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Wed Jul 24 14:05:48 2024

Tuve un sueño donde una bruja deforme, que era una cruza entre animal, 'wendigo' y plague doctor, me tenía sedado y encerrado en su calabozo. Es la segunda vez que sueño con esta misma situación. Me controlaba a partir de los sueños. Me recuerda a la criatura de la película 'Barbarian'.

El sueño que tuviste es muy simbólico y puede tener varias interpretaciones. La bruja deforme representa tus miedos y preocupaciones, ya que su apariencia es aterradora y desconocida. Además, al ser una cruza entre un animal, un 'wendigo' y un plague doctor, puede representar una combinación de diferentes amenazas o peligros en tu vida. El hecho de que estés sedado y encerrado en su calabozo indica que te sientes atrapado en una situación que no puedes controlar. Puede ser una relación, un trabajo o cualquier otra circunstancia que te esté causando ansiedad y te haga sentir limitado. La bruja, al controlarte a través de tus sueños, sugiere que tus miedos están teniendo un fuerte impacto en tu vida y en tu subconsciente.

El hecho de que este sea el segundo sueño con la misma situación indica que el problema que estás enfrentando es recurrente y no lo has podido resolver. La referencia a la criatura de la película 'Barbarian' puede representar una sensación de estar en una situación peligrosa y violenta, en la que tienes que luchar constantemente para protegerte.

Este sueño puede ser una señal de que necesitas enfrentar tus miedos y tomar el control de tu vida. Debes identificar qué es lo que te está causando tanto temor y encontrar una manera de superarlo. También puede ser una advertencia de que si no tomas medidas, tus miedos pueden seguir controlándote y limitando tu crecimiento personal.

En resumen, este sueño refleja tus miedos y preocupaciones internas y te anima a enfrentarlos y tomar el control de tu vida. Es importante que reflexiones sobre lo que puede estar causando estos sentimientos y busques ayuda si es necesario para superarlos. Recuerda que eres más fuerte de lo que crees y puedes superar cualquier obstáculo que se te presente.

Wed Jul 24 11:20:52 2024

A mi mamá le había robado la tarjeta de crédito y por estar preocupada se quedó cuadraplejica y que en eso volteo y había un gato negro

En esta sueño, la figura materna representa la seguridad y estabilidad emocional. El hecho de que su tarjeta de crédito haya sido robada simboliza la pérdida de control y poder en la vida de la soñadora. Esto puede estar relacionado con una sensación de falta de autonomía o independencia en su vida actual. La preocupación de la madre y su posterior cuadraplejia sugieren que la soñadora siente que su comportamiento o acciones están afectando negativamente a su figura materna y a su relación con ella. Esto puede indicar un sentimiento de culpa o responsabilidad por las preocupaciones de su madre.

La presencia del gato negro en el sueño puede representar los aspectos oscuros o negativos de la personalidad de la soñadora. Puede simbolizar el miedo, la ansiedad o los pensamientos negativos que están presentes en su vida. El hecho de que el gato aparezca después de la preocupación y la cuadraplejia de la madre puede indicar que estos aspectos negativos están siendo desencadenados por la situación con su madre.

Además, el gato negro también puede representar la intuición y la sabiduría interior de la soñadora. Puede ser una llamada para que ella preste atención a sus emociones y pensamientos más profundos y busque una mayor comprensión de sí misma.

En general, este sueño puede reflejar la preocupación y la culpa que la soñadora siente en su relación con su madre y cómo esto está afectando su propia percepción de sí misma. Puede ser una invitación a reflexionar sobre su comportamiento y tomar medidas para mejorar la comunicación y la relación con su madre. También puede ser una señal para que se conecte con su intuición y busque una mayor comprensión de sí misma y de sus emociones.

