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Wed Oct 16 04:07

Me pidierl que arregle una bombillo en cierta habitacion, el bombillo esta en el piso me tarde un poco pero lo pude arreglar luego me pidierok que fuese a una habitación llamada la carnicería para que espantar a in demonio qué había allí, no tenía muchas ganas pero igual fui con un palo santo para ver que podía hacer, la habitación era roja y negro en el piso pulido habían las formas de unos cesos, el demonio tenía forma de chico, su mirada era muy profunda y oscura, me fui acercando mientras intentaba encender el palo santo y le pregunté su mombre y que hacía allí, luego su energía fue muy pesada para mi y tube qué salir de la habitación

La habitación en esta sueño simboliza un lugar en tu vida que necesita ser iluminado y arreglado. El hecho de que te pidan arreglar un bombillo en el piso indica que este lugar puede ser difícil de alcanzar o enfrentar, pero con paciencia y perseverancia, puedes lograrlo. Esto puede representar un aspecto de tu vida que has estado evitando o posponiendo, pero que finalmente estás dispuesto a abordar. Luego te piden que vayas a una habitación llamada 'la carnicería' para ahuyentar a un demonio que se encuentra allí. Esta habitación de color rojo y negro con formas de cerebros en el piso simboliza un lugar oscuro y peligroso en tu mente. El demonio representa tus miedos y negatividad que están presentes en esta parte de tu vida. Tu decisión de llevar un palo santo, un símbolo de purificación y protección, muestra tu deseo de enfrentar estos miedos y superarlos.

Al acercarte al demonio, le preguntas su nombre y qué hace allí. Esto muestra tu curiosidad y deseo de entender mejor tus miedos y negatividad. Sin embargo, la energía del demonio se vuelve demasiado pesada para ti y tienes que salir de la habitación. Esto puede representar que, aunque estás dispuesto a enfrentar estos problemas en tu vida, todavía no estás listo para lidiar con ellos por completo. Es importante seguir trabajando en ti mismo y en tus emociones para poder enfrentar y superar estos miedos en el futuro.

Wed Oct 16 03:59

Estoy en un hultimo piso soy parte de una familia famosa y adinerada tengo un amigo que es un lorito, yo puedo volar asi qué salgo a la calle y unos tipoa vestidos de negro me treanformar en gato y a la loro en grillo, no comienzan a perseguir por varias calles , yo aun puedo volar y escapamos de ellos cuando llegamos al jardín del un castillo allí no nos pueden hacer nada. Vuelvo a ser humana y en este jardín hay un pequeña fiesta, aquí me encuentro una chicha, un chico, me pongo a hablar Con mi ex y hablamos genial pero no nos tocamos, luego aparece mi mejor amigo y me abraza

En esta interpretación, el hultimo piso representa un estado elevado de conciencia y pertenencia a una familia famosa y adinerada simboliza una sensación de poder y éxito. El amigo lorito representa una parte juguetona y alegre de la personalidad, mientras que la capacidad de volar simboliza la libertad y el deseo de escapar de la realidad. El hecho de que los tipos vestidos de negro transformen a la persona en un gato y al lorito en un grillo sugiere una sensación de estar siendo manipulada o controlada por fuerzas externas. La persecución por varias calles puede representar los obstáculos y desafíos que se presentan en la vida, pero la capacidad de volar y escapar de ellos indica un fuerte sentido de determinación y capacidad para superarlos.

Llegar al jardín del castillo, un lugar seguro y protegido, simboliza la búsqueda de un refugio o lugar de paz en medio de la adversidad. Al volver a ser humana en este lugar, la persona puede estar buscando su verdadera identidad y autenticidad en un entorno seguro. La pequeña fiesta en el jardín representa una celebración de la vida y la felicidad.

El encuentro con la chicha y el chico puede representar la búsqueda de una conexión emocional y amorosa en la vida de la persona. La conversación amistosa con el ex puede indicar una reconciliación o la necesidad de cerrar un capítulo del pasado. El abrazo del mejor amigo representa un apoyo y una sensación de seguridad en la amistad.

En general, esta sueño puede estar reflejando el deseo de escapar de la realidad y encontrar un refugio seguro en medio de los desafíos de la vida. También puede representar la búsqueda de amor y conexión emocional en medio de relaciones pasadas y presentes.

Sun Oct 13 16:32

En el sueño, iba a Cuba a visitar al chico que me gusta, antes de entrar a una tienda de venta de patines, veía en la calle patinar a chicos muy profesionales y muy guapos, estaba muy lluvioso, entraba a una tienda de artículos de patines y al salir, la calle estaba inundada de agua cristalina. Luego ya iba hacia casa del chico con quien salgo, pero casi no lo veía, nos comunicabamos más por mensajes de texto, al entrar y conocer su casa, sentía alegría, era una casa pequeña, con plátanos colgados en un lazo, las paredes eran azules, y me nacían muchas ganas de ayudarlo a salir adelante.

En este sueño, tu subconsciente te lleva a un lugar exótico y emocionante: Cuba. Esta isla es conocida por su cultura vibrante y su gente apasionada, lo que sugiere que estás buscando algo nuevo y emocionante en tu vida. Al visitar a este chico que te gusta, es posible que estés explorando tus emociones y deseos más profundos. Antes de llegar a tu destino, pasas por una tienda de patines. Los patines representan movilidad y libertad, lo que sugiere que estás buscando formas de expresarte y explorar tus pasiones. Al ver a chicos profesionales y atractivos patinando, puedes sentirte atraído por su confianza y habilidad. La lluvia representa emociones fuertes y turbulencias, lo que sugiere que podrías estar experimentando una montaña rusa emocional en tu vida amorosa.

Al entrar en la tienda de patines, encuentras una calle inundada de agua cristalina. El agua cristalina es un símbolo de claridad y pureza, lo que sugiere que estás buscando claridad en tus emociones y relaciones. Puede que sientas que tu camino hacia el amor y la felicidad está claro y sin obstáculos.

Luego, te diriges a la casa del chico con el que sales, pero no lo ves mucho y se comunican principalmente a través de mensajes de texto. Esto puede reflejar tus sentimientos de desconexión y falta de comunicación en tu relación con él en la vida real. Puede que te sientas más cómodo expresando tus emociones a través de mensajes de texto en lugar de cara a cara.

Al entrar a su casa, sientes alegría y ves una casa pequeña con plátanos colgando en un lazo y paredes azules. Los plátanos simbolizan abundancia y prosperidad, lo que sugiere que te sientes feliz y satisfecho en su presencia. Las paredes azules representan tranquilidad y calma, lo que sugiere que te sientes cómodo y en paz en su hogar.

Finalmente, sientes un deseo de ayudarlo a salir adelante. Esto puede ref

Sat Oct 5 07:10

Меня бросил парень из-за того что узнал что от него родила какая то девушка , он ушел к ней, ребенок был очень похож на него

Ваш сон имеет очень сильное эмоциональное значение, в котором вы чувствуете себя преданным и оскорбленным. Ваш парень, который представляет ваше эмоциональное и романтическое пространство, бросил вас из-за того, что узнал о рождении ребенка от другой женщины. Это символизирует ваше чувство утраты и изменения, которое вы переживаете в своей личной жизни. Ваш парень, который уходит к другой женщине, представляет потерю ваших эмоциональных и романтических связей с ним. Ребенок, который похож на него, может представлять ваше желание сохранить эту связь и стать матерью его детей. Это может отражать ваше желание создать семью с этим человеком. Ваш сон может также указывать на чувство недостаточности и сомнения в своих отношениях. Вы можете чувствовать, что не можете удовлетворить его и находитесь в конкуренции с другой женщиной. Это может быть призывом к тому, чтобы принять свои эмоции и понять свои истинные желания и потребности в отношениях. В целом, ваш сон может символизировать процесс принятия и перехода от одной эмоциональной ситуации к другой.

Fri Oct 4 17:01

I got a dream.. Like we are in some island.. Suddenly some plane or ship crashes near by me.. I helped the captain asked if all are oki.. Then saving everyone.. Aftr that my side pirates are looting the things from plane. I also took so many things and pilot helped me to take all.. Before police comes we left..

This dream appears to be a representation of your inner conflicts and struggles. The island symbolizes a sense of isolation and detachment from society, possibly indicating a desire for solitude and escape from the chaos of everyday life. The plane or ship crashing near you may represent unexpected and disruptive events or challenges that have recently occurred in your waking life. This could be a personal crisis or a major change that has left you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to handle it.

Your role as a helper and savior in the dream reflects your desire to be a responsible and caring individual. You may feel a sense of duty to help and support those around you, even in difficult situations. However, the presence of pirates and looting in the dream suggests that there may be a part of you that is tempted to take advantage of others or indulge in selfish behavior. This could be a subconscious reflection of your inner conflicts between being a responsible and selfless person, and wanting to fulfill your own desires and needs.

The pilot in the dream may represent a guiding or influential figure in your life, who is helping you navigate through these conflicting emotions and desires. They may be providing you with guidance and support, but also enabling you to indulge in your impulses and desires.

The dream ends with you and the pilot leaving before the police arrive, indicating a fear of consequences or getting caught for your actions. This could suggest a fear of being judged or punished for your choices and behaviors in your waking life.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your inner struggles with maintaining a balance between your responsibilities and desires. It is important to acknowledge and address these conflicting feelings in order to find inner harmony and peace.

Sun Sep 29 20:15

Qué significa este sueño: 'Soñé algo raro. Resulta que ayer Luis F se enojó porque no le averigüé una cosa del parqueadero. Entonces no me quería hablar. Y en el sueño, yo toda digna dije, pues me largo, porque me soñaba en la situación de que no me hablaba. Y que yo recogía dos anillos, el que se me perdió en diciembre, que no sé de dónde apareció, pero sin algunas piedras, y el que tengo actualmente también se le habían caído. Y yo, ay pues si los ve, no me importa. Y salí y me fui pero ahí sonó la alarma de él. 🥴'

Este sueño puede reflejar sentimientos de frustración y falta de comunicación en la relación con Luis F. El sueño comienza con la persona recordando una situación reciente donde Luis F se enojó con ella por no poder ayudarlo con algo relacionado con el parqueadero. Esto puede simbolizar una situación en la vida real donde la persona puede haberse sentido inútil o incapaz de satisfacer las expectativas de Luis F. La expresión 'no me quería hablar' puede representar una sensación de rechazo o incomodidad en la relación. El hecho de que en el sueño la persona decida irse de la situación indica un deseo de evitar conflictos y confrontaciones.

La aparición de los dos anillos en el sueño puede representar la dualidad en la relación con Luis F. El primer anillo perdido en diciembre, pero encontrado en el sueño, puede simbolizar la pérdida de algo valioso en la relación, como la confianza o la comunicación. El hecho de que falten algunas piedras en el anillo también puede indicar que hay aspectos importantes que faltan en la relación.

El segundo anillo, que la persona tiene actualmente, pero que también ha perdido algunas piedras, puede representar la relación actual con Luis F, que no está en su mejor momento y ha perdido ciertos aspectos importantes. La actitud de la persona de no preocuparse por los anillos y seguir adelante puede indicar un deseo de dejar atrás la relación y seguir adelante.

Sin embargo, el sonido de la alarma de Luis F en el sueño puede simbolizar una sensación de culpa o la necesidad de enfrentar los problemas en la relación. Esto puede indicar que, a pesar de querer dejar la relación, la persona todavía se siente responsable por los problemas y no puede escapar completamente de ellos. En general, este sueño puede reflejar la necesidad de resolver problemas y conflictos en la relación con Luis F para poder avanzar y encontrar paz en la situación.

Tue Sep 24 14:05

Dreamt about saving people from a place where theyre not supposed to be. These people are beings that cannot breathe the airspace they're stuck in, almost like it's smoke to them, so they're all covering their mouths with handkerchiefs, as we all walk towards the portal and help them cross through where they're all reunited with their loved ones. Except for 2 children who have yet to be claimed. I vow to look after them until someone does. I feel so bad for them, and protective of them. And then, i dream of having a conversation with my aunt whom i dont speak to very often about her life. We converse about her part time job, about her relationship with her now ex fiancé, how he keeps spending money and taking money out, and at some poiny during the conversation he shows me how he's just deposited a thousand pounds back into their bank account. And then i ask about her cancer diagnosis, and whether she has been given the all clear, and then i tell her about my precancerous diagnosis

The dream may symbolize your deep desire to help and protect others who are in a difficult or dangerous situation. The people you save in the dream represent those who are struggling with a certain aspect of their lives and need guidance and support. The fact that they cannot breathe the airspace they are in could represent a feeling of suffocation or being trapped in a certain situation. The handkerchiefs they use to cover their mouths could symbolize their attempts to hide their struggles or emotions. The portal in the dream could symbolize a new beginning or a solution to their problems. By helping them cross through it, you are facilitating their journey towards a better and happier place. This could also represent your own desire for a fresh start or a new direction in your life.

