fun suggests a close and loving relationship with them.
Leaving your bra in the room and searching for a new top for more coverage may represent a feeling of vulnerability or insecurity, particularly in terms of your physical appearance. The brownie ice cream could symbolize indulgence and pleasure in life.
Your sister making rangoli since morning could represent her dedication and creativity, which may be something you admire or envy. Your disappointment and crying could reflect feelings of jealousy or frustration over not being able to participate in something that your sister is doing.
The appearance of your ex in the dream may represent unresolved feelings or longing for the past relationship. The fact that he contacts your mother and creates a map to see you suggests a desire for reconnection and a longing for closure.
Your initial refusal to meet him could symbolize your resistance to revisiting the past and facing your emotions. However, your eventual realization and attempt to meet him may indicate a desire for closure and resolution.
The encounter with an old friend symbolizes support and comfort during a difficult time. This could suggest that you have a strong support system in your waking life, or that you may need to reach out to friends for emotional support.
Overall, the dream may be reflecting your desire for happiness and connection, as well as your struggles with vulnerability, jealousy, and unresolved emotions. It could also be a reminder to reach out to loved ones for support and to confront and work through difficult emotions.
I dreamt that I overslept and missed a couple’s massage that I actually have scheduled. I ran to spa without my partner to beg for a period of grace. They reluctantly agreed, but I couldn’t get ahold of my partner. I tried calling and texting his cell phone. I called the hotel room, but no answer. So I ran back to our hotel and got caught in a torrencial storm. I fought through high winds, mudslides, etc to get to him. When I got there, it was our home, not the hotel, but it had been taken over by a bunch of women in similar age 30ish and appearance. It was as if they were using the space to work on some kind of campaign that was hostile. The had several small dogs, including my own chained together in pairs. When I came in upset trying to figure out what was going on and unchain the pets from each other, my boyfriend came out, pulled me aside and told me to not make waves, I said that they were destroying our home and I had no space to myself. He encouraged me to go into a secret doorway. I though he was coming with me, but he closed the door behind me. I was trapped at first in a small space, but found the opening to outside. It was a slide that lead to the muddy storm I escaped, then I changed from myself, a woman , to an unknown man who was being hunted down by an unknown mob. I was trying to escape through dark muddy waters and underground swampy passageways when I woke
The dream may symbolize your current relationship and how you feel about it. Oversleeping and missing the couple's massage that you had scheduled may represent a fear of missing out on important moments or experiences in your relationship. It could also suggest a feeling of being disconnected or out of sync with your partner.
The spa in the dream could represent a place of relaxation, rejuvenation, and intimacy in your relationship. Your partner not being there with you could symbolize a lack of emotional connection or support. The fact that you had to beg for a period of grace from the spa may indicate a sense of desperation or urgency to fix or salvage the relationship.
The storm that you encountered on your way back to the hotel could represent emotional turmoil or chaos in your relationship. The high winds and mudslides may symbolize feelings of being overwhelmed or out of control. This could also suggest that there may be external factors or influences causing conflict in your relationship.
The hotel room that you called and found no answer could symbolize a lack of communication or difficulty in reaching your partner. This could suggest that there may be underlying issues or misunderstandings that need to be addressed.
The fact that your home has been taken over by a group of women could symbolize feelings of competition or jealousy in your relationship. The women in the dream who are working on a hostile campaign may represent feelings of insecurity or a sense of being threatened in your relationship.
The small dogs chained together in pairs could represent a feeling of being constrained or restricted in your relationship. This could suggest that you may feel trapped or unable to express yourself freely.
When you try to unchain the pets and your boyfriend tells you not to make waves, it could symbolize a fear of causing conflict or tension in the relationship. Your boyfriend's actions may also represent a lack of understanding or support for your feelings.
The secret doorway that your boyfriend encourages you to go through may represent a desire to escape from the current situation or to find a solution to the problems in your relationship. However, your boyfriend closing the door behind you could symbolize a lack of support or abandonment in your efforts to address the issues.
The fact that you changed from a woman to an unknown man who is being hunted down may represent a fear of losing your identity or sense of self in the relationship. The dark muddy waters and underground swampy passageways that you have to navigate through could symbolize the difficulties and challenges you may face in trying to work through the issues in your relationship.
я показывала давнему другу на телефоне красивые фото и видео с моей семьёй, мужем, и мы там были необычно красивыми, выглядели по другому. Ваш друг в этой комнате представляет ваше прошлое или какой-то уголок вашей памяти, который был покинут или забыт. Это может быть что-то, связанное с вашей молодостью или детством. Комнатка же символизирует ваше текущее состояние или окружение, которое может быть неудобным или нищенским - это может означать, что вы чувствуете неудовлетворенность или неустроенность в своей жизни. Возможно, вам не хватает удовлетворения и комфорта в какой-то сфере вашей жизни. Приход и уход девушек в эту комнатку может отражать различные взаимоотношения или события, которые происходят в вашей жизни. Возможно, эти девушки символизируют ваши отношения с окружающими людьми или какие-то важные события, которые влияют на вас. Ниша с большими
красивыми фото и видео может указывать на ваше желание сохранить в памяти приятные моменты с семьёй и мужем. Вы можете чувствовать сильную связь с этими важными людьми в своей жизни и хотеть сохранить эти моменты навсегда. В то же время, это может быть и неосознанное желание убежать от текущей реальности и наслаждаться иллюзией счастливой и красивой жизни. Возможно, вы чувствуете, что ваша жизнь не такая, как вы бы хотели, и стараетесь создать иллюзию счастья и гармонии в своем мире.
Ваше красивое и необычное внешнее является отражением вашей внутренней красоты и уникальности. Вы можете чувствовать, что в реальной жизни не можете полностью выразить себя и свою индивидуальность, поэтому вам приходится создавать иллюзию иной реальности, где вы можете быть тем, кем хотите.
Общение с другом может указывать на ваше желание поделиться своими мыслями и чувствами с кем-то близким и получить поддержку и понимание. Возможно, вам нужно выговориться и обсудить свои проблемы с кем-то, чтобы найти решения и обрести покой.