Votes: 1

Tue Jul 23 01:38:24 2024

I had a dream of snake 🐍 and it's actually coming near to our house and mu younger brother tried to rescue the snake and yes he did rescue the snake and have it in the bag and suddenly the snake escaped from the and we were searching for the snake where did it gone ... and we saw 2 snake on the road which were bigger than the snake went to my house and we saw the snake tha we rescue were trying to hide in the sand and after that my dream as changed that me and my family were somewhere and there is a lot of people there is a common bathroom for all the people were using it I went to that bathroom I have peed and cake to take a bath abut there is a bathroom were some one is finished bathing and came out and suddenly one lady went to the bathroom saying I will coke quickly after she came out I went to take a bath.... I have removed my dress and then suddenly it's like a open bathroom where everyone is waiting to bath. And everyone is starring at me bathing and my sister's were standing in the line for to use a bathroom they were also starring me and she telling to other sister by seeing me look how she is bathing without clothes.. then I cover my body using towel ... I were bathing but everyone one is watching and waiting for yo bath after me .... I saw some cctv cameras like intha outside because it is a open bathroom right then I told my duty to take me a towel and

The dream of the snake represents hidden fears and anxieties that are lurking within your subconscious. The snake, a common symbol of fear and danger, is coming near your house, which could symbolize your personal life or your inner self. The fact that your younger brother tries to rescue the snake could represent your desire to confront and overcome these fears. However, the snake escapes and this could indicate your fear of losing control over the situation or not being able to fully overcome your fears. The presence of two bigger snakes on the road could symbolize the intensity and magnitude of your fears. It could also suggest that these fears are not just limited to your personal life, but also affect those around you. The snake hiding in the sand could represent your attempt to bury or ignore these fears, but they continue to resurface and affect your daily life.

The dream then shifts to a common bathroom, which could symbolize your need for emotional and psychological cleansing. You are surrounded by a lot of people, which could represent the pressures and expectations of society. The open bathroom, where everyone is waiting to bathe, could symbolize your feelings of vulnerability and exposure in front of others. This could imply a fear of being judged or criticized by others.

The fact that you remove your clothes and start bathing could symbolize your willingness to confront and face your fears. However, the presence of your sisters, who are staring and commenting on your nakedness, could represent your fear of being exposed and judged by your family. This could also suggest a sense of competition or comparison with your siblings.

The CCTV cameras in the bathroom could represent your fear of being watched or monitored by others. This could indicate a lack of privacy or feeling like you are constantly being scrutinized by others. Your request for a towel could symbolize your desire for protection and privacy in such a vulnerable situation.

Overall, this dream could suggest that you are dealing with hidden fears and anxieties that are affecting your personal and social life. It could also indicate a need for emotional cleansing and a fear of being exposed or judged by others. It is important to address these fears and find healthy ways to cope with them in order to find peace and balance in your waking life.

Votes: 1

Mon Jul 22 16:22:44 2024

Tuve un sueño donde una orca gigante me comia y yo era una foca en la antartida.

En este sueño, la orca gigante puede representar una fuerza o un problema que te está oprimiendo o devorando en tu vida. Puede ser un problema emocional, una situación difícil o una persona abrumadora. La orca es un animal poderoso y temible, lo que sugiere que este problema o persona también es una fuerza dominante en tu vida. Además, el hecho de que te esté comiendo puede indicar que te sientes abrumado o controlado por esta situación. Por otro lado, el hecho de que te veas a ti mismo como una foca en la Antártida puede simbolizar tu vulnerabilidad y fragilidad en esta situación. La Antártida es un lugar frío y aislado, lo que sugiere que te sientes solo o desprotegido frente a este problema. También puede representar un estado de congelación emocional, como si no pudieras enfrentar o manejar tus emociones relacionadas con esta situación.

En general, este sueño puede estar reflejando tu temor o ansiedad hacia algo en tu vida que te está causando estrés y te hace sentir vulnerable e impotente. Puede ser un llamado a enfrentar este problema y encontrar formas de manejarlo de manera efectiva. También puede ser una señal de que necesitas buscar apoyo y protección en tu vida para superar esta situación.

Votes: 1

Fri Jul 19 13:55:02 2024

Me encuentro en una gran sala de capacitación, ante muchísima gente. Todos los asistentes pertenecen al departamento de proyectos de una inmobiliaria conocida, sentados en sus escritorios de trabajo, apuntando lideas de mi explicaciòn. Yo trato de explicarles mi interpretación de un sueño. Entre otras cosas, en ese sueño ví un showroom donde las maquetas y las ideas se proyectaban de manera tridimensional en colores brillantes. Explicaban paso a paso los conveptos del protecto inmobiliario que se exhibïa. En eso, el lïder de la empresa al que le expkicaba mis conceptos me detiene y me explica que su equipo ha estado trabajando en un proyecto inmobiliario que me quieren mostrar. Me sientan entte el pùblico ante una gran oantalla de cine y me empiezan a mostrar las udeas de su proyecto. Sale una maceta con una planta parlant. Expkica que el proyecto no es circular o redondo, sino que tiene ramas. Comienza cada rama a aparecer y explicar ideas. El video expuesto en. La pantalla termina diciendo que el proyecto inmobiliario se basó en los juegos olímpicos de invierno y al final de la presentación se reparten algunos trípticos con pistas invernales en ellos.