The two children who are not yet claimed could represent aspects of yourself that still need attention and nurturing. By vowing to look after them, you are acknowledging your responsibility to take care of yourself and your own needs.

The conversation with your aunt in the dream could symbolize your desire for a closer relationship with her. The fact that you don't speak to her often may represent a disconnect or lack of communication in your waking life. Your aunt's part-time job and ex-fiancé could symbolize different aspects of her life that she is trying to balance. The ex-fiancé's spending and taking money could represent a sense of instability or uncertainty.

The deposit of a thousand pounds back into their bank account could symbolize a sense of stability and security being restored. This could represent a positive change or resolution in your aunt's life.

The conversation about your aunt's cancer diagnosis may symbolize your concern for her well-being and your desire for her to be healthy and happy. Your own precancerous diagnosis could represent your own fears and anxieties about your health and well-being.

Overall, this dream may symbolize your desire to help and protect others, as well as your need for closer connections and support in your own life. It may also reflect your fears and concerns about your own health and well-being.

Tue Sep 24 11:48

En mi sueño caminaba por un sendero en medio de un bosque, a lo lejos se veía un árbol grande sobre una colina y en el árbol una casa bonita, me daba curiosidad y me acercaba, me asomaba por la ventana y se veía un matrimonio grande. Después, veía como reporteros televisivos se acercaban a una casa diminuta en el pie de un árbol porque vivía alguien ahí.

El sendero en medio del bosque simboliza tu camino en la vida y la búsqueda de conocimiento y experiencia. El árbol grande sobre la colina representa tus metas y aspiraciones en la vida. La casa bonita en el árbol es un reflejo de tus deseos y sueños, y tu curiosidad por explorarlos. El matrimonio grande en la casa representa tu deseo de compañía y estabilidad en tus relaciones. Es posible que estés buscando un compromiso más serio o una conexión más profunda con tu pareja actual.

La aparición de los reporteros televisivos simboliza la atención y el escrutinio que recibes de los demás en tu vida diaria. La casa diminuta en el pie del árbol representa tus miedos e inseguridades, y el hecho de que alguien vive allí sugiere que estás lidiando con estos sentimientos de manera activa.

En general, este sueño te muestra que estás en un viaje hacia tus metas y deseos, pero también estás lidiando con tus miedos e inseguridades en el proceso. Te aconseja que sigas avanzando con curiosidad y determinación, y que no permitas que el escrutinio de los demás te detenga en tu camino.

Mon Sep 23 15:16

I had a dream where I was long distance with my boyfriend (as we are now irl). He finally came back home, and I was so excited to see him. I asked him to come over, but he said he was doing homework. I begged him to come over, and I said I didn’t care if he was doing homework, that I could just sit quietly while he was doing it, cuddling up to him. All that mattered to me was being next to him again after not seeing him for such a long time. In the end he couldn’t come over, and I was heartbroken. The next day, my ex came up to me. He asked me if I wanted to go to the gym with him. It was a strange request because I hated that ex the most out of any of them. But I accepted his request. I went there and there he was getting a little too friendly with me. I tried to push them away, but all I was saying was I love you and trying to touch me whenever possible. Nonetheless, I remained friendly towards them. The next day, my boyfriend saw us together at school. This was his first time seeing me, and it was with another man. Of course, I didn’t have any feelings for that ex, however, without touchy my ex was, I don’t think my boyfriend believed that. He came over and me and asked me why I was spending time with him if I hated that ex so much. I said that he had changed as a person and so I was giving him a chance. He scoffed and said “do you love him?” I reassured him “no, I love you.

The dream appears to represent the dreamer's emotions and fears about her current long distance relationship with her boyfriend. The distance and inability to physically be together is causing her to feel excited and longing to be reunited with him. This is symbolized by her eagerness to see him and willingness to even be with him while he does homework. However, her boyfriend's inability to come over in the dream could represent the dreamer's fear of him not being able to prioritize their relationship over other responsibilities, such as school or work. This fear is further emphasized by her ex-boyfriend's appearance in the dream. The ex represents the dreamer's past relationships and any unresolved feelings or issues she may have with them.

The dreamer's acceptance of her ex's request to go to the gym together may represent her willingness to revisit past relationships or situations, even if they were negative. This could symbolize her fear of being alone and her desire to have someone by her side, even if it means being with someone she doesn't truly love or trust.

The dreamer's ex getting too friendly with her may represent the dreamer's fear of being hurt or manipulated in a relationship. This fear is amplified by her ex trying to touch her and her inability to push him away, symbolizing her feeling of being powerless in the situation.

The appearance of the dreamer's current boyfriend, seeing her with her ex, could represent the dreamer's fear of her current relationship being threatened by her past. The dreamer's reassurance to her boyfriend that she loves him and not her ex could symbolize her desire to reassure her partner and maintain their relationship, despite any doubts or insecurities that may arise.

Overall, the dream seems to reflect the dreamer's fear of losing her current relationship due to distance and other external factors. It also highlights her inner conflicts and fears surrounding past relationships and her desire for emotional and physical connection with her partner. The dream may be encouraging the dreamer to address and communicate her fears and concerns with her partner in order to strengthen their relationship.

Fri Sep 20 02:17


Dans mon rêve, je me promenais dans une ville remplie de bâtiments en ruine et de rues vides. Soudain, une horde de corbeaux noirs a surgi du ciel et a commencé à voler autour de moi. Je me suis senti pris au piège et effrayé, mais j'ai continué à marcher jusqu'à ce que je me retrouve face à un grand château abandonné. À l'intérieur, j'ai trouvé une pièce sombre et mystérieuse avec un miroir brisé au centre. Je me suis approché du miroir et j'ai vu mon propre reflet, mais il était déformé et effrayant. Je me suis réveillé en sursaut, en sueur et en tremblant. Dans ce rêve, la ville remplie de bâtiments en ruine symbolise un sentiment de désolation et de chaos dans votre vie. Les rues vides représentent un manque de direction et de but. L'apparition soudaine des corbeaux noirs représente des pensées sombres et négatives qui vous entourent.

Le fait d'être pris au piège et effrayé par les corbeaux peut refléter une situation dans votre vie où vous vous sentez coincé et effrayé par les circonstances. Cela peut également indiquer que vous avez des peurs et des doutes qui vous empêchent d'avancer.

Le grand château abandonné symbolise un aspect de vous-même que vous avez négligé ou laissé tomber. Vous pourriez ressentir un vide intérieur ou un manque d'accomplissement dans un domaine de votre vie.

La pièce sombre et mystérieuse avec le miroir brisé représente votre inconscient et vos émotions refoulées. Le miroir brisé peut indiquer une perte de confiance en vous ou une perception altérée de vous-même.

Le reflet déformé et effrayant dans le miroir peut représenter votre perception négative de vous-même ou de votre situation actuelle. Cela peut également indiquer que vous avez du mal à vous reconnaître ou à vous accepter tel que vous êtes.

Se réveiller

Thu Sep 12 13:42

دختر مجردی هطتم که در صف خردید قرار دارم افراد به نوبت دارند اسم خود را می گویند و شخصی که من می شناسم و عاشق او هستم اسم ها را می نویسد نوبت من شد من اسم خود را گفتم و آن شخص اسم من را نوشت

تفسیر رویا: این رویا نشان دهنده تلاش شما برای پذیرفتن و شناختن هویت خود و درک جایگاهتان در جامعه است. شما دختر مجرد در صف خرید هستید، که ممکن است نشان دهنده این باشد که در زندگی و روابط خود احساس تنهایی و عدم توجه می‌کنید. صف خرید همچنین می‌تواند نشان دهنده نیاز شما به توجه و علاقه از سوی دیگران باشد.

افراد به نوبت اسم خود را می‌گویند و شخصی که شما عاشق او هستید، اسم‌ها را می‌نویسد. این ممکن است نشان دهنده این باشد که شما در زندگی و رابطه با این فرد، تحت تاثیر قرار دارید و به او وابسته هستید. همچنین، نوشتن اسم شما توسط او، می‌تواند نشان دهنده این باشد که او نیز به شما اهمیت می‌دهد و به شما احترام می‌گذارد.

نوبت شما بود و اسم خود را گفتید و آن شخص آن را نوشت. این نشان دهنده این است که شما در پذیرفتن و شناختن هویت خود و ارتباط با این

Mon Sep 9 18:37

Observé esos ojos, dos albercas de sangre en el azogue, con la sensación de que si miraba un segundo más me podría ahogar. Me clavé en lo profundo de esa mirada depredadora, asesina, sin saber que era lo último que vería. Me vi en un laberinto que parecía multiplicarse hasta el infinito, los espejos de cada pasillo hacían esquina con otros, era imposible ver el final. Puse atención en el primer reflejo, luego en el segundo, en el tercero.Cada uno tenía su versión de mí. En algunos, aparecía grotescamente alta y delgada, con una apariencia esquelética, casi enferma; en otros, me veía gorda y pesada, un Rotoplas de diez mil litros, imaginé mis huesos como balones de futbol americano. Sentí frío en mis pies y, al bajar la mirada, descubrí que estaba descalza sobre una superficie también hecha de espejos. Para medir el grosor del piso y ver si podía soportar mi peso, cerré los ojos, reuní valor y me atreví a dar un paso. Sentí la confianza suficiente para seguir caminando, aunque siempre con cautela. Hasta ese momento, los reflejos habían seguido todos mis movimientos a la vez, lo normal, como una sola mirada, pero entonces escuché el primer susurro: me pareció que venía de un solo par de ojos. Decidí no volverme con la esperanza de que hubiera sido producto de mi imaginación; sin embargo, escuché otro susurro, uno más, intuí que cada uno de ellos provenía de una mirada individua

Los ojos en el sueño representan la percepción y la conciencia de uno mismo y de los demás. El hecho de que se vean como dos albercas de sangre en el azogue, sugiere que hay una sensación de peligro e intensidad en la vida del soñador. Esta sensación de peligro se refleja en la mirada depredadora y asesina que se siente al ser observado por estos ojos. El laberinto que aparece en el sueño simboliza la confusión y la dificultad para encontrar una salida o una solución a un problema en la vida del soñador. Cada pasillo del laberinto que se multiplica infinitamente representa las diferentes opciones y caminos que el soñador puede tomar en su vida. Los espejos en cada pasillo representan la autoimagen y la percepción del soñador de sí mismo, que puede ser distorsionada y cambiante según las diferentes perspectivas.

El hecho de que el soñador preste atención a cada reflejo de sí mismo en los espejos sugiere una preocupación por su apariencia y su identidad. Además, la aparición de diferentes versiones de sí mismo en los espejos refleja las diferentes facetas de su personalidad y cómo se ve a sí mismo en diferentes situaciones. La descripción de su apariencia en estos reflejos también puede indicar una preocupación por su salud y su cuerpo.

El frío que siente en sus pies al darse cuenta de que está descalza y sobre una superficie de espejos, puede representar una sensación de vulnerabilidad y desprotección en la vida del soñador. Al cerrar los ojos y dar un paso, el soñador está tomando un riesgo y enfrentando sus miedos. Esto puede sugerir que en la vida real el soñador está tomando decisiones y enfrentando situaciones difíciles con valentía y precaución.

El susurro que el soñador escucha en el laberinto representa sus miedos y preocupaciones internas que lo persiguen y lo hacen dudar de sí mismo. El hecho de que provengan de diferentes miradas individuales puede indicar que estos mied

Mon Sep 2 15:39

I dreamt I was chasing the moon. I was running through a vast desert, chasing a gigantic moon that always seems just out of reach. The sand beneath my feet glows with each step, and the sky is filled with swirling constellations. What does this mean?

The symbolism of your dream is rich and complex. The moon represents our subconscious mind, our emotions, and our hidden desires. It is a powerful symbol that appears in many different cultures and has different meanings. Chasing the moon in your dream may suggest that you are chasing after something that seems unattainable or out of reach in your waking life. This could be a goal, a relationship, or a desire that you have been pursuing. The vast desert represents the unknown and the journey we must take to reach our goals.

Running through the desert indicates that you are determined and driven to achieve your desires. The glowing sand beneath your feet symbolizes the path you are on and the progress you have made so far. It may also represent the transformations and changes that you are going through in pursuit of your goals.