В целом, ваш сон может указывать на ваше стремление к счастью, гармонии и пониманию в своей жизни.
Приснился давний друг в какой то захудалой, нищенской комнатке, где необустроенный быт, в эту комнатку приходят и живут с ним как будто его девушки, человек 5,приходят,уходят и возвращаются. В нише этой комнаты большие полки, на которой он обычно спит. Я пришла к нему и мы общались, а некоторые из девушек смотрели на меня с ревностью. Потом я показывала ему на телефоне красивые фото и видео с моей семьёй, мужем, и мы там были необычно красивыми, выглядели по другому.
Ваш друг в этой комнате представляет ваше прошлое или какой-то уголок вашей памяти, который был покинут или забыт. Это может быть что-то, связанное с вашей молодостью или детством. Комнатка же символизирует ваше текущее состояние или окружение, которое может быть неудобным или нищенским - это может означать, что вы чувствуете неудовлетворенность или неустроенность в своей жизни. Возможно, вам не хватает удовлетворения и комфорта в какой-то сфере вашей жизни.
Приход и уход девушек в эту комнатку может отражать различные взаимоотношения или события, которые происходят в вашей жизни. Возможно, эти девушки символизируют ваши отношения с окружающими людьми или какие-то важные события, которые влияют на вас.
Ниша с большими полками, на которых вы обычно спите, может быть символом вашего убежища или места, где вы ищете утешение или покой. Это может быть что-то, что вам помогает справляться с трудностями в жизни.
Когда вы пришли к своему другу, это может отражать ваше стремление к общению или желание найти поддержку и понимание у близкого вам человека. Возможно, вы сейчас чувствуете себя одиноко или нуждающимся в поддержке.
I was with my aunt and cousins who I used to see when I was a kid but haven’t seen in years. My sister was there and she was being very distant. People around were whispering about upsetting things that were going on but no one would tell me. My aunt was driving me home and we had to drive through a house that had lions in it. A man was there who assured it was safe but the lions were being fairly aggressive. We were walking through the house and the man and my aunt were gone. The lions chased my cousins and me into a bathroom where we hid. I was frustrated, trying to call my deceased husband but I could not reach him. I ended up back at my childhood home with my mom. The house was very cluttered. The more I cleaned it the worse it got. The whole dream had a feel of hopelessness
The symbolism in this dream reflects feelings of loss, confusion, and frustration. The presence of the aunt and cousins from childhood suggest a desire to reconnect with a simpler time in the past. However, the fact that they have not been seen in years indicates a sense of distance or disconnection from these nostalgic memories. This may represent a longing for a sense of familiarity and comfort that has been lost in the present.
The distant behavior of the sister and the upsetting things being whispered about by others point to feelings of isolation and being left out. The dreamer may feel like they are not being included or informed about important matters, leading to a sense of frustration and confusion.
The lions in the house represent feelings of danger and aggression. The dreamer may feel overwhelmed by their current circumstances and unsure of how to navigate through them. The presence of the man who assures safety could symbolize a desire for guidance and reassurance in the face of these challenges.
The fact that the aunt and the man disappear and leave the dreamer and their cousins to face the lions on their own could reflect a sense of abandonment or lack of support from those who are supposed to protect and guide them. This could also indicate a fear of being left alone to face difficult situations.
The frustration in trying to call the deceased husband and not being able to reach him could represent a longing for the comfort and guidance that he provided in the past. This could also symbolize a need for closure or unresolved emotions related to his passing.
The dreamer's childhood home being cluttered and the act of cleaning it representing the situation getting worse may suggest a feeling of being overwhelmed and unable to control their current circumstances. The clutter may symbolize unresolved emotions or challenges that have accumulated over time, leading to a sense of hopelessness.
Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer's deep longing for a sense of familiarity, support, and guidance in the face of current challenges. It may also highlight feelings of isolation, frustration, and a lack of control in their life. It is important for the dreamer to explore these feelings and find healthy ways to cope with them.
I had a dream that my old swim coach had me and some of my old classmates free dive blindfolded in the ocean. The only support he gave us was a rope. We asked for the purpose of the activity and if we were supposed to find something down there. He said we didn’t have to find anything that we didn’t already have
This dream symbolizes a sense of being lost and directionless in your waking life. The presence of your old swim coach and classmates suggests that this feeling may be connected to your past experiences or relationships. The act of free diving blindfolded in the ocean represents a lack of clarity and understanding, perhaps in a specific situation or in general. The rope symbolizes a sense of security and guidance, but the fact that it is the only support given by your coach suggests that you may feel like you are lacking support or guidance in your current life.
The purpose of the activity and the question of whether something needed to be found in the ocean suggests that you may be searching for something in your life, whether it be a goal, a purpose, or something else. Your coach's response that you didn't need to find anything that you didn't already have indicates that the answer or solution may already be within you. This could also suggest that you may be overlooking or undervaluing your own abilities and resources.
Overall, this dream may be highlighting your feelings of being lost and unsure in your life, and the need for guidance and support. It may also be encouraging you to look within yourself for the answers and to trust in your own abilities. Consider reflecting on any current challenges or goals in your waking life and how this dream may be offering insight or guidance for navigating them.
Me pidierl que arregle una bombillo en cierta habitacion, el bombillo esta en el piso me tarde un poco pero lo pude arreglar luego me pidierok que fuese a una habitación llamada la carnicería para que espantar a in demonio qué había allí, no tenía muchas ganas pero igual fui con un palo santo para ver que podía hacer, la habitación era roja y negro en el piso pulido habían las formas de unos cesos, el demonio tenía forma de chico, su mirada era muy profunda y oscura, me fui acercando mientras intentaba encender el palo santo y le pregunté su mombre y que hacía allí, luego su energía fue muy pesada para mi y tube qué salir de la habitación
La habitación en esta sueño simboliza un lugar en tu vida que necesita ser iluminado y arreglado. El hecho de que te pidan arreglar un bombillo en el piso indica que este lugar puede ser difícil de alcanzar o enfrentar, pero con paciencia y perseverancia, puedes lograrlo. Esto puede representar un aspecto de tu vida que has estado evitando o posponiendo, pero que finalmente estás dispuesto a abordar.