The gigantic moon that always seems just out of reach may symbolize your subconscious mind and the mysteries that lie within. It may also represent your hidden desires and emotions that you are trying to uncover or understand.

The swirling constellations in the sky suggest that there are many different paths and possibilities available to you. It could also symbolize the ups and downs of life and the constant changes and challenges that we face.

Overall, your dream may be a reflection of your determination and drive to achieve your goals and understand your subconscious mind. It may also be a reminder to embrace the unknown and trust in the journey, even if the end goal seems out of reach.

Wed Aug 28 10:13

I was living in a castle and I found out we were about to face a siege. I ordered warriors to protect main points of the castle while trying to evacuate citizens into a safe place outside the castle. I went to my chamber to collect things and I found a black cat hiding in the closet. His black fur was an amazing camuflage and I even told him that he will survive the siege since no one will find him. I spotted warriors in further parts of the castle still waiting for a fight. I realized I must have placed really strong and good warriors at the gates and they were doing a good job stopping the enemy.

The castle in your dream represents your sense of security and protection. It is a symbol of your personal space and boundaries. The siege that you are facing symbolizes a threat or challenge in your waking life that is causing you to feel vulnerable and in need of protection. You are taking charge and being proactive in protecting yourself and those around you. The warriors you have ordered to protect the main points of the castle represent your inner strength and resilience. They are a symbol of your ability to face and overcome challenges. Your decision to evacuate the citizens to a safe place outside the castle shows your caring and nurturing nature. You are not only concerned about your own safety, but also the safety of others.

Your chamber in the castle symbolizes your innermost thoughts and feelings. It is a place of privacy and introspection. The black cat that you find hiding in the closet represents your hidden and mysterious aspects of yourself. Its black fur symbolizes the unknown and hidden parts of your personality. The fact that you tell the cat it will survive the siege suggests that you are confident in your ability to protect and take care of these hidden parts of yourself.

The warriors in further parts of the castle waiting for a fight represent your readiness and determination to face challenges head on. They are a symbol of your courage and determination to defend yourself and your boundaries. Your realization that you have placed strong and capable warriors at the gates shows your confidence in your own decisions and abilities.

Overall, this dream reflects your inner strength and resilience in the face of challenges. It shows that you are capable of facing any threat or challenge that comes your way and that you have the necessary resources and support to do so. It may also suggest that you have a strong sense of responsibility and a desire to protect those around you.

Sun Aug 25 06:59

En el sueño mi pequeño perro pomerania blanco, se convertia en una especie de unicornio-león blanco, grande. Comenzaba a desfilar como si fuera una pasarela de moda en un salón de fiestas grande, no había gente, se veían rayos luz del amanecer, yo estaba fascinada de verlo, admirando su belleza, a lo lejos se veía un jardín con pasto verde limón, perfectamente podado.

En este sueño, tu pomerania blanco representa tu lealtad y compañía constante en tu vida. Sin embargo, al convertirse en un unicornio-león blanco, simboliza tu deseo de transformarte en algo más, algo único y especial. Este deseo puede estar relacionado con tu búsqueda de identidad y tu necesidad de destacar en tu entorno. El hecho de que tu perro desfile en una pasarela de moda en un salón de fiestas grande, representa tus aspiraciones y deseos de ser reconocido y admirado por los demás. Puede ser que tengas un talento o habilidad que deseas mostrar al mundo, pero tal vez aún no has tenido la oportunidad de hacerlo.

El amanecer y los rayos de luz que se ven en el salón de fiestas, simbolizan una nueva etapa en tu vida, un despertar de tus talentos y habilidades que te llevarán a alcanzar tus metas y sueños.

El jardín con pasto verde limón y perfectamente podado, representa un lugar de tranquilidad y belleza en tu mente. Puede ser que estés en un momento de tu vida en el que sientes paz y armonía contigo mismo y con tu entorno.

En resumen, este sueño refleja tus deseos de transformación, reconocimiento y paz interior. Te invita a explorar tus talentos y habilidades y a tener confianza en ti mismo para alcanzar tus metas y sueños. Es un recordatorio de que eres único y especial, y que tienes el potencial de brillar y destacar en tu vida.

Sat Aug 24 06:29

Estaba en la casa de mi mamá, había una reunión con alumnos de hace tiempo. Yo decidía irme a dormir y ellos se preocupaban de que me molestara que ellos siguieran con la fiesta, pero les decía que no había problema. Luego salía a un pasillo, abría una puerta pensando que era el baño y salía al exterior. Era un paisaje del viejo oeste. Unos ladrones trataban de robarme, luego un tipo quería matarme y los ladrones lo atacaban. Yo regresaba a la casa

La casa de la mamá representa la comodidad y seguridad del hogar y la reunión con los alumnos simboliza la nostalgia y el recuerdo del pasado. El hecho de que el soñador decida irse a dormir indica que está buscando escapar de la realidad y refugiarse en su pasado. La preocupación de los alumnos por molestar al soñador sugiere que éste se siente culpable por dejar atrás su pasado y avanzar en su vida. El pasillo y la puerta que lleva al exterior representan la transición entre el pasado y el presente. Al abrir la puerta y encontrarse en un paisaje del viejo oeste, el soñador está explorando su pasado y tratando de encontrar respuestas y comprensión. Los ladrones que tratan de robar al soñador simbolizan sus miedos, inseguridades y dudas que lo están atacando en su búsqueda del pasado.

El tipo que quiere matar al soñador puede representar sus propios pensamientos y sentimientos negativos que lo están frenando en su proceso de autoexploración. Sin embargo, los ladrones lo atacan en su defensa, lo que sugiere que el soñador está encontrando fuerza y coraje para enfrentar sus miedos y superar los obstáculos que le impiden avanzar.

El regreso a la casa al final del sueño puede ser interpretado como el regreso a la realidad y el cierre de esta exploración del pasado. El soñador ha enfrentado y superado sus miedos y ahora está listo para seguir adelante en su vida. En resumen, este sueño representa la necesidad de confrontar y superar el pasado para poder avanzar y encontrar la paz y la seguridad en el presente.

Wed Aug 21 22:48

we were in the dining hall of a fancy hotel and he was chatting with other women they were attractive and famous and I felt a brief pang of jealousy but they were a bit garish and superficial I wondered; “why someone like him who was already affluent in society would so that desperate to keep up appearances” until he spotted me and approached me, I was bashfulness on the sidelines and I hid in the bathroom accidentally going to the men’s one before going to the correct woman’s bathroom I was flustered and thought that it was too good to be true that he was perusing me. He was difficult to read but he spoke honestly and his actions also indicated that he wanted me he was very assertive and flirted slightly but eventually I yielded and let I’m take me to a really long journey to his super fancy rooms in the hotel. I was so eager to go with him and he was so assertive that I left my backpack in the bathroom we made light banter on our way there his hand on my wrist guiding me the whole time but honestly I was so flustered and attracted to him that I struggled to meet his eyes when we made it to his room I was excited that we could be alone and more intimate while the room was surprisingly small his bathroom was ginormous and had an impossible view that only a dream can create and I realise that this room must only be expensive for that fact and nothing else.

The dream takes place in a fancy hotel, which represents a desire for luxury and a heightened social status. The dreamer is with a man who is chatting with other attractive and famous women, causing her to feel a brief pang of jealousy. However, she also notices that these women are garish and superficial, suggesting that the dreamer values substance over superficiality. This may reflect a fear of not being able to compete with others who are more glamorous or famous. The dreamer wonders why someone like the man, who is already affluent in society, would be so desperate to keep up appearances. This could indicate that the dreamer is questioning the motivations and intentions of those around her, particularly those who seem to have everything they could want. The dreamer may also be questioning her own desires and motivations for success and a higher social status.

When the man spots the dreamer and approaches her, she feels bashful and hides in the bathroom. This may suggest a fear of being seen or noticed by others, especially those who may be more powerful or successful. The dreamer may also be struggling with feelings of self-worth and confidence.

Accidentally going to the men's bathroom and then finding the correct women's bathroom may symbolize a feeling of being out of place or not fitting in. The dreamer may feel like she doesn't belong in this fancy and affluent setting.

The dreamer is flustered when the man shows interest in her and takes her on a journey to his super fancy rooms in the hotel. This may symbolize a desire for adventure and excitement in the dreamer's life. The dreamer may also feel a sense of longing for someone to sweep her off her feet and take her on a journey.

The man is difficult to read, but he speaks honestly and his actions indicate that he wants the dreamer. This could represent the dreamer's desire for a genuine and honest connection with someone. The man's assertiveness and flirting may also reflect the dreamer's own suppressed desires and passions.

The dreamer yields to the man's advances and they go to his room, symbolizing a desire for intimacy and passion. The small room may represent a sense of intimacy and closeness, while the large bathroom with an impossible view may symbolize a desire for grandeur and extravagance.

The dreamer leaves her backpack in the bathroom, which could represent a sense of letting go of material possessions and embracing the moment. This could also suggest a desire to escape from

Mon Aug 19 06:08

I was at a hair salon and Drew Barrymore was coloring my hair and then she told me the highlights or something were gonna cost $90 and I guess the rest of what I had gotten done was free. She seemed really nice. And I didn’t have any money but I didn’t wanna say that so I was telling her it was my birthday and all sweet talking and asking couldn’t I just slide for today and I would pay her after. And she looked so serious and kind of concerned and she said something like “that doesn’t make any sense”. She was talking about me not having money but not in a mean way like why don’t I have money, but in a way like there is no reason for you to not have money.

The hair salon in your dream represents your personal appearance and how you present yourself to the world. It is a place where you can change and improve your appearance, which can symbolize a desire for change or transformation in your waking life. Drew Barrymore, a well-known actress, represents fame, success, and admiration. She is also known for her down-to-earth and friendly personality, which reflects how you see yourself and want others to see you. Having your hair colored by Drew Barrymore can symbolize a desire for success and recognition in your own career or personal life. The fact that she tells you the highlights will cost $90 can represent the sacrifices and hard work you need to put in to achieve your goals and dreams. You may feel like you have to pay a price or make a trade-off in order to reach your desired level of success.

Your birthday in the dream can represent a new beginning or a fresh start. It is a time of celebration and self-reflection. This could suggest that you are currently going through a period of change or growth in your life and are trying to put your best foot forward.

However, the fact that you do not have any money in the dream can symbolize feelings of inadequacy or a lack of resources to achieve your goals. You may feel like you do not have the necessary means or support to reach your desired level of success. This could also represent a fear of failure or not being able to keep up with others who seem to have it all.

Your attempts to sweet talk and convince Drew Barrymore to let you slide for the day and pay her later can represent a desire to take shortcuts or find an easier way to reach your goals. You may be tempted to cut corners or make compromises in order to achieve success, but Drew's serious and concerned response suggests that this may not be the most effective or ethical approach.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your current thoughts and feelings about your personal and professional goals. It could be a reminder to stay true to yourself and not compromise your values or integrity in pursuit of success. It is important to work hard and make sacrifices, but it is also important to have a solid foundation and not rely on shortcuts or the help of others.

Sat Aug 17 10:16

دختر مجردی هستم که خواب دیدم در حال نوشتن اسم کراش خود که مردی متاهلی است رو کاغذ هستم اول به صورت رمزی می نوشتم که دوستش دارم تا کسی نفهمد و بعد بزرگ و واضح و زیبا اسم خودش را چند بار تکرار کردم و نوشتم

در این خواب، شخصی که در حال نوشتن است، نشانه ای از بیان احساسات و ارتباط با دیگران دارد. نوشتن اسم کراش خود، نشانه ای از علاقه و دلبستگی به این مرد متاهل است. این مرد متاهل ممکن است نمادی برای فردی با صفات و ویژگی هایی که شخص مجرد در زندگی دوست دارد، باشد. در ابتدا، نوشتن نام او به صورت رمزی، نشانه ای از تردید و ترس از ناامید کردن این مرد است. اما سپس، نوشتن نام او به صورت واضح و زیبا، نشانه ای از روشن شدن احساسات و توانایی بیان آنها است. ممکن است شخصیت کراش در این خواب نمادی برای آرامش و خوشبختی باشد که فرد مجرد همواره در جستجوی آن است. نوشتن نام این مرد بر روی کاغذ نیز نشانه ای از خواسته فرد برای ثبت و یادگیری این ارتباط است. به طور کلی، این خواب نشان دهنده تمایل فرد به ارتباط و رابطه عاطفی است که احساسات و ارزیابی خود را در آن به صورت

Thu Aug 15 03:57

En el sueño, estaba montada a una tortuga gigante que caminaba sobre un arroyo cristalino, lentamente, en medio de una especie de selva, con árboles muy altos, y todo se veía azul claro, yo sentía mucha Paz y felicidad.

En este sueño, la tortuga gigante simboliza la lentitud y la estabilidad. El hecho de que estés montando en ella indica que estás tomando un camino más pausado en tu vida, quizás para encontrar un mayor equilibrio y calma. El arroyo cristalino representa la claridad y la transparencia, lo que sugiere que estás en un momento de tu vida en el que puedes ver claramente tus emociones y pensamientos. El entorno de la selva y los árboles altos pueden representar tu crecimiento personal y espiritual. La selva es un lugar misterioso y desconocido, lo que indica que estás explorando nuevas partes de ti mismo y descubriendo cosas nuevas sobre tu ser. Los árboles altos representan tus metas y aspiraciones, y su presencia en el sueño puede significar que estás en el camino correcto para alcanzarlas.

El color azul claro que domina todo el sueño simboliza la paz y la tranquilidad. Es posible que estés en un momento de tu vida en el que te sientas en paz contigo mismo y con el mundo que te rodea, lo que te brinda una sensación de felicidad y satisfacción.

En general, este sueño sugiere que estás en un proceso de auto-exploración y crecimiento, y que estás en un lugar de calma y paz en tu vida. Puede ser un recordatorio para que sigas confiando en ti mismo y en tu camino, y para que disfrutes de los momentos de tranquilidad y felicidad que la vida te ofrece.

Thu Aug 15 03:44

En el sueño, el chico que me gusta estaba esperandome en la sala, trataba de apresurarme, pero al mismo tiempo me era indiferente, porque mi intuición me decía que él seguiría teniendo la misma actitud indiferente ante mi atracción hacia él, poniendo pretextos para no salir, etc. Y ya que yo iba hacia la sala, él, se había ido.

En este sueño, la presencia del chico que te gusta representa tus deseos y emociones hacia él en la vida real. El hecho de que esté esperándote en la sala indica que estos sentimientos están presentes en tu mente y en tu corazón. Sin embargo, también hay una sensación de prisa y apresuramiento en el sueño, lo que puede reflejar tu deseo de que las cosas entre ustedes se muevan rápidamente. La indiferencia que sientes hacia él en el sueño puede simbolizar tus dudas e inseguridades en la vida real. Puede ser que, a pesar de tus sentimientos, tengas miedo de ser rechazada o de que él no sienta lo mismo por ti. Esta actitud indiferente puede ser una forma de protegerte de posibles decepciones o rechazos.

El hecho de que tu intuición te diga que él seguirá siendo indiferente puede ser una señal de que, en tu corazón, sabes que las cosas no funcionarán entre ustedes. Puede ser que tu subconsciente esté tratando de advertirte sobre posibles obstáculos y dificultades en una relación con él.

La desaparición del chico en el sueño puede representar tus miedos de que él no esté realmente interesado en ti o de que se aleje de ti. Puede ser que sientas que, a pesar de tus esfuerzos, él sigue siendo inalcanzable para ti.

En resumen, este sueño puede ser una representación de tus deseos y temores en relación al chico que te gusta. Puede ser que necesites reflexionar sobre tus sentimientos y pensamientos hacia él en la vida real para entender mejor tus emociones y tomar decisiones. Recuerda que los sueños pueden ser una forma de procesar y comprender nuestras emociones más profundas.

Mon Aug 12 06:19

One night, i was on my scooty. A lady who got down from the bus started leaning on me,unbalancing me.I stepped on another lady who wore a black hijab and was sitting on a bean bag and wasn't considerate at all.The lady leaning on me initially pretended that because of the bus she was unable to balance herself so the leaned on me. A while later I sensed something was wrong and i turned to look what she was doing and to my surprise she was stealing my wallet as sensed.the wallet was beige and brown in color and was of the Van Heusen brand. The lady who leaned on me was dressed in a flowy white gown. After she stood my wallet, and as I was about to confront her, she ran at an unimaginable speed. She had a partner who was also dressed in white. She ran 3 rounds and sat down. She tried not gaining attention but i still saw here. I slowly progressed towards her in order to catch her. She saw me coming Towards her, she stood up and went to a shop close by. She tried wearing a white hijab, yet I knew it was her. I tried to hold her hand called her out, she was swift enough to not let me catch her hand. In the meanwhile it was already day time and her male partner came in and they both ran away at lightining speed. The entire episode was at a very known place that i used to commute everyday during childhood.

The dreamer is on a scooty, a symbol of independence and mobility, representing the dreamer's journey through life. The lady who gets down from the bus and leans on the dreamer represents a burden or obstacle that is unbalancing the dreamer's life. This could be a person or situation that the dreamer feels is hindering their progress. The lady sitting on the bean bag and wearing a black hijab symbolizes the dreamer's subconscious or hidden thoughts and emotions. The fact that she is not considerate suggests that the dreamer may be neglecting their own needs and emotions in favor of others. The lady pretending to lean on the dreamer due to the bus symbolizes someone who is using a false excuse to take advantage of the dreamer. This could represent a person in the dreamer's life who is not trustworthy or is taking advantage of the dreamer's kindness. The stealing of the wallet represents a loss of personal belongings or a sense of vulnerability. The beige and brown colors of the wallet may symbolize stability and grounding, while the Van Heusen brand may represent material possessions and status.

The lady's flowy white gown represents purity and innocence, suggesting that the dreamer may initially see this person as harmless. However, the fact that she is stealing the dreamer's wallet shows that there may be deceit and hidden intentions. This could also symbolize the dreamer's fear of being taken advantage of or losing something valuable.

The dreamer's attempt to confront the lady and catch her represents the dreamer's desire to take control of the situation and protect themselves from harm. The lady's swift escape and change in appearance with the white hijab could represent the dreamer's fear of being deceived and the difficulty in pinpointing the source of their troubles.

The male partner in the dream could represent the dreamer's inner masculine traits or the influence of a male figure in the dreamer's life. The fact that they both run away at lightning speed suggests that the dreamer may feel like they are constantly chasing after something or someone in their waking life.

The known place where the dream takes place symbolizes familiarity and comfort, suggesting that the dreamer may be facing these challenges in a familiar setting or with people from their past.

Overall, the dream may be reflecting the dreamer's feelings of being taken advantage of or deceived by someone in their life. It could also indicate a need to address and confront these issues in order to regain

Sun Aug 11 01:52

Жить в доме на окраине рядом с лесом и рекой, иметь собаку. Сделали свадьбу с другом , потому что мы подходили по характеру, свадьба по рпсчёту так скажем! Увидела в интернете фото моего бывшего с новой девушкой, и узнала даты, что он с ней и со мной был одновременно. Потом я увидела что мой новый супруг с которым нет любви переписывается с другой Потом мы пошли гулять ,там в кустах лежит большой мужик пьяный, он гнался за мной потому что я ему понравилась

В данном сне вы живете в доме на окраине, рядом с лесом и рекой, что может символизировать ваше желание находиться в уединенном и спокойном месте, подальше от городской суеты. Наличие собаки в доме может означать вашу верность и защиту близких людей. Свадьба с другом может быть проявлением вашего желания найти партнера, который будет вам подходить по характеру, но при этом свадьба проходит по расчету, что может указывать на вашу склонность к логике и прагматизму в отношениях.

Увидеть фотографию бывшего с новой девушкой и узнать, что он был с ней и одновременно с вами, может отражать ваши страхи и сомнения в своей привязанности и чувствах к нему.

Переписка вашего нового супруга с другой может быть символом вашей неуверенности в его чувствах и лояльности к вам.

Гулять и увидеть пьяного мужчину, который гонится за вами, может указывать на внутренние страхи и тревоги, которые преследуют вас в реальной жизни. Возможно, вы чувствуете угрозу со стороны кого-то или боитесь быть оцененным и отвергнутым. Также это может быть отражением вашего внутреннего беспокойства и неуверенности в себе.

Thu Aug 8 16:42

Soñe con volver a estar con mi ex novio ,que nos enamoramos nuevamente y el se iba a casar con otra persona y me prometiste que no lo iba a hacer ,pero me engañaba y se casó. Yo estaba en la casa de mis abuelos que ya murieron y en esa casa el techo se estaba callendo casi lastima a una de mis tías , entonces yo decido cubrir el recho con una tela para que no nos mojemos por la lluvia mientras yo buscaba como arreglar el techo

This dream is filled with powerful symbolism that reflects your feelings and desires towards your past relationship with your ex-boyfriend. The dream begins with the desire to be reunited with your ex, but with a twist - he is getting married to someone else. This could symbolize your fear of losing him for good and your longing to rekindle the love you once had. The fact that your ex is getting married to someone else represents your feelings of betrayal and hurt. You may feel that he has broken a promise to you and has moved on without considering your feelings. This could also signify your fear of being replaced and forgotten by someone you once loved deeply.

The house of your deceased grandparents represents a sense of nostalgia and longing for the past. It symbolizes a safe and familiar place where you feel connected to your roots and family. This could reflect your desire to return to a simpler time when you were happy and loved by your ex.

The decaying roof symbolizes the state of your past relationship. It may represent the cracks and flaws that eventually led to its downfall. The fact that it is almost falling on your aunt could suggest that this relationship has caused harm not only to you, but also to your loved ones.

In the dream, you take charge and try to fix the roof by covering it with a cloth. This could represent your attempts to protect yourself and your loved ones from the pain and hurt caused by this failed relationship. It also shows your resilience and determination to find a solution and move forward.

Overall, this dream reflects your conflicting emotions towards your past relationship. It shows your desire to be reunited with your ex, while also acknowledging the pain and betrayal you have experienced. It may be a reminder to let go of the past and focus on healing and moving on. The dream also suggests that you have the strength and resilience to overcome this heartbreak and protect yourself from further harm.

Thu Aug 8 06:32

Some people ordered pizza and the pizza man came carrying like 8 boxes so I helped him carry them.

The dream of ordering pizza and helping the pizza man carry the boxes holds a deeper symbolic meaning. Pizza is often associated with comfort food and indulgence, representing the desire for pleasure and satisfaction. This could suggest that the dreamer is seeking some form of gratification or enjoyment in their waking life. The act of ordering pizza can also represent a need for convenience and instant gratification, as opposed to putting in effort and time to cook a meal. This could suggest that the dreamer may be feeling overwhelmed or stressed and is seeking an easy way out or a quick fix to their problems.

The presence of the pizza man could symbolize the dreamer's own beliefs and attitudes towards service and helping others. By helping the pizza man carry the boxes, the dreamer is showing a willingness to assist and support others, indicating a kind and helpful nature.

The number 8 often holds spiritual significance, representing balance and harmony. In this dream, the pizza man carrying 8 boxes could symbolize the dreamer's need for balance and harmony in their life. They may be feeling overwhelmed by the demands and responsibilities in their waking life and are seeking a sense of equilibrium.

Overall, this dream may be reflecting the dreamer's desire for indulgence and pleasure, as well as their need for convenience and balance in their life. It could also suggest a willingness to help and support others, indicating a caring and compassionate nature. This dream may be a reminder for the dreamer to take care of themselves and their own needs, while also being mindful of others and finding a balance between the two.

Tue Aug 6 14:03

Viajamos en el interior de una amplia van por el serengetti. De pronto un edificio enorme aparece a nuestra vista. Hay mucha gente en una explanada frente a ese edificio, sentada alrededor de un foro, esperando un concierto. En el foro hay un enorme piano negro de cola. Sentado En el banquillo negro del piano, vestido de obscuro, está sentado un primo que no me cae bien, alguien no querido,que será el que tocará el piano. Nos bajamos poco a poco de la van, un grupo de personas todasvestidas de blanco. Resulta que nosotros completaremos el ensamble, tocando instrumentos de aire, cuerdas y percusion africanos. Comienza el concierto con una bella melodïa. El piano tocando unos acordes graves que son suavizados por los música de los instrumentos africanos.

En esta sueño, el subconsciente del soñador está representando una situación en la que se encuentra en un viaje, simbolizado por la van, en el interior de su propio ser, representado por el serengeti, un lugar que representa la vida y la naturaleza en su estado más puro. De repente, surge un edificio enorme, que representa un obstáculo o un desafío en su vida. La gran cantidad de personas en la explanada y el hecho de que estén esperando un concierto, simboliza el deseo del soñador de ser aceptado y reconocido por los demás. El foro donde se encuentra el enorme piano negro de cola, representa un lugar de expresión y comunicación, donde el soñador tendrá que enfrentarse a alguien que no le cae bien, simbolizado por su primo. Este personaje representa una parte no deseada del soñador, una parte de su personalidad que no le agrada y que está presente en su vida de alguna manera.