Luego te piden que vayas a una habitación llamada 'la carnicería' para ahuyentar a un demonio que se encuentra allí. Esta habitación de color rojo y negro con formas de cerebros en el piso simboliza un lugar oscuro y peligroso en tu mente. El demonio representa tus miedos y negatividad que están presentes en esta parte de tu vida. Tu decisión de llevar un palo santo, un símbolo de purificación y protección, muestra tu deseo de enfrentar estos miedos y superarlos.
Al acercarte al demonio, le preguntas su nombre y qué hace allí. Esto muestra tu curiosidad y deseo de entender mejor tus miedos y negatividad. Sin embargo, la energía del demonio se vuelve demasiado pesada para ti y tienes que salir de la habitación. Esto puede representar que, aunque estás dispuesto a enfrentar estos problemas en tu vida, todavía no estás listo para lidiar con ellos por completo. Es importante seguir trabajando en ti mismo y en tus emociones para poder enfrentar y superar estos miedos en el futuro.
Estoy en un hultimo piso soy parte de una familia famosa y adinerada tengo un amigo que es un lorito, yo puedo volar asi qué salgo a la calle y unos tipoa vestidos de negro me treanformar en gato y a la loro en grillo, no comienzan a perseguir por varias calles , yo aun puedo volar y escapamos de ellos cuando llegamos al jardín del un castillo allí no nos pueden hacer nada. Vuelvo a ser humana y en este jardín hay un pequeña fiesta, aquí me encuentro una chicha, un chico, me pongo a hablar Con mi ex y hablamos genial pero no nos tocamos, luego aparece mi mejor amigo y me abraza
En esta interpretación, el hultimo piso representa un estado elevado de conciencia y pertenencia a una familia famosa y adinerada simboliza una sensación de poder y éxito. El amigo lorito representa una parte juguetona y alegre de la personalidad, mientras que la capacidad de volar simboliza la libertad y el deseo de escapar de la realidad.
El hecho de que los tipos vestidos de negro transformen a la persona en un gato y al lorito en un grillo sugiere una sensación de estar siendo manipulada o controlada por fuerzas externas. La persecución por varias calles puede representar los obstáculos y desafíos que se presentan en la vida, pero la capacidad de volar y escapar de ellos indica un fuerte sentido de determinación y capacidad para superarlos.
Llegar al jardín del castillo, un lugar seguro y protegido, simboliza la búsqueda de un refugio o lugar de paz en medio de la adversidad. Al volver a ser humana en este lugar, la persona puede estar buscando su verdadera identidad y autenticidad en un entorno seguro. La pequeña fiesta en el jardín representa una celebración de la vida y la felicidad.
El encuentro con la chicha y el chico puede representar la búsqueda de una conexión emocional y amorosa en la vida de la persona. La conversación amistosa con el ex puede indicar una reconciliación o la necesidad de cerrar un capítulo del pasado. El abrazo del mejor amigo representa un apoyo y una sensación de seguridad en la amistad.
En general, esta sueño puede estar reflejando el deseo de escapar de la realidad y encontrar un refugio seguro en medio de los desafíos de la vida. También puede representar la búsqueda de amor y conexión emocional en medio de relaciones pasadas y presentes.
En el sueño, iba a Cuba a visitar al chico que me gusta, antes de entrar a una tienda de venta de patines, veía en la calle patinar a chicos muy profesionales y muy guapos, estaba muy lluvioso, entraba a una tienda de artículos de patines y al salir, la calle estaba inundada de agua cristalina. Luego ya iba hacia casa del chico con quien salgo, pero casi no lo veía, nos comunicabamos más por mensajes de texto, al entrar y conocer su casa, sentía alegría, era una casa pequeña, con plátanos colgados en un lazo, las paredes eran azules, y me nacían muchas ganas de ayudarlo a salir adelante.
En este sueño, tu subconsciente te lleva a un lugar exótico y emocionante: Cuba. Esta isla es conocida por su cultura vibrante y su gente apasionada, lo que sugiere que estás buscando algo nuevo y emocionante en tu vida. Al visitar a este chico que te gusta, es posible que estés explorando tus emociones y deseos más profundos.
Antes de llegar a tu destino, pasas por una tienda de patines. Los patines representan movilidad y libertad, lo que sugiere que estás buscando formas de expresarte y explorar tus pasiones. Al ver a chicos profesionales y atractivos patinando, puedes sentirte atraído por su confianza y habilidad. La lluvia representa emociones fuertes y turbulencias, lo que sugiere que podrías estar experimentando una montaña rusa emocional en tu vida amorosa.
Al entrar en la tienda de patines, encuentras una calle inundada de agua cristalina. El agua cristalina es un símbolo de claridad y pureza, lo que sugiere que estás buscando claridad en tus emociones y relaciones. Puede que sientas que tu camino hacia el amor y la felicidad está claro y sin obstáculos.
Luego, te diriges a la casa del chico con el que sales, pero no lo ves mucho y se comunican principalmente a través de mensajes de texto. Esto puede reflejar tus sentimientos de desconexión y falta de comunicación en tu relación con él en la vida real. Puede que te sientas más cómodo expresando tus emociones a través de mensajes de texto en lugar de cara a cara.
Al entrar a su casa, sientes alegría y ves una casa pequeña con plátanos colgando en un lazo y paredes azules. Los plátanos simbolizan abundancia y prosperidad, lo que sugiere que te sientes feliz y satisfecho en su presencia. Las paredes azules representan tranquilidad y calma, lo que sugiere que te sientes cómodo y en paz en su hogar.