El hecho de que el primo esté sentado en el banquillo negro del piano, representa el control que esta parte no deseada tiene sobre el soñador. Sin embargo, también puede simbolizar que el soñador está dispuesto a enfrentarse a esta parte de sí mismo y a superarla.

El grupo de personas vestidas de blanco que se bajan de la van, representan la pureza y la inocencia del soñador, que se enfrenta a una situación difícil y está dispuesto a superarla. El hecho de que estén completando el ensamble con instrumentos de aire, cuerdas y percusión africanos, simboliza la necesidad de equilibrar diferentes aspectos de su vida y su personalidad para enfrentar este desafío.

El concierto que comienza con una bella melodía representa la armonía y la belleza que el soñador está buscando en su vida. El piano tocando acordes graves que son suavizados por los instrumentos africanos, puede simbolizar que el soñador está aprendiendo a equilibrar sus emociones y a encontrar la armonía en su vida, incluso en situaciones difíciles.

En resumen, este sueño puede estar reflejando el des

Mon Aug 5 20:32

this isn't a dream but a song...called Morning Stars: Morning Stars so bright in night, Dancing through the Light, Morning Stars In dawn they shine, Glittering with light, Rise up, Then Fall, Overhead away, Show your selves and Vanish away, Morning Stars at Sunrise, Light the great dark sky, when the sun is Over high, they start to fade, Rise up, Then Fall, Overhead away, Show your selves and Vanish away.

This dream, or song, titled 'Morning Stars' is a representation of the cycle of life and the passing of time. The morning stars symbolize the passing of night and the arrival of a new day. They are described as bright and dancing, representing the energy and vibrancy of the new day. The stars are also associated with light, which can symbolize hope, guidance, and enlightenment. The repetition of 'rise up, then fall' reflects the cyclical nature of life. Just as the morning stars rise and fall, so do we as human beings. We experience highs and lows, moments of success and moments of failure. This is further emphasized by the line 'overhead away', suggesting that these moments are fleeting and pass quickly.

The phrase 'show your selves and vanish away' can be interpreted as a reminder to embrace and fully experience each moment, as they will eventually fade away. This can be a reminder to live in the present and not get caught up in the past or future.

Additionally, the mention of the morning stars at sunrise and their fading as the sun rises higher in the sky can symbolize the passing of youth and the arrival of adulthood. As we grow older, our youthful energy and vibrancy may dim, but it is important to embrace this natural progression and continue to shine in our own way.

Overall, this dream/song reflects on the beauty and transience of life, reminding us to embrace each moment and appreciate the cycle of highs and lows. It may also serve as a reminder to find joy and light in the darkness, just as the morning stars shine brightly in the night sky.

Sun Aug 4 17:43

I was with various members of my family and it was a holiday. We were all trying to figure out whose house to go to and what plans to make. It was chaotic because we all had different places to be. We were all at my childhood home. Some of my little nieces and nephews were there. Two of them said they were hungry so I made macaroni and cheese. Then those two left, but then three of them said they were hungry so I was trying to divide the two servings into three. My dad was there and being grumpy. He complained about macaroni and cheese even though no one was making him eat it. My mom was disappointed because she had made plans to go on a vacation with my dad but he was being grouchy and did not want to go. I hate to see my mom sad so I offered to go with her instead. We were decorating our house for Christmas and wrapping presents. Then I was at work and my boss started using horrible racial slurs. I was in complete shock and I was certain he would get fired. Also, it made me feel a little relieved that someone besides me makes mistakes

The dream starts off with the dreamer being with various members of their family on a holiday. This represents a sense of togetherness and unity within the family, as holidays are often associated with spending time with loved ones. However, the chaos that ensues symbolizes the conflicting desires and plans within the family. This could suggest a lack of communication or harmony within the family dynamic. The fact that the dream takes place at the dreamer's childhood home could represent a desire for a return to simpler times or a longing for the past. This could also suggest a need for comfort and security within the family unit.

The presence of the dreamer's nieces and nephews could symbolize innocence and youth. The fact that some of them are hungry and the dreamer takes on the role of caregiver by making macaroni and cheese could suggest a sense of responsibility and nurturing towards the younger generation.

The dreamer's dad being grumpy and complaining about the macaroni and cheese could symbolize a strained relationship with the father figure or a feeling of not being appreciated or understood. This could also represent the dreamer's own inner critic, as the father is often seen as a symbol of authority and discipline.

The dreamer's mom being disappointed because the dad does not want to go on vacation with her could reflect the dreamer's own desire for their parents to have a happy and fulfilling relationship. The dreamer's offer to go with their mom instead could suggest a desire to make up for their father's shortcomings and to bring joy to their mother's life.

The dream then shifts to the dreamer being at work, which could represent their professional life and responsibilities. The boss using racial slurs could symbolize discrimination or a toxic work environment. This could also represent the dreamer's own insecurities or fears of being judged or mistreated at work.

The dreamer's shock and relief at someone else making mistakes could suggest a need for validation and a fear of being the only one who makes mistakes. This could also reflect a feeling of pressure to constantly perform and meet expectations at work.

Overall, the dream could be a reflection of the dreamer's inner conflicts and desires, as well as their relationships with family and work. It may suggest a need for balance, communication, and addressing any underlying issues in these areas of their life.

Sat Aug 3 19:00

So, I dreamed that there was dog poop all over the house I lived in in 6th grade. No one would help me clean up the poop and I was really bitter about it. My son was around and he wouldn't help me either. I told him he should because he doesn't do anything. And I went outside. We went down the street in the city to a store and my daughter wanted a bag for 'cigarette season' and I said 'No way!' then I came back in the store and she was buying it anyway. I said to the cashier, 'she has a drug problem and she steals stuff.' Then, my daughter came out of the store and I told her she never listens to me. She said 'that's what it is,' and just looked at me. Then, I was cleaning up the dog poop on the sidewalk going back to the house but I was afraid I did not have enough dog poop bags to get the rest at the house. There was so much, everywhere. We ended up at restaurant eating next to DEVO . We were wearing pickle hats and other weird things and I was trying to figure out how to approach them. There was a large wad of cash on the counter. Then, we ended up in a house with three pianos. It was our house, but it was like, an out building. We were going to move the white piano into the house so we could use it. But the other two were too big or not big enough. The white one was just right.

The dream appears to be a reflection of your feelings of frustration and disappointment in your family and their actions. The dog poop symbolizes the mess and chaos in your life caused by the lack of support and cooperation from your son and daughter. The fact that no one is willing to help you clean it up suggests a sense of abandonment and neglect from your loved ones. This could also represent a feeling of being overwhelmed and unable to handle all of the responsibilities and challenges on your own. The mention of your son and daughter could also symbolize different aspects of yourself - your son representing your logical and rational side, while your daughter symbolizes your emotional and impulsive side. The fact that your daughter wants a bag for 'cigarette season' could suggest a desire for self-destructive behaviors or a need for an escape from your current situation. Your disapproval and frustration with her decision to buy the bag despite your objections reflects your inner conflict and struggle to control these impulses. The encounter with DEVO at the restaurant could symbolize a desire for acceptance and connection with a group or community that is seen as unconventional or 'weird.' The pickle hats and other odd objects represent your own unique and eccentric qualities that you may feel hesitant or unsure about embracing. The large wad of cash on the counter could symbolize a desire for financial stability or success, possibly related to your current situation with your family. Finally, the house with three pianos could represent different aspects of your life or self, with the white piano being the most balanced and ideal. This could suggest a longing for balance and harmony in your life, but feeling like it is out of reach or unattainable. Moving the white piano into the house could symbolize a desire to bring more balance and positivity into your current situation. Overall, the dream may be reflecting your inner conflicts and struggles, as well as your desires for change and improvement in your relationships and life. It may be helpful to reflect on these symbols and emotions in order to gain a deeper understanding of your feelings and needs in your waking life.

Sat Aug 3 15:43

I was out with a group of people. I believe some of them were from my high school but it was unclear, but Iin the dream I knew some of them. We were far away on a hill away from the beach when suddenly we noticed water starting to rush towards the shore. People started running and then we realized that it was a hurricane so the group started running as well. As I was running I was confused on how this was happening because hurricanes are uncommon in the bay area.We was scared running for our life.we would climb up on things at its highest point, but the water kept rising so we kept running further, finding new high places to keep us safe from the high waters. It got to a point where I was so frightened and started to become hopeless so I called my mother crying.she lives in a different state so I knew she was protected. She answered the phone and her voice was calm and soothed me. She became worried when she heard me crying. As I was explained to her what was going on she became silent. As I was on the phone with her I was still running trying to find new high spots. There was one challenging high spot I had to climb up. I told my mom for her and grandma to pray for me and that I had to go. She didn't get a chance to say anything before I hung up the phone. I reached the new high spot but the water was still coming and rising higher. There were several people that I no longer

The dreamer is out with a group of people, some of whom are familiar to them, and they are on a hill away from the beach. Suddenly, the group notices water rushing towards the shore and realizes it is a hurricane. This symbolizes a sense of chaos and unpredictability in the dreamer's life. The fact that they are far away from the beach could represent a feeling of being disconnected from their emotions or inner self. The dreamer's confusion about the hurricane being uncommon in the bay area reflects their sense of disbelief and surprise about the current situation they are facing. The running and constant search for high places to keep safe from the rising waters suggest a feeling of being overwhelmed and constantly trying to stay above the challenges in their life.

The dreamer's call to their mother, who lives in a different state, represents a desire for comfort and support from a parental figure. The mother's calm and soothing voice represents the dreamer's need for emotional stability and reassurance during this difficult time. The fact that the mother becomes worried when she hears the dreamer crying suggests that the dreamer may feel guilty or burdened by their struggles and does not want to worry their loved ones.

The dreamer's request for their mother and grandmother to pray for them symbolizes a need for spiritual guidance and protection. The challenging high spot that the dreamer has to climb up represents the obstacles they are facing in their waking life. The dreamer's decision to hang up the phone before their mother can respond may suggest a sense of independence and determination to overcome their challenges on their own.

Overall, this dream reflects the dreamer's feelings of being overwhelmed and scared in their waking life. The hurricane symbolizes chaos and unpredictability, while the constant search for high places represents the dreamer's efforts to stay above their challenges. The dream also highlights the dreamer's need for emotional support and guidance from their loved ones and a higher power.

Sat Aug 3 11:21

An orange-colored rubber gel dog is alive and active. I pet it...but it starts to follow me, bouncing up at me. I tell it No, but it keeps doing it more and more aggressively, and I think I'll have to kick it or stomp on it to stop it

The dream is a reflection of the dreamer's inner struggles and conflicts. The orange color of the rubber gel dog symbolizes vitality, energy, and enthusiasm, which the dreamer possesses in abundance. This dog is a representation of the dreamer's own traits and personality. The fact that it is alive and active suggests that the dreamer is full of life and actively pursuing their goals and desires. The dreamer pets the dog, which could symbolize their tendency to nurture and take care of their own needs and desires. However, the dog starts to follow the dreamer and bounces up at them, which could represent the dreamer's inner desires and ambitions that are constantly seeking their attention and validation. The dreamer's initial reaction of saying 'No' to the dog could indicate their attempt to resist or suppress these desires and ambitions.

As the dog becomes more aggressive, the dreamer feels the need to resort to violence in order to stop it. This could symbolize the dreamer's fear of losing control over their own desires and ambitions. The dreamer may feel overwhelmed by their own aspirations and may be afraid of the consequences of pursuing them.

The symbolism of the rubber gel material of the dog could also suggest the dreamer's adaptability and flexibility in dealing with their inner conflicts. The dreamer is able to mold and shape their desires and ambitions according to their needs and circumstances.

Overall, the dream highlights the dreamer's struggle to find a balance between their desires and their ability to control them. It could suggest that the dreamer needs to find a way to channel their energy and enthusiasm in a more productive and manageable way. The dreamer may also need to confront their fears and find ways to overcome them in order to achieve their goals.

Sat Aug 3 11:00

Kids in street scatter in all directions, blond young woman pushes a perambulator with a golden foetus-shaped sculpture in it

This dream is rich with symbolism that reflects the dreamer's subconscious thoughts, feelings, and desires. The first element of the dream, the kids in the street, can represent the dreamer's inner child or playful nature. The fact that they are scattering in all directions may symbolize a feeling of chaos or lack of control in the dreamer's life. This could be a reflection of real-life stress and responsibilities that are causing the dreamer to feel overwhelmed and scattered.

The blond young woman in the dream can represent the dreamer's feminine side or their idealized self. The fact that she is pushing a perambulator, or baby carriage, may symbolize the dreamer's desire for motherhood or the nurturing aspect of their personality. This could also represent a desire for new beginnings or a need to care for something or someone.

The most striking symbol in the dream is the golden foetus-shaped sculpture in the perambulator. This can represent the dreamer's creative potential or ideas that are still in their early stages of development. The fact that it is made of gold can symbolize the dreamer's perceived value or importance of these ideas. It may also represent the dreamer's inner child or pure potentiality.

The combination of the golden foetus and the perambulator can also symbolize the dreamer's hopes and dreams for the future. They may feel that these ideas or goals are still in their infancy and need to be nurtured and protected in order to grow and become something tangible.

Overall, this dream may be reflecting the dreamer's desire for new beginnings or creative pursuits. It may also be a reminder to take care of their inner child and nurture their ideas in order to bring them to fruition. The scattering kids and the chaotic street may be a reflection of the dreamer's current struggles or challenges in achieving these goals, but the presence of the golden foetus and the young woman pushing the perambulator suggest that the dreamer has the potential and inner strength to overcome these obstacles and bring their dreams to life.

Thu Aug 1 16:34

A blind monster and its human helpers are hunting people in a community. I try to escape, but it catches me along with two others and forces us into a room where people are dancing. The monster chooses me as its meal, but just then, a man saves me. After the bad guys are caught, I hug the man and thank him. He saved me because he loves me

The blind monster in this dream symbolizes the fears and anxieties that are lurking in the subconscious mind. It represents a force that is beyond our control and is capable of causing harm and destruction. The fact that it is blind suggests that these fears are irrational and may not have a clear source or reason. The human helpers of the monster could represent the negative influences or people in the dreamer's life who may be contributing to their fears and anxieties. These helpers could also represent the dreamer's own inner doubts and insecurities that are aiding the monster in causing harm.

The community in which the dream takes place could symbolize the dreamer's social circle or the larger society. The fact that the monster and its helpers are hunting people in this community could suggest the dreamer's feelings of being targeted or attacked by others in their waking life. This could be a reflection of the dreamer's fear of being judged or criticized by others.

The act of trying to escape from the monster could represent the dreamer's attempts to avoid or suppress their fears and anxieties. However, the fact that the monster catches the dreamer along with two others suggests that these fears cannot be easily avoided and may have a hold on the dreamer's life.

The room where people are dancing could symbolize a temporary escape or distraction from the fears and anxieties. The act of dancing could represent the dreamer's desire for freedom and joy, but the presence of the monster in this room suggests that the fears and anxieties are still present and cannot be ignored.

The monster choosing the dreamer as its meal could represent the fear of being consumed or overwhelmed by these negative emotions. However, the man who saves the dreamer represents a positive force or influence that helps the dreamer overcome their fears. This could symbolize the dreamer's inner strength and resilience to face their fears with the help of a supportive figure in their life.

The hug and gratitude towards the man who saved the dreamer could represent the dreamer's acknowledgement and acceptance of the love and support they receive from this person. It could also symbolize the dreamer's realization that they are not alone and have someone who cares for them.

Overall, this dream could be a reflection of the dreamer's inner struggles with fears and anxieties, as well as their desire for love and support to overcome them. It could also suggest the importance of having a strong support system and the power of love in conquering our fears.

Thu Aug 1 11:05

Soñé que conocí a un inmigrante Argentina (soy de México), comencé a hablar con ella y en un momento en que estábamos juntos se me ocurre robarle un beso y me emocionó más que ella no tomara represalias (cabe aclarar que a mis 22 años nunca he besado a nadie)

En este sueño, conoces a un inmigrante de Argentina, lo cual puede representar una parte desconocida de ti o una nueva experiencia que estás explorando en tu vida. El hecho de que seas de México y ella de Argentina puede simbolizar la unión de dos culturas diferentes, lo que indica que estás abriendo tu mente a nuevas perspectivas y formas de vida. El hecho de que comiences a hablar con ella sugiere que estás tratando de comunicarte con esta parte desconocida de ti o con esta nueva experiencia. En un momento, decides robarle un beso, lo cual puede representar un deseo de explorar tu sexualidad o de tomar una iniciativa en una relación. El hecho de que te emocione que ella no tome represalias puede indicar que tienes miedo al rechazo o a ser juzgado por tus acciones.

Es importante mencionar que a tus 22 años nunca has besado a nadie, lo que puede simbolizar tu falta de experiencia en ciertas áreas de tu vida o en relaciones íntimas. Este sueño puede ser una forma de tu subconsciente de expresar tus deseos y miedos en relación a la intimidad y las relaciones.

En resumen, este sueño puede estar hablando de tu deseo de explorar nuevas experiencias y de tomar iniciativas en tus relaciones, pero también de tus miedos y ansiedades en torno a la intimidad y la falta de experiencia en ciertas áreas de tu vida. Puede ser un llamado a que te abras a nuevas oportunidades y a que enfrentes tus temores para crecer y desarrollarte como persona.

Wed Jul 31 00:09

My family bought a dog which was haunted. We don't know initially but later the dog showed various furious activities. one day it was uncontrollable and I decided to capture his activities by camera. It turned out we brought back the spirit that he was haunted by. I still couldn't forget his fearful stare he gave me with his eyes. The man was in yellow shirt. He frequently kept on popping up into the family by disguising himself as one of our family members. And everytime he leaves only when I capture his video. He doesn't want to take video of him. Finally he disguised as my dad. We were freighted and about to find out but I woke suddenly.

This dream may represent feelings of unease or fear within your family dynamic. The dog symbolizes loyalty and protection, which could represent your family's values and relationships. However, the fact that the dog is haunted suggests that there may be negative or harmful influences within your family. This could refer to unresolved conflicts or underlying tension that is causing disruptions. The furious activities of the dog could symbolize the intensity of these issues. The decision to capture the dog's activities on camera could represent a desire to address and confront these issues. However, the realization that the dog was haunted by a spirit suggests that these issues may be deeper and more complex than initially thought. The fact that the spirit was brought back by the camera could symbolize the idea that shining a light on these issues may only make them more powerful and difficult to deal with.

The man in the yellow shirt could represent someone or something that is causing these disruptions in your family. The color yellow is often associated with caution and deceit, which could suggest that this person or situation is not what it seems. The fact that the man keeps popping up in different disguises, including as one of your family members, could symbolize the idea that this issue is deeply ingrained and may be affecting different aspects or individuals within your family.

The man's refusal to be captured on camera could represent a desire to remain hidden and continue causing disruptions without being held accountable. This could reflect feelings of powerlessness or frustration in dealing with this situation.

The dream ending with the man disguising himself as your father and you waking up suddenly could symbolize the fear of this issue taking over and potentially damaging your family dynamic. It could also represent the idea that this issue is deeply connected to your family and may require the involvement of your father or other family members to fully resolve.

Overall, this dream may be reflecting your subconscious concerns about the state of your family and the need to address and confront any negative influences or unresolved issues. It could also suggest a fear of these disruptions causing harm or damage to your family relationships. It may be helpful to reflect on any current conflicts or tensions within your family and consider ways to address and resolve them in a healthy and productive manner.

Tue Jul 30 10:28

Dün rüyamda uzun yolculuklar yapmaya karar veriyorum yürüyerek. Yola çikiyorum. Saçlarını kazımış budist bir kadın görüyorum. Tüm ailesi ile birlikte yuruyor. Selam verip gidiyorum. Daha sonra yolda beni çok da sevmeyen iki kuzenimle karsilasiyorum. Dalga geciyorlar benle yürüyorum diye. Ama anlatiyorum düşünmek için kendimle kalmak için yürüyorum diye. Sonra bir yerden düşüyorum onlara sesleniyorum beni kurtarmaya gelmiyorlar. Yürüyüp gidiyorlar. Sonra küçük bir kız çocuğu geliyor. Saçları falan Tarzanın kızı gibi vahşi bi tip. O yardım ediyor bana cikiyorum ordan. Cocuk hiç konuşmuyor ama. Konusmayi bilmedigini düşünüyorum. Sonra bana egilerek selam veriyor. Budist gibi yada çinliler gibi selam veriyor. Bende öyle selam veriyorum. O defalarca öyle selam veriyor bu defa. Sonra kızın gozlerinin içine baktim. Bir şeyler söyledim ama hatırlamıyorum ne söyledigimi. Onun çok güçlü bir ruhu olduğuna karar verdim. Ermiş gibi olduğunu düşündüm.

The dreamer decides to embark on a long journey on foot. This could symbolize a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. The decision to travel by foot suggests a desire for a slower pace and a more mindful approach to life. On the way, the dreamer encounters a Buddhist woman with a shaven head, accompanied by her family. This could represent the dreamer's search for spiritual enlightenment and a connection to a higher power. The woman's shaven head symbolizes detachment from material possessions and a focus on inner peace and enlightenment.

The encounter with the two cousins who do not seem to like the dreamer could represent the dreamer's feelings of being judged or ridiculed by others for their choices. The cousins' teasing could symbolize the dreamer's own inner doubts and fears about their journey. However, the dreamer explains that they are walking to think and be alone with themselves, suggesting a determination to continue on their path despite the opinions of others.

The dreamer falling and calling out for help, only to be ignored by the cousins, could symbolize a feeling of abandonment or lack of support from those closest to the dreamer. This could also represent the dreamer's fear of being alone and facing challenges without the help of others.

The appearance of a young girl with wild hair, reminiscent of Tarzan's daughter, could symbolize the dreamer's primal instincts and a connection to nature. The girl's silence could represent the dreamer's inner voice or intuition, which may be difficult to hear or understand. The dreamer's decision to greet her in a Buddhist or Chinese manner could suggest a desire for a deeper understanding of Eastern philosophies and practices.

The repeated exchange of greetings with the girl could symbolize the dreamer's growing understanding and acceptance of these beliefs and practices. Finally, when the dreamer looks into the girl's eyes, it could represent a moment of clarity and insight. The dreamer feels that the girl has a strong and powerful spirit, which could symbolize the dreamer's own inner strength and resilience. The dreamer's belief that the girl is like an enlightened being could reflect their own desire for spiritual growth and enlightenment. Overall, the dream could represent the dreamer's journey towards self-discovery, inner peace, and spiritual growth, despite facing challenges and doubts from others.

Mon Jul 29 14:09

donna, per mia fortuna, con altre persone-statue( mi chiamano, mi dicono di seguirli). Iniziamo a danzare, un passo intorno e una piroette, finiamo su un caschè, la donnq dietro di me sorregge il mio corpo sopra il suo (come un ponte). Una donna (riccia, capelli rossicci, sui 50 anni) si avvicina e si lamentq dellq mia performance mi dice che i miei ingranaggi non funzionano bene. Cosi mi chiede di rifarlo. Giro sulle punte e vado verso un dietro le quinte che sembra unq tomba soppalco orribile. Mi fermo su un muro, nascosta, imposto una posa fissa, ho gli occhi vitrei. Mi guarda e mi tocca il corpo (ho le lacrime). Mi dice 'no tu non funzioni bene, prendo il cacciavite' La donna che mi sorreggeva prima, mi guarda con volto amorevole, mi dice di scappare. Due strade: una fessura verticale strettissima o la stanza dei giochi con un cerchio iniziale violaceo e scivolo da attraversare. Quasi sbaglio strada e lei mi dice 'Non li!! La fessura'. Sta per arrivare la donna cattiva, vedo una bicicletta. Mi infilo per la fessura. CADO. Sono le bahamas, volo (VOLO!!) su dei tendaggi. Ci sono un corvo e un aquila che litigano. Sono libera sul mare.

Il sogno si apre con la presenza di una donna, che rappresenta la fortuna nella vita del sognatore. Questa donna è accompagnata da altre persone-statue, che simboleggiano la rigidità e l'immobilità, e invitano il sognatore a seguirli. La danza che segue rappresenta la vita stessa, con i suoi alti e bassi, i suoi movimenti armoniosi e le sue difficoltà. Il caschè su cui il sognatore si trova è un simbolo di protezione e sicurezza, e la donna dietro di lui che lo sorregge simboleggia il sostegno e l'aiuto che si può trovare nella vita.

La donna riccia che si avvicina e si lamenta della performance del sognatore rappresenta il senso di insoddisfazione e di inadeguatezza che il sognatore può provare nella vita. Il fatto che la donna faccia riferimento agli ingranaggi che non funzionano bene indica un bisogno di migliorare e di trovare un equilibrio nella propria vita.