Finalmente, sientes un deseo de ayudarlo a salir adelante. Esto puede ref

Меня бросил парень из-за того что узнал что от него родила какая то девушка , он ушел к ней, ребенок был очень похож на него
Ваш сон имеет очень сильное эмоциональное значение, в котором вы чувствуете себя преданным и оскорбленным. Ваш парень, который представляет ваше эмоциональное и романтическое пространство, бросил вас из-за того, что узнал о рождении ребенка от другой женщины. Это символизирует ваше чувство утраты и изменения, которое вы переживаете в своей личной жизни. Ваш парень, который уходит к другой женщине, представляет потерю ваших эмоциональных и романтических связей с ним. Ребенок, который похож на него, может представлять ваше желание сохранить эту связь и стать матерью его детей. Это может отражать ваше желание создать семью с этим человеком. Ваш сон может также указывать на чувство недостаточности и сомнения в своих отношениях. Вы можете чувствовать, что не можете удовлетворить его и находитесь в конкуренции с другой женщиной. Это может быть призывом к тому, чтобы принять свои эмоции и понять свои истинные желания и потребности в отношениях. В целом, ваш сон может символизировать процесс принятия и перехода от одной эмоциональной ситуации к другой.
I got a dream.. Like we are in some island.. Suddenly some plane or ship crashes near by me.. I helped the captain asked if all are oki.. Then saving everyone.. Aftr that my side pirates are looting the things from plane. I also took so many things and pilot helped me to take all.. Before police comes we left..
This dream appears to be a representation of your inner conflicts and struggles. The island symbolizes a sense of isolation and detachment from society, possibly indicating a desire for solitude and escape from the chaos of everyday life. The plane or ship crashing near you may represent unexpected and disruptive events or challenges that have recently occurred in your waking life. This could be a personal crisis or a major change that has left you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to handle it.
Your role as a helper and savior in the dream reflects your desire to be a responsible and caring individual. You may feel a sense of duty to help and support those around you, even in difficult situations. However, the presence of pirates and looting in the dream suggests that there may be a part of you that is tempted to take advantage of others or indulge in selfish behavior. This could be a subconscious reflection of your inner conflicts between being a responsible and selfless person, and wanting to fulfill your own desires and needs.
The pilot in the dream may represent a guiding or influential figure in your life, who is helping you navigate through these conflicting emotions and desires. They may be providing you with guidance and support, but also enabling you to indulge in your impulses and desires.
The dream ends with you and the pilot leaving before the police arrive, indicating a fear of consequences or getting caught for your actions. This could suggest a fear of being judged or punished for your choices and behaviors in your waking life.
Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your inner struggles with maintaining a balance between your responsibilities and desires. It is important to acknowledge and address these conflicting feelings in order to find inner harmony and peace.
Qué significa este sueño: 'Soñé algo raro. Resulta que ayer Luis F se enojó porque no le averigüé una cosa del parqueadero. Entonces no me quería hablar. Y en el sueño, yo toda digna dije, pues me largo, porque me soñaba en la situación de que no me hablaba. Y que yo recogía dos anillos, el que se me perdió en diciembre, que no sé de dónde apareció, pero sin algunas piedras, y el que tengo actualmente también se le habían caído. Y yo, ay pues si los ve, no me importa. Y salí y me fui pero ahí sonó la alarma de él. 🥴'
Este sueño puede reflejar sentimientos de frustración y falta de comunicación en la relación con Luis F. El sueño comienza con la persona recordando una situación reciente donde Luis F se enojó con ella por no poder ayudarlo con algo relacionado con el parqueadero. Esto puede simbolizar una situación en la vida real donde la persona puede haberse sentido inútil o incapaz de satisfacer las expectativas de Luis F.
La expresión 'no me quería hablar' puede representar una sensación de rechazo o incomodidad en la relación. El hecho de que en el sueño la persona decida irse de la situación indica un deseo de evitar conflictos y confrontaciones.
La aparición de los dos anillos en el sueño puede representar la dualidad en la relación con Luis F. El primer anillo perdido en diciembre, pero encontrado en el sueño, puede simbolizar la pérdida de algo valioso en la relación, como la confianza o la comunicación. El hecho de que falten algunas piedras en el anillo también puede indicar que hay aspectos importantes que faltan en la relación.
El segundo anillo, que la persona tiene actualmente, pero que también ha perdido algunas piedras, puede representar la relación actual con Luis F, que no está en su mejor momento y ha perdido ciertos aspectos importantes. La actitud de la persona de no preocuparse por los anillos y seguir adelante puede indicar un deseo de dejar atrás la relación y seguir adelante.
Sin embargo, el sonido de la alarma de Luis F en el sueño puede simbolizar una sensación de culpa o la necesidad de enfrentar los problemas en la relación. Esto puede indicar que, a pesar de querer dejar la relación, la persona todavía se siente responsable por los problemas y no puede escapar completamente de ellos. En general, este sueño puede reflejar la necesidad de resolver problemas y conflictos en la relación con Luis F para poder avanzar y encontrar paz en la situación.
Dreamt about saving people from a place where theyre not supposed to be. These people are beings that cannot breathe the airspace they're stuck in, almost like it's smoke to them, so they're all covering their mouths with handkerchiefs, as we all walk towards the portal and help them cross through where they're all reunited with their loved ones. Except for 2 children who have yet to be claimed. I vow to look after them until someone does. I feel so bad for them, and protective of them. And then, i dream of having a conversation with my aunt whom i dont speak to very often about her life. We converse about her part time job, about her relationship with her now ex fiancé, how he keeps spending money and taking money out, and at some poiny during the conversation he shows me how he's just deposited a thousand pounds back into their bank account. And then i ask about her cancer diagnosis, and whether she has been given the all clear, and then i tell her about my precancerous diagnosis
The dream may symbolize your deep desire to help and protect others who are in a difficult or dangerous situation. The people you save in the dream represent those who are struggling with a certain aspect of their lives and need guidance and support. The fact that they cannot breathe the airspace they are in could represent a feeling of suffocation or being trapped in a certain situation. The handkerchiefs they use to cover their mouths could symbolize their attempts to hide their struggles or emotions.
The portal in the dream could symbolize a new beginning or a solution to their problems. By helping them cross through it, you are facilitating their journey towards a better and happier place. This could also represent your own desire for a fresh start or a new direction in your life.
The two children who are not yet claimed could represent aspects of yourself that still need attention and nurturing. By vowing to look after them, you are acknowledging your responsibility to take care of yourself and your own needs.
The conversation with your aunt in the dream could symbolize your desire for a closer relationship with her. The fact that you don't speak to her often may represent a disconnect or lack of communication in your waking life. Your aunt's part-time job and ex-fiancé could symbolize different aspects of her life that she is trying to balance. The ex-fiancé's spending and taking money could represent a sense of instability or uncertainty.
The deposit of a thousand pounds back into their bank account could symbolize a sense of stability and security being restored. This could represent a positive change or resolution in your aunt's life.
The conversation about your aunt's cancer diagnosis may symbolize your concern for her well-being and your desire for her to be healthy and happy. Your own precancerous diagnosis could represent your own fears and anxieties about your health and well-being.
Overall, this dream may symbolize your desire to help and protect others, as well as your need for closer connections and support in your own life. It may also reflect your fears and concerns about your own health and well-being.

En mi sueño caminaba por un sendero en medio de un bosque, a lo lejos se veía un árbol grande sobre una colina y en el árbol una casa bonita, me daba curiosidad y me acercaba, me asomaba por la ventana y se veía un matrimonio grande. Después, veía como reporteros televisivos se acercaban a una casa diminuta en el pie de un árbol porque vivía alguien ahí.
El sendero en medio del bosque simboliza tu camino en la vida y la búsqueda de conocimiento y experiencia. El árbol grande sobre la colina representa tus metas y aspiraciones en la vida. La casa bonita en el árbol es un reflejo de tus deseos y sueños, y tu curiosidad por explorarlos.
El matrimonio grande en la casa representa tu deseo de compañía y estabilidad en tus relaciones. Es posible que estés buscando un compromiso más serio o una conexión más profunda con tu pareja actual.
La aparición de los reporteros televisivos simboliza la atención y el escrutinio que recibes de los demás en tu vida diaria. La casa diminuta en el pie del árbol representa tus miedos e inseguridades, y el hecho de que alguien vive allí sugiere que estás lidiando con estos sentimientos de manera activa.
En general, este sueño te muestra que estás en un viaje hacia tus metas y deseos, pero también estás lidiando con tus miedos e inseguridades en el proceso. Te aconseja que sigas avanzando con curiosidad y determinación, y que no permitas que el escrutinio de los demás te detenga en tu camino.

I had a dream where I was long distance with my boyfriend (as we are now irl). He finally came back home, and I was so excited to see him. I asked him to come over, but he said he was doing homework. I begged him to come over, and I said I didn’t care if he was doing homework, that I could just sit quietly while he was doing it, cuddling up to him. All that mattered to me was being next to him again after not seeing him for such a long time. In the end he couldn’t come over, and I was heartbroken. The next day, my ex came up to me. He asked me if I wanted to go to the gym with him. It was a strange request because I hated that ex the most out of any of them. But I accepted his request. I went there and there he was getting a little too friendly with me. I tried to push them away, but all I was saying was I love you and trying to touch me whenever possible. Nonetheless, I remained friendly towards them. The next day, my boyfriend saw us together at school. This was his first time seeing me, and it was with another man. Of course, I didn’t have any feelings for that ex, however, without touchy my ex was, I don’t think my boyfriend believed that. He came over and me and asked me why I was spending time with him if I hated that ex so much. I said that he had changed as a person and so I was giving him a chance. He scoffed and said “do you love him?” I reassured him “no, I love you.
The dream appears to represent the dreamer's emotions and fears about her current long distance relationship with her boyfriend. The distance and inability to physically be together is causing her to feel excited and longing to be reunited with him. This is symbolized by her eagerness to see him and willingness to even be with him while he does homework.
However, her boyfriend's inability to come over in the dream could represent the dreamer's fear of him not being able to prioritize their relationship over other responsibilities, such as school or work. This fear is further emphasized by her ex-boyfriend's appearance in the dream. The ex represents the dreamer's past relationships and any unresolved feelings or issues she may have with them.
The dreamer's acceptance of her ex's request to go to the gym together may represent her willingness to revisit past relationships or situations, even if they were negative. This could symbolize her fear of being alone and her desire to have someone by her side, even if it means being with someone she doesn't truly love or trust.
The dreamer's ex getting too friendly with her may represent the dreamer's fear of being hurt or manipulated in a relationship. This fear is amplified by her ex trying to touch her and her inability to push him away, symbolizing her feeling of being powerless in the situation.
The appearance of the dreamer's current boyfriend, seeing her with her ex, could represent the dreamer's fear of her current relationship being threatened by her past. The dreamer's reassurance to her boyfriend that she loves him and not her ex could symbolize her desire to reassure her partner and maintain their relationship, despite any doubts or insecurities that may arise.
Overall, the dream seems to reflect the dreamer's fear of losing her current relationship due to distance and other external factors. It also highlights her inner conflicts and fears surrounding past relationships and her desire for emotional and physical connection with her partner. The dream may be encouraging the dreamer to address and communicate her fears and concerns with her partner in order to strengthen their relationship.
Dans mon rêve, je me promenais dans une ville remplie de bâtiments en ruine et de rues vides. Soudain, une horde de corbeaux noirs a surgi du ciel et a commencé à voler autour de moi. Je me suis senti pris au piège et effrayé, mais j'ai continué à marcher jusqu'à ce que je me retrouve face à un grand château abandonné. À l'intérieur, j'ai trouvé une pièce sombre et mystérieuse avec un miroir brisé au centre. Je me suis approché du miroir et j'ai vu mon propre reflet, mais il était déformé et effrayant. Je me suis réveillé en sursaut, en sueur et en tremblant.
Dans ce rêve, la ville remplie de bâtiments en ruine symbolise un sentiment de désolation et de chaos dans votre vie. Les rues vides représentent un manque de direction et de but. L'apparition soudaine des corbeaux noirs représente des pensées sombres et négatives qui vous entourent.
Le fait d'être pris au piège et effrayé par les corbeaux peut refléter une situation dans votre vie où vous vous sentez coincé et effrayé par les circonstances. Cela peut également indiquer que vous avez des peurs et des doutes qui vous empêchent d'avancer.
Le grand château abandonné symbolise un aspect de vous-même que vous avez négligé ou laissé tomber. Vous pourriez ressentir un vide intérieur ou un manque d'accomplissement dans un domaine de votre vie.