Il gesto di toccare il corpo del sognatore e di affermare che non funziona bene, simboleggia la paura di non essere all'altezza delle aspettative o di non essere in grado di raggiungere i propri obiettivi. Le lacrime del sognatore indicano la tristezza e l'emozione che il sogno può suscitare.

La donna che prima sorreggeva il sognatore con amore e affetto, ora lo avverte di scappare. Questo può essere interpretato come un messaggio del subconscio di cercare una via di fuga dalle difficoltà e dalle insicurezze della vita.

Le due strade che si presentano al sognatore, una fessura strettissima e una stanza dei giochi, rappresentano le scelte che si possono fare nella vita. La fessura verticale strettissima è simbolo di difficoltà e ostacoli, mentre la stanza dei giochi con il cerchio violaceo e lo scivolo rappresenta una via più facile e divertente, ma

Sun Jul 28 12:39

I had a dream where I was in school, and we were turning in our homework. There was this one kid in the dream that I did recognize from school, but he wasn't really my friend. I remember I saw him copying/cheating on his homework and as he was about to turn it in, I snatched it from him and showed the teacher. The student that I took it from looked shocked. The teacher was really pissed at him for cheating. During this whole confrontation I was laughing my ass off, not caring that I snitched on him. Afterwards, he was really pissed at me but I told him I didn't care and shoved him away from me

The dream may symbolize feelings of superiority and competitiveness in your waking life. Being in school represents a learning or growth process that you are currently going through. Turning in homework symbolizes the completion of a task or responsibility. The fact that you recognized the kid from school but were not friends with him may represent a sense of detachment or disconnection from others in your waking life. Seeing him cheating on his homework may represent a perception that others are taking shortcuts or not putting in the same effort as you. Snatching his homework and showing the teacher may symbolize a desire to expose others and bring attention to their wrongdoings. This may indicate a need for validation or a desire to prove yourself to others. Your laughter during the confrontation may suggest a sense of enjoyment or satisfaction in seeing someone else get in trouble.

The teacher's anger towards the cheating student may represent your own inner critic or a fear of being judged for your own actions. It may also symbolize a sense of justice or fairness, as cheating is seen as an unfair advantage. Your lack of empathy towards the student's shock may suggest a lack of consideration for others and a focus on your own actions.

The student's anger towards you may symbolize resentment or hostility towards someone who has exposed their flaws or wrongdoings. This may reflect a fear of being judged or rejected by others in your waking life. Your response of not caring and shoving him away may indicate a need to distance yourself from negative emotions or confrontations.

Overall, the dream may point to feelings of competitiveness, a desire for recognition, and a lack of empathy towards others. It may also suggest a need to address any underlying feelings of resentment or hostility towards others. Consider reflecting on any ongoing conflicts or challenges in your waking life that may be reflected in this dream.

Wed Jul 24 14:05

Tuve un sueño donde una bruja deforme, que era una cruza entre animal, 'wendigo' y plague doctor, me tenía sedado y encerrado en su calabozo. Es la segunda vez que sueño con esta misma situación. Me controlaba a partir de los sueños. Me recuerda a la criatura de la película 'Barbarian'.

El sueño que tuviste es muy simbólico y puede tener varias interpretaciones. La bruja deforme representa tus miedos y preocupaciones, ya que su apariencia es aterradora y desconocida. Además, al ser una cruza entre un animal, un 'wendigo' y un plague doctor, puede representar una combinación de diferentes amenazas o peligros en tu vida. El hecho de que estés sedado y encerrado en su calabozo indica que te sientes atrapado en una situación que no puedes controlar. Puede ser una relación, un trabajo o cualquier otra circunstancia que te esté causando ansiedad y te haga sentir limitado. La bruja, al controlarte a través de tus sueños, sugiere que tus miedos están teniendo un fuerte impacto en tu vida y en tu subconsciente.

El hecho de que este sea el segundo sueño con la misma situación indica que el problema que estás enfrentando es recurrente y no lo has podido resolver. La referencia a la criatura de la película 'Barbarian' puede representar una sensación de estar en una situación peligrosa y violenta, en la que tienes que luchar constantemente para protegerte.

Este sueño puede ser una señal de que necesitas enfrentar tus miedos y tomar el control de tu vida. Debes identificar qué es lo que te está causando tanto temor y encontrar una manera de superarlo. También puede ser una advertencia de que si no tomas medidas, tus miedos pueden seguir controlándote y limitando tu crecimiento personal.

En resumen, este sueño refleja tus miedos y preocupaciones internas y te anima a enfrentarlos y tomar el control de tu vida. Es importante que reflexiones sobre lo que puede estar causando estos sentimientos y busques ayuda si es necesario para superarlos. Recuerda que eres más fuerte de lo que crees y puedes superar cualquier obstáculo que se te presente.

Wed Jul 24 11:20

A mi mamá le había robado la tarjeta de crédito y por estar preocupada se quedó cuadraplejica y que en eso volteo y había un gato negro

En esta sueño, la figura materna representa la seguridad y estabilidad emocional. El hecho de que su tarjeta de crédito haya sido robada simboliza la pérdida de control y poder en la vida de la soñadora. Esto puede estar relacionado con una sensación de falta de autonomía o independencia en su vida actual. La preocupación de la madre y su posterior cuadraplejia sugieren que la soñadora siente que su comportamiento o acciones están afectando negativamente a su figura materna y a su relación con ella. Esto puede indicar un sentimiento de culpa o responsabilidad por las preocupaciones de su madre.

La presencia del gato negro en el sueño puede representar los aspectos oscuros o negativos de la personalidad de la soñadora. Puede simbolizar el miedo, la ansiedad o los pensamientos negativos que están presentes en su vida. El hecho de que el gato aparezca después de la preocupación y la cuadraplejia de la madre puede indicar que estos aspectos negativos están siendo desencadenados por la situación con su madre.

Además, el gato negro también puede representar la intuición y la sabiduría interior de la soñadora. Puede ser una llamada para que ella preste atención a sus emociones y pensamientos más profundos y busque una mayor comprensión de sí misma.

En general, este sueño puede reflejar la preocupación y la culpa que la soñadora siente en su relación con su madre y cómo esto está afectando su propia percepción de sí misma. Puede ser una invitación a reflexionar sobre su comportamiento y tomar medidas para mejorar la comunicación y la relación con su madre. También puede ser una señal para que se conecte con su intuición y busque una mayor comprensión de sí misma y de sus emociones.

Tue Jul 23 01:38

I had a dream of snake 🐍 and it's actually coming near to our house and mu younger brother tried to rescue the snake and yes he did rescue the snake and have it in the bag and suddenly the snake escaped from the and we were searching for the snake where did it gone ... and we saw 2 snake on the road which were bigger than the snake went to my house and we saw the snake tha we rescue were trying to hide in the sand and after that my dream as changed that me and my family were somewhere and there is a lot of people there is a common bathroom for all the people were using it I went to that bathroom I have peed and cake to take a bath abut there is a bathroom were some one is finished bathing and came out and suddenly one lady went to the bathroom saying I will coke quickly after she came out I went to take a bath.... I have removed my dress and then suddenly it's like a open bathroom where everyone is waiting to bath. And everyone is starring at me bathing and my sister's were standing in the line for to use a bathroom they were also starring me and she telling to other sister by seeing me look how she is bathing without clothes.. then I cover my body using towel ... I were bathing but everyone one is watching and waiting for yo bath after me .... I saw some cctv cameras like intha outside because it is a open bathroom right then I told my duty to take me a towel and

The dream of the snake represents hidden fears and anxieties that are lurking within your subconscious. The snake, a common symbol of fear and danger, is coming near your house, which could symbolize your personal life or your inner self. The fact that your younger brother tries to rescue the snake could represent your desire to confront and overcome these fears. However, the snake escapes and this could indicate your fear of losing control over the situation or not being able to fully overcome your fears. The presence of two bigger snakes on the road could symbolize the intensity and magnitude of your fears. It could also suggest that these fears are not just limited to your personal life, but also affect those around you. The snake hiding in the sand could represent your attempt to bury or ignore these fears, but they continue to resurface and affect your daily life.

The dream then shifts to a common bathroom, which could symbolize your need for emotional and psychological cleansing. You are surrounded by a lot of people, which could represent the pressures and expectations of society. The open bathroom, where everyone is waiting to bathe, could symbolize your feelings of vulnerability and exposure in front of others. This could imply a fear of being judged or criticized by others.

The fact that you remove your clothes and start bathing could symbolize your willingness to confront and face your fears. However, the presence of your sisters, who are staring and commenting on your nakedness, could represent your fear of being exposed and judged by your family. This could also suggest a sense of competition or comparison with your siblings.

The CCTV cameras in the bathroom could represent your fear of being watched or monitored by others. This could indicate a lack of privacy or feeling like you are constantly being scrutinized by others. Your request for a towel could symbolize your desire for protection and privacy in such a vulnerable situation.

Overall, this dream could suggest that you are dealing with hidden fears and anxieties that are affecting your personal and social life. It could also indicate a need for emotional cleansing and a fear of being exposed or judged by others. It is important to address these fears and find healthy ways to cope with them in order to find peace and balance in your waking life.

Mon Jul 22 16:22

Tuve un sueño donde una orca gigante me comia y yo era una foca en la antartida.

En este sueño, la orca gigante puede representar una fuerza o un problema que te está oprimiendo o devorando en tu vida. Puede ser un problema emocional, una situación difícil o una persona abrumadora. La orca es un animal poderoso y temible, lo que sugiere que este problema o persona también es una fuerza dominante en tu vida. Además, el hecho de que te esté comiendo puede indicar que te sientes abrumado o controlado por esta situación. Por otro lado, el hecho de que te veas a ti mismo como una foca en la Antártida puede simbolizar tu vulnerabilidad y fragilidad en esta situación. La Antártida es un lugar frío y aislado, lo que sugiere que te sientes solo o desprotegido frente a este problema. También puede representar un estado de congelación emocional, como si no pudieras enfrentar o manejar tus emociones relacionadas con esta situación.

En general, este sueño puede estar reflejando tu temor o ansiedad hacia algo en tu vida que te está causando estrés y te hace sentir vulnerable e impotente. Puede ser un llamado a enfrentar este problema y encontrar formas de manejarlo de manera efectiva. También puede ser una señal de que necesitas buscar apoyo y protección en tu vida para superar esta situación.

Fri Jul 19 13:55

Me encuentro en una gran sala de capacitación, ante muchísima gente. Todos los asistentes pertenecen al departamento de proyectos de una inmobiliaria conocida, sentados en sus escritorios de trabajo, apuntando lideas de mi explicaciòn. Yo trato de explicarles mi interpretación de un sueño. Entre otras cosas, en ese sueño ví un showroom donde las maquetas y las ideas se proyectaban de manera tridimensional en colores brillantes. Explicaban paso a paso los conveptos del protecto inmobiliario que se exhibïa. En eso, el lïder de la empresa al que le expkicaba mis conceptos me detiene y me explica que su equipo ha estado trabajando en un proyecto inmobiliario que me quieren mostrar. Me sientan entte el pùblico ante una gran oantalla de cine y me empiezan a mostrar las udeas de su proyecto. Sale una maceta con una planta parlant. Expkica que el proyecto no es circular o redondo, sino que tiene ramas. Comienza cada rama a aparecer y explicar ideas. El video expuesto en. La pantalla termina diciendo que el proyecto inmobiliario se basó en los juegos olímpicos de invierno y al final de la presentación se reparten algunos trípticos con pistas invernales en ellos.

Este sueño puede ser interpretado como una representación de tu vida laboral y tu papel en ella. La gran sala de capacitación y la cantidad de personas representan la importancia que le das a tu trabajo y la responsabilidad que tienes hacia tus compañeros y tu empresa. El hecho de que todos pertenezcan al departamento de proyectos de una inmobiliaria conocida puede indicar que te sientes parte de un equipo exitoso y reconocido en tu campo laboral. Tus intentos de explicar tu interpretación de un sueño pueden simbolizar tu creatividad y tu habilidad para pensar fuera de lo convencional, lo cual es valorado por tus colegas y superiores. La presencia de un showroom en el sueño puede representar tu deseo de exhibir tus ideas y proyectos de manera llamativa y atractiva, lo que puede ser una habilidad importante en tu trabajo.

La maqueta y las ideas proyectadas de manera tridimensional en colores brillantes pueden representar tu capacidad para visualizar y comunicar tus ideas de manera clara y persuasiva. Esto es reforzado por el hecho de que estás explicando paso a paso los conceptos del proyecto inmobiliario, lo que sugiere que eres una persona detallista y organizada en tu trabajo.