La pièce sombre et mystérieuse avec le miroir brisé représente votre inconscient et vos émotions refoulées. Le miroir brisé peut indiquer une perte de confiance en vous ou une perception altérée de vous-même.
Le reflet déformé et effrayant dans le miroir peut représenter votre perception négative de vous-même ou de votre situation actuelle. Cela peut également indiquer que vous avez du mal à vous reconnaître ou à vous accepter tel que vous êtes.
Se réveiller
دختر مجردی هطتم که در صف خردید قرار دارم افراد به نوبت دارند اسم خود را می گویند و شخصی که من می شناسم و عاشق او هستم اسم ها را می نویسد نوبت من شد من اسم خود را گفتم و آن شخص اسم من را نوشت
تفسیر رویا:
این رویا نشان دهنده تلاش شما برای پذیرفتن و شناختن هویت خود و درک جایگاهتان در جامعه است. شما دختر مجرد در صف خرید هستید، که ممکن است نشان دهنده این باشد که در زندگی و روابط خود احساس تنهایی و عدم توجه میکنید. صف خرید همچنین میتواند نشان دهنده نیاز شما به توجه و علاقه از سوی دیگران باشد.
افراد به نوبت اسم خود را میگویند و شخصی که شما عاشق او هستید، اسمها را مینویسد. این ممکن است نشان دهنده این باشد که شما در زندگی و رابطه با این فرد، تحت تاثیر قرار دارید و به او وابسته هستید. همچنین، نوشتن اسم شما توسط او، میتواند نشان دهنده این باشد که او نیز به شما اهمیت میدهد و به شما احترام میگذارد.
نوبت شما بود و اسم خود را گفتید و آن شخص آن را نوشت. این نشان دهنده این است که شما در پذیرفتن و شناختن هویت خود و ارتباط با این
Observé esos ojos, dos albercas de sangre en el azogue, con la sensación de que si miraba un segundo más me podría ahogar. Me clavé en lo profundo de esa mirada depredadora, asesina, sin saber que era lo último que vería. Me vi en un laberinto que parecía multiplicarse hasta el infinito, los espejos de cada pasillo hacían esquina con otros, era imposible ver el final. Puse atención en el primer reflejo, luego en el segundo, en el tercero.Cada uno tenía su versión de mí. En algunos, aparecía grotescamente alta y delgada, con una apariencia esquelética, casi enferma; en otros, me veía gorda y pesada, un Rotoplas de diez mil litros, imaginé mis huesos como balones de futbol americano. Sentí frío en mis pies y, al bajar la mirada, descubrí que estaba descalza sobre una superficie también hecha de espejos. Para medir el grosor del piso y ver si podía soportar mi peso, cerré los ojos, reuní valor y me atreví a dar un paso. Sentí la confianza suficiente para seguir caminando, aunque siempre con cautela. Hasta ese momento, los reflejos habían seguido todos mis movimientos a la vez, lo normal, como una sola mirada, pero entonces escuché el primer susurro: me pareció que venía de un solo par de ojos. Decidí no volverme con la esperanza de que hubiera sido producto de mi imaginación; sin embargo, escuché otro susurro, uno más, intuí que cada uno de ellos provenía de una mirada individua
Los ojos en el sueño representan la percepción y la conciencia de uno mismo y de los demás. El hecho de que se vean como dos albercas de sangre en el azogue, sugiere que hay una sensación de peligro e intensidad en la vida del soñador. Esta sensación de peligro se refleja en la mirada depredadora y asesina que se siente al ser observado por estos ojos.
El laberinto que aparece en el sueño simboliza la confusión y la dificultad para encontrar una salida o una solución a un problema en la vida del soñador. Cada pasillo del laberinto que se multiplica infinitamente representa las diferentes opciones y caminos que el soñador puede tomar en su vida. Los espejos en cada pasillo representan la autoimagen y la percepción del soñador de sí mismo, que puede ser distorsionada y cambiante según las diferentes perspectivas.
El hecho de que el soñador preste atención a cada reflejo de sí mismo en los espejos sugiere una preocupación por su apariencia y su identidad. Además, la aparición de diferentes versiones de sí mismo en los espejos refleja las diferentes facetas de su personalidad y cómo se ve a sí mismo en diferentes situaciones. La descripción de su apariencia en estos reflejos también puede indicar una preocupación por su salud y su cuerpo.
El frío que siente en sus pies al darse cuenta de que está descalza y sobre una superficie de espejos, puede representar una sensación de vulnerabilidad y desprotección en la vida del soñador. Al cerrar los ojos y dar un paso, el soñador está tomando un riesgo y enfrentando sus miedos. Esto puede sugerir que en la vida real el soñador está tomando decisiones y enfrentando situaciones difíciles con valentía y precaución.
El susurro que el soñador escucha en el laberinto representa sus miedos y preocupaciones internas que lo persiguen y lo hacen dudar de sí mismo. El hecho de que provengan de diferentes miradas individuales puede indicar que estos mied

I dreamt I was chasing the moon. I was running through a vast desert, chasing a gigantic moon that always seems just out of reach. The sand beneath my feet glows with each step, and the sky is filled with swirling constellations. What does this mean?
The symbolism of your dream is rich and complex. The moon represents our subconscious mind, our emotions, and our hidden desires. It is a powerful symbol that appears in many different cultures and has different meanings.
Chasing the moon in your dream may suggest that you are chasing after something that seems unattainable or out of reach in your waking life. This could be a goal, a relationship, or a desire that you have been pursuing. The vast desert represents the unknown and the journey we must take to reach our goals.
Running through the desert indicates that you are determined and driven to achieve your desires. The glowing sand beneath your feet symbolizes the path you are on and the progress you have made so far. It may also represent the transformations and changes that you are going through in pursuit of your goals.
The gigantic moon that always seems just out of reach may symbolize your subconscious mind and the mysteries that lie within. It may also represent your hidden desires and emotions that you are trying to uncover or understand.
The swirling constellations in the sky suggest that there are many different paths and possibilities available to you. It could also symbolize the ups and downs of life and the constant changes and challenges that we face.
Overall, your dream may be a reflection of your determination and drive to achieve your goals and understand your subconscious mind. It may also be a reminder to embrace the unknown and trust in the journey, even if the end goal seems out of reach.

I was living in a castle and I found out we were about to face a siege. I ordered warriors to protect main points of the castle while trying to evacuate citizens into a safe place outside the castle. I went to my chamber to collect things and I found a black cat hiding in the closet. His black fur was an amazing camuflage and I even told him that he will survive the siege since no one will find him. I spotted warriors in further parts of the castle still waiting for a fight. I realized I must have placed really strong and good warriors at the gates and they were doing a good job stopping the enemy.
The castle in your dream represents your sense of security and protection. It is a symbol of your personal space and boundaries. The siege that you are facing symbolizes a threat or challenge in your waking life that is causing you to feel vulnerable and in need of protection. You are taking charge and being proactive in protecting yourself and those around you.
The warriors you have ordered to protect the main points of the castle represent your inner strength and resilience. They are a symbol of your ability to face and overcome challenges. Your decision to evacuate the citizens to a safe place outside the castle shows your caring and nurturing nature. You are not only concerned about your own safety, but also the safety of others.
Your chamber in the castle symbolizes your innermost thoughts and feelings. It is a place of privacy and introspection. The black cat that you find hiding in the closet represents your hidden and mysterious aspects of yourself. Its black fur symbolizes the unknown and hidden parts of your personality. The fact that you tell the cat it will survive the siege suggests that you are confident in your ability to protect and take care of these hidden parts of yourself.
The warriors in further parts of the castle waiting for a fight represent your readiness and determination to face challenges head on. They are a symbol of your courage and determination to defend yourself and your boundaries. Your realization that you have placed strong and capable warriors at the gates shows your confidence in your own decisions and abilities.
Overall, this dream reflects your inner strength and resilience in the face of challenges. It shows that you are capable of facing any threat or challenge that comes your way and that you have the necessary resources and support to do so. It may also suggest that you have a strong sense of responsibility and a desire to protect those around you.
En el sueño mi pequeño perro pomerania blanco, se convertia en una especie de unicornio-león blanco, grande. Comenzaba a desfilar como si fuera una pasarela de moda en un salón de fiestas grande, no había gente, se veían rayos luz del amanecer, yo estaba fascinada de verlo, admirando su belleza, a lo lejos se veía un jardín con pasto verde limón, perfectamente podado.
En este sueño, tu pomerania blanco representa tu lealtad y compañía constante en tu vida. Sin embargo, al convertirse en un unicornio-león blanco, simboliza tu deseo de transformarte en algo más, algo único y especial. Este deseo puede estar relacionado con tu búsqueda de identidad y tu necesidad de destacar en tu entorno.
El hecho de que tu perro desfile en una pasarela de moda en un salón de fiestas grande, representa tus aspiraciones y deseos de ser reconocido y admirado por los demás. Puede ser que tengas un talento o habilidad que deseas mostrar al mundo, pero tal vez aún no has tenido la oportunidad de hacerlo.
El amanecer y los rayos de luz que se ven en el salón de fiestas, simbolizan una nueva etapa en tu vida, un despertar de tus talentos y habilidades que te llevarán a alcanzar tus metas y sueños.
El jardín con pasto verde limón y perfectamente podado, representa un lugar de tranquilidad y belleza en tu mente. Puede ser que estés en un momento de tu vida en el que sientes paz y armonía contigo mismo y con tu entorno.
En resumen, este sueño refleja tus deseos de transformación, reconocimiento y paz interior. Te invita a explorar tus talentos y habilidades y a tener confianza en ti mismo para alcanzar tus metas y sueños. Es un recordatorio de que eres único y especial, y que tienes el potencial de brillar y destacar en tu vida.

Estaba en la casa de mi mamá, había una reunión con alumnos de hace tiempo. Yo decidía irme a dormir y ellos se preocupaban de que me molestara que ellos siguieran con la fiesta, pero les decía que no había problema. Luego salía a un pasillo, abría una puerta pensando que era el baño y salía al exterior. Era un paisaje del viejo oeste. Unos ladrones trataban de robarme, luego un tipo quería matarme y los ladrones lo atacaban. Yo regresaba a la casa
La casa de la mamá representa la comodidad y seguridad del hogar y la reunión con los alumnos simboliza la nostalgia y el recuerdo del pasado. El hecho de que el soñador decida irse a dormir indica que está buscando escapar de la realidad y refugiarse en su pasado. La preocupación de los alumnos por molestar al soñador sugiere que éste se siente culpable por dejar atrás su pasado y avanzar en su vida.
El pasillo y la puerta que lleva al exterior representan la transición entre el pasado y el presente. Al abrir la puerta y encontrarse en un paisaje del viejo oeste, el soñador está explorando su pasado y tratando de encontrar respuestas y comprensión. Los ladrones que tratan de robar al soñador simbolizan sus miedos, inseguridades y dudas que lo están atacando en su búsqueda del pasado.
El tipo que quiere matar al soñador puede representar sus propios pensamientos y sentimientos negativos que lo están frenando en su proceso de autoexploración. Sin embargo, los ladrones lo atacan en su defensa, lo que sugiere que el soñador está encontrando fuerza y coraje para enfrentar sus miedos y superar los obstáculos que le impiden avanzar.
El regreso a la casa al final del sueño puede ser interpretado como el regreso a la realidad y el cierre de esta exploración del pasado. El soñador ha enfrentado y superado sus miedos y ahora está listo para seguir adelante en su vida. En resumen, este sueño representa la necesidad de confrontar y superar el pasado para poder avanzar y encontrar la paz y la seguridad en el presente.
we were in the dining hall of a fancy hotel and he was chatting with other women they were attractive and famous and I felt a brief pang of jealousy but they were a bit garish and superficial I wondered; “why someone like him who was already affluent in society would so that desperate to keep up appearances” until he spotted me and approached me, I was bashfulness on the sidelines and I hid in the bathroom accidentally going to the men’s one before going to the correct woman’s bathroom I was flustered and thought that it was too good to be true that he was perusing me. He was difficult to read but he spoke honestly and his actions also indicated that he wanted me he was very assertive and flirted slightly but eventually I yielded and let I’m take me to a really long journey to his super fancy rooms in the hotel. I was so eager to go with him and he was so assertive that I left my backpack in the bathroom we made light banter on our way there his hand on my wrist guiding me the whole time but honestly I was so flustered and attracted to him that I struggled to meet his eyes when we made it to his room I was excited that we could be alone and more intimate while the room was surprisingly small his bathroom was ginormous and had an impossible view that only a dream can create and I realise that this room must only be expensive for that fact and nothing else.