La aparición del líder de la empresa y su interés en mostrarte su proyecto puede simbolizar la necesidad de reconocimiento y aprobación de tus superiores. El hecho de que te sientes entre el público y te muestren una presentación en una gran pantalla de cine puede representar tu deseo de ser reconocido y valorado por tus ideas y contribuciones.

La maceta con la planta parlante puede simbolizar la importancia de la comunicación y la colaboración en tu trabajo. El hecho de que el proyecto no sea circular o redondo, sino que tenga ramas, puede representar la diversidad y complejidad del trabajo en equipo y la importancia de cada miembro en el éxito del proyecto.

La mención de los juegos olímpicos de invierno y la distribución de trípticos con pistas invernales puede representar la importancia de la planificación y la estrategia en tu trabajo. Puede ser un recordatorio de la importancia de estar preparado y adapt

Fri Jul 19 05:24

старое место захоронения с гробами

Этот сон может иметь различные интерпретации в зависимости от контекста и ситуации, в которой он возник. В общем, место захоронения и гробы символизируют прошлое, ушедшее время, которое может быть связано с чувством утраты или ностальгии. Это может быть отношения, дружба, работа, место жительства или любой другой аспект жизни, который уже позади. Гробы также могут отражать страх перед смертью или боязнь потерять что-то дорогое и незаменимое. Они могут быть символом подавленных эмоций и чувств, которые нужно освободить и отпустить. В то же время, они могут представлять возможность для нового начала и прощания с прошлым.

Старое место захоронения может указывать на то, что эти чувства и эмоции уже давно забыты или зарыты в подсознании, но всё ещё оказывают влияние на жизнь сновидца. Возможно, сон является призывом к освобождению от прошлого и принятию его как части своей жизни.

Также стоит обратить внимание на контекст сна и на свои реакции и ощущения во время сновидения. Возможно, это место захоронения символизирует что-то конкретное в жизни сновидца, что они должны пережить и принять, чтобы продолжать двигаться вперёд.

В целом, старое мест

Fri Jul 19 00:17

Me encuentro rodeada personas y estamos hablando y pasadola bien siento ganas de toser me volteo y termino vomitando muchos vidrios rotos

This dream is a reflection of your current social interactions and the underlying emotions that you may be experiencing. The people surrounding you represent your social circle and the conversations you are having with them symbolize the communication and connections you have with others in your waking life. The feeling of wanting to cough could represent a need to express yourself and your thoughts, but something is holding you back. This could be a fear of being judged or misunderstood by those around you. The coughing could also be a sign of repressed emotions that need to be released.

The act of turning around and vomiting broken glass is a powerful symbol that reveals the hidden turmoil and inner conflict you are facing in your relationships. The broken glass could represent shattered illusions, disappointments, and hurtful words or actions from those around you. It could also symbolize your own inner insecurities and doubts that have been building up and are now being released in a destructive manner.

Overall, this dream suggests that you may be feeling overwhelmed and burdened by your social interactions and the expectations of others. The broken glass could be a warning sign that these relationships may be toxic or damaging to your well-being. It is important to reflect on your current relationships and address any underlying issues before they manifest in a negative way. This dream is a reminder to prioritize your own emotional health and to surround yourself with positive and supportive individuals.

Fri Jul 19 00:12

Estoy en un edificio y al salir veo que ha estado lloviendo mucho, tanto por toda la calle pasa un gran río sucio que se está llevando muchas cosas, trepó por donde puedo y me encuentro a una sirena, le pregunto que como me puedo convertir en sirena?. Ahora Estoy en mi casa con familiares y que están de visita, hay 3 perrito callejeros dentro de la casa, están muy sucios, los voy echar pero no se quieren ir sobre todo el más sucio y enfermo

This dream seems to revolve around the themes of transformation, chaos, and cleansing. The dreamer finds themselves in a building, symbolizing a stable and structured environment, but upon leaving, they are confronted with the aftermath of a heavy rainstorm. The rain and resulting dirty river represent a chaotic and overwhelming situation that the dreamer is faced with. This could be a reflection of real life challenges or emotional turmoil. The dreamer then encounters a mermaid, symbolizing a desire for transformation and escape from the chaos. The question about becoming a mermaid could suggest a longing for a simpler and more carefree existence. This desire for transformation may be a defense mechanism to cope with the overwhelming situation the dreamer is facing.

The dream then shifts to the dreamer's home, a symbol of safety and comfort. However, the presence of three stray and dirty dogs represents the dreamer's inner turmoil and confusion. The dreamer is torn between wanting to cleanse and rid themselves of this chaos, but also feeling a sense of responsibility and attachment to it. The fact that the dogs are sick could indicate that the dreamer is struggling with negative emotions or thoughts that are affecting their well-being.

Overall, this dream suggests that the dreamer is facing a chaotic and overwhelming situation in their waking life. They may be longing for transformation and escape, but are also struggling with inner conflicts and a sense of responsibility. It may be important for the dreamer to find a balance between seeking change and taking care of themselves in order to find peace and stability.

Thu Jul 18 03:38

Estar en una casa que no es mía, pero en el sueño si lo era. Al salir, mi padre con su vehículo accidentalmente atropella un perro que luego se transforma en niño y aparece una mujer que no conozco y quien insistentemente trataba de entrar a mi casa

Este sueño es una representación simbólica de tu relación con tu familia y tu hogar, y los cambios y desafíos que estás enfrentando en tu vida. La casa que no es tuya, pero en el sueño lo es, representa tu sensación de inseguridad y falta de control en tu vida personal. El hecho de que tu padre atropelle accidentalmente a un perro simboliza una situación inesperada o un conflicto que surge en tu familia. El perro también puede representar tu lealtad y protección hacia tus seres queridos. Al transformarse en un niño, el perro representa tu niño interior, tu inocencia y vulnerabilidad. Esto puede indicar que estás lidiando con emociones difíciles y necesitas protección y apoyo de tu familia.

La aparición de una mujer desconocida que intenta entrar a tu casa representa una fuerza o influencia externa que está tratando de afectar tu vida y tu hogar. Puede ser una persona real o una situación que sientes que está invadiendo tu espacio personal. Esta mujer también puede simbolizar tu propia feminidad y aspectos femeninos de tu personalidad que estás tratando de integrar o aceptar.

En general, este sueño puede ser una señal de que estás experimentando cambios significativos en tu vida y que necesitas apoyo y protección de tu familia en este momento. También puede ser una llamada para que reconozcas y aceptes tu lado más vulnerable y femenino. Trata de reflexionar sobre tus relaciones y cómo estás manejando los cambios en tu vida para encontrar una mayor estabilidad y equilibrio.

Tue Jul 16 15:08

Dream of fighting frenemy coworker. This person isn’t a fighter type in reality, but known for gossiping behind my back and doing spiteful things. At one point, I stopped talking to them and they banded a group of coworkers against me. Now in the present they engage with me casually. So, in the dream we’re working and our manager asks who is responsible for a mess in the storage room, I hear the girl blame me in a whisper, however I try to clear my name while exposing the girl as a liar. The manager seemingly shakes her head as she feels there is drama. Later on in the dream, I’m working and I go to ask the manager something, although she is busy mopping so the floor is wet, I decided to ask later and as I exit the room, the girl blocks my way, thinking I’m trying to get to the manager but I tell her I wasn’t, she refuses to listen to me and grabs my arm aggressively, I tell her to let go, shocked and angered by her audacity. She refuses and I then call the manager to witness although there were customers that were witnesses. Our manager acknowledges, but ignores, so I become fed up and push her in defense, we then begin to fight, she accuses me of jealousy. In the end, I go call the manager once again over the phone to clear my name although I’m conflicted. In summary, in real life, this coworker will be leaving soon for college; the other coworkers against me remain.

This dream reflects the ongoing conflict and tension between you and your frenemy coworker in waking life. The fact that the person is not a fighter type in reality suggests that the aggression and conflict in the dream are symbolic of the underlying issues and dynamics in your relationship with this person. The dream begins with a scene of you and your coworker working together, symbolizing your current situation in waking life. The mention of the storage room and the mess in it represents the hidden or unresolved issues between the two of you. The fact that your coworker blames you for the mess in a whisper suggests that she is still gossiping and spreading rumors about you behind your back.

Your attempt to clear your name and expose her as a liar reflects your desire to defend yourself and set the record straight. The fact that your manager shakes her head at the drama suggests that she is aware of the tension between you and your coworker but chooses to ignore it.

In the later scene, you encounter your coworker again, but this time she aggressively blocks your way and grabs your arm. This symbolizes her attempt to control or manipulate you, as she refuses to listen to your explanation and accuses you of jealousy. This could also reflect your feelings of being trapped or controlled by this person in waking life.

The fact that the manager acknowledges but ignores the situation suggests that the issue is being overlooked or dismissed by those in authority. This could represent your frustration with the lack of support or resolution in dealing with the conflict.

The final scene of you calling the manager over the phone to clear your name reflects your inner conflict and uncertainty about how to handle the situation. The fact that your coworker will be leaving soon for college symbolizes the end of this chapter in your relationship with her. However, the presence of the other coworkers who remain against you suggests that there may still be lingering tension and unresolved issues even after your frenemy is gone.

Overall, this dream highlights the power dynamics and underlying issues in your relationship with your frenemy coworker. It may also reflect your feelings of being unfairly judged or misunderstood by your manager and coworkers. It is important to address and resolve these issues in waking life in order to move forward and maintain a positive work environment.

Tue Jul 16 10:19

Soñé encontrándome con un amigo del pasado quién ha entregado un álbum de fotos para un amigo en común, mientras hablábamos vimos luces en el cielo que giraba como planetas que chocaban ya traían a su órbita a otros planetas o estrellas para colapsar en el centro, esos choques estelares Se volvieron luces y después se transformaron en burbujas que provocaron una lluvia ácida

El dreamer is reuniting with a friend from their past who gives them an album of photos for a mutual friend. This friend may represent a part of the dreamer's past that they have not fully let go of, and the album symbolizes a desire to hold onto memories and nostalgia. The fact that the album is for a mutual friend suggests that this person may have had a significant impact on both the dreamer and their friend. As they are talking, they see lights in the sky that are spinning like planets colliding. This could symbolize the dreamer's feelings of chaos and confusion in their waking life. The planets colliding and bringing other planets or stars into their orbit may represent the dreamer's struggle to maintain stability and control in their life, as outside forces and events continue to disrupt their plans.

The collisions then turn into lights and eventually transform into bubbles that cause an acid rain. This could symbolize the dreamer's fear of being overwhelmed by their emotions. The bubbles represent the dreamer's thoughts and feelings, which are building up and eventually causing a destructive release. The acid rain could also represent the dreamer's fear of the consequences of their actions or emotions.

Overall, this dream may suggest that the dreamer is struggling to let go of their past and the memories associated with it. They may also be feeling overwhelmed and out of control in their waking life, as external events continue to disrupt their sense of stability. The dream may be a warning to address these issues and find ways to cope with the chaos and potential emotional turmoil. It could also be a reminder to focus on the present and let go of the past in order to move forward.

Tue Jul 16 04:43

I was in the exam hall. Sitting on the last bench. I was feeling dizzy. I called my exam supervisor. I handed over some kind of book to him. He asked me something but I started losing consciousness slowly.

This dream may represent feelings of stress and anxiety related to a current or upcoming exam or test in your waking life. The exam hall setting suggests a high-pressure, formal environment where you are expected to perform and prove your knowledge or abilities. Sitting on the last bench may symbolize a sense of isolation or being at the back of the pack, perhaps feeling like you are not as prepared as others. The feeling of dizziness may represent a lack of clarity or confusion in your thoughts and emotions. This could be a reflection of the pressure you are under and the fear of failing or not meeting expectations. Calling your exam supervisor may symbolize a desire for guidance and support, or perhaps seeking validation and reassurance. By handing over a book, you are possibly acknowledging your need for help and admitting that you may not have all the answers.

The supervisor asking you something may represent your own inner doubts and insecurities, manifesting as an external authority figure questioning your capabilities. Losing consciousness could symbolize a fear of losing control or failing in your exam. It could also represent a desire to escape from the stressful situation, even if it means avoiding the exam altogether.

Overall, this dream may suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed and unsure about your abilities to perform well in a challenging situation. It may be a reflection of your current state of mind and your fears and doubts about your academic or professional performance. It could also be a reminder to seek support and guidance from others and to not be afraid to ask for help when needed.