The dream takes place in a fancy hotel, which represents a desire for luxury and a heightened social status. The dreamer is with a man who is chatting with other attractive and famous women, causing her to feel a brief pang of jealousy. However, she also notices that these women are garish and superficial, suggesting that the dreamer values substance over superficiality. This may reflect a fear of not being able to compete with others who are more glamorous or famous.
The dreamer wonders why someone like the man, who is already affluent in society, would be so desperate to keep up appearances. This could indicate that the dreamer is questioning the motivations and intentions of those around her, particularly those who seem to have everything they could want. The dreamer may also be questioning her own desires and motivations for success and a higher social status.
When the man spots the dreamer and approaches her, she feels bashful and hides in the bathroom. This may suggest a fear of being seen or noticed by others, especially those who may be more powerful or successful. The dreamer may also be struggling with feelings of self-worth and confidence.
Accidentally going to the men's bathroom and then finding the correct women's bathroom may symbolize a feeling of being out of place or not fitting in. The dreamer may feel like she doesn't belong in this fancy and affluent setting.
The dreamer is flustered when the man shows interest in her and takes her on a journey to his super fancy rooms in the hotel. This may symbolize a desire for adventure and excitement in the dreamer's life. The dreamer may also feel a sense of longing for someone to sweep her off her feet and take her on a journey.
The man is difficult to read, but he speaks honestly and his actions indicate that he wants the dreamer. This could represent the dreamer's desire for a genuine and honest connection with someone. The man's assertiveness and flirting may also reflect the dreamer's own suppressed desires and passions.
The dreamer yields to the man's advances and they go to his room, symbolizing a desire for intimacy and passion. The small room may represent a sense of intimacy and closeness, while the large bathroom with an impossible view may symbolize a desire for grandeur and extravagance.
The dreamer leaves her backpack in the bathroom, which could represent a sense of letting go of material possessions and embracing the moment. This could also suggest a desire to escape from
I was at a hair salon and Drew Barrymore was coloring my hair and then she told me the highlights or something were gonna cost $90 and I guess the rest of what I had gotten done was free. She seemed really nice. And I didn’t have any money but I didn’t wanna say that so I was telling her it was my birthday and all sweet talking and asking couldn’t I just slide for today and I would pay her after. And she looked so serious and kind of concerned and she said something like “that doesn’t make any sense”. She was talking about me not having money but not in a mean way like why don’t I have money, but in a way like there is no reason for you to not have money.
The hair salon in your dream represents your personal appearance and how you present yourself to the world. It is a place where you can change and improve your appearance, which can symbolize a desire for change or transformation in your waking life. Drew Barrymore, a well-known actress, represents fame, success, and admiration. She is also known for her down-to-earth and friendly personality, which reflects how you see yourself and want others to see you.
Having your hair colored by Drew Barrymore can symbolize a desire for success and recognition in your own career or personal life. The fact that she tells you the highlights will cost $90 can represent the sacrifices and hard work you need to put in to achieve your goals and dreams. You may feel like you have to pay a price or make a trade-off in order to reach your desired level of success.
Your birthday in the dream can represent a new beginning or a fresh start. It is a time of celebration and self-reflection. This could suggest that you are currently going through a period of change or growth in your life and are trying to put your best foot forward.
However, the fact that you do not have any money in the dream can symbolize feelings of inadequacy or a lack of resources to achieve your goals. You may feel like you do not have the necessary means or support to reach your desired level of success. This could also represent a fear of failure or not being able to keep up with others who seem to have it all.
Your attempts to sweet talk and convince Drew Barrymore to let you slide for the day and pay her later can represent a desire to take shortcuts or find an easier way to reach your goals. You may be tempted to cut corners or make compromises in order to achieve success, but Drew's serious and concerned response suggests that this may not be the most effective or ethical approach.
Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your current thoughts and feelings about your personal and professional goals. It could be a reminder to stay true to yourself and not compromise your values or integrity in pursuit of success. It is important to work hard and make sacrifices, but it is also important to have a solid foundation and not rely on shortcuts or the help of others.
دختر مجردی هستم که خواب دیدم در حال نوشتن اسم کراش خود که مردی متاهلی است رو کاغذ هستم اول به صورت رمزی می نوشتم که دوستش دارم تا کسی نفهمد و بعد بزرگ و واضح و زیبا اسم خودش را چند بار تکرار کردم و نوشتم
در این خواب، شخصی که در حال نوشتن است، نشانه ای از بیان احساسات و ارتباط با دیگران دارد. نوشتن اسم کراش خود، نشانه ای از علاقه و دلبستگی به این مرد متاهل است. این مرد متاهل ممکن است نمادی برای فردی با صفات و ویژگی هایی که شخص مجرد در زندگی دوست دارد، باشد. در ابتدا، نوشتن نام او به صورت رمزی، نشانه ای از تردید و ترس از ناامید کردن این مرد است. اما سپس، نوشتن نام او به صورت واضح و زیبا، نشانه ای از روشن شدن احساسات و توانایی بیان آنها است. ممکن است شخصیت کراش در این خواب نمادی برای آرامش و خوشبختی باشد که فرد مجرد همواره در جستجوی آن است. نوشتن نام این مرد بر روی کاغذ نیز نشانه ای از خواسته فرد برای ثبت و یادگیری این ارتباط است. به طور کلی، این خواب نشان دهنده تمایل فرد به ارتباط و رابطه عاطفی است که احساسات و ارزیابی خود را در آن به صورت