Este sueño puede ser interpretado como una representación de tu vida laboral y tu papel en ella. La gran sala de capacitación y la cantidad de personas representan la importancia que le das a tu trabajo y la responsabilidad que tienes hacia tus compañeros y tu empresa. El hecho de que todos pertenezcan al departamento de proyectos de una inmobiliaria conocida puede indicar que te sientes parte de un equipo exitoso y reconocido en tu campo laboral. Tus intentos de explicar tu interpretación de un sueño pueden simbolizar tu creatividad y tu habilidad para pensar fuera de lo convencional, lo cual es valorado por tus colegas y superiores. La presencia de un showroom en el sueño puede representar tu deseo de exhibir tus ideas y proyectos de manera llamativa y atractiva, lo que puede ser una habilidad importante en tu trabajo.

La maqueta y las ideas proyectadas de manera tridimensional en colores brillantes pueden representar tu capacidad para visualizar y comunicar tus ideas de manera clara y persuasiva. Esto es reforzado por el hecho de que estás explicando paso a paso los conceptos del proyecto inmobiliario, lo que sugiere que eres una persona detallista y organizada en tu trabajo.

La aparición del líder de la empresa y su interés en mostrarte su proyecto puede simbolizar la necesidad de reconocimiento y aprobación de tus superiores. El hecho de que te sientes entre el público y te muestren una presentación en una gran pantalla de cine puede representar tu deseo de ser reconocido y valorado por tus ideas y contribuciones.

La maceta con la planta parlante puede simbolizar la importancia de la comunicación y la colaboración en tu trabajo. El hecho de que el proyecto no sea circular o redondo, sino que tenga ramas, puede representar la diversidad y complejidad del trabajo en equipo y la importancia de cada miembro en el éxito del proyecto.

La mención de los juegos olímpicos de invierno y la distribución de trípticos con pistas invernales puede representar la importancia de la planificación y la estrategia en tu trabajo. Puede ser un recordatorio de la importancia de estar preparado y adapt

Votes: 1

Fri Jul 19 05:24:32 2024

старое место захоронения с гробами

Этот сон может иметь различные интерпретации в зависимости от контекста и ситуации, в которой он возник. В общем, место захоронения и гробы символизируют прошлое, ушедшее время, которое может быть связано с чувством утраты или ностальгии. Это может быть отношения, дружба, работа, место жительства или любой другой аспект жизни, который уже позади. Гробы также могут отражать страх перед смертью или боязнь потерять что-то дорогое и незаменимое. Они могут быть символом подавленных эмоций и чувств, которые нужно освободить и отпустить. В то же время, они могут представлять возможность для нового начала и прощания с прошлым.

Старое место захоронения может указывать на то, что эти чувства и эмоции уже давно забыты или зарыты в подсознании, но всё ещё оказывают влияние на жизнь сновидца. Возможно, сон является призывом к освобождению от прошлого и принятию его как части своей жизни.

Также стоит обратить внимание на контекст сна и на свои реакции и ощущения во время сновидения. Возможно, это место захоронения символизирует что-то конкретное в жизни сновидца, что они должны пережить и принять, чтобы продолжать двигаться вперёд.

В целом, старое мест

Fri Jul 19 00:17:21 2024

Me encuentro rodeada personas y estamos hablando y pasadola bien siento ganas de toser me volteo y termino vomitando muchos vidrios rotos

This dream is a reflection of your current social interactions and the underlying emotions that you may be experiencing. The people surrounding you represent your social circle and the conversations you are having with them symbolize the communication and connections you have with others in your waking life. The feeling of wanting to cough could represent a need to express yourself and your thoughts, but something is holding you back. This could be a fear of being judged or misunderstood by those around you. The coughing could also be a sign of repressed emotions that need to be released.

The act of turning around and vomiting broken glass is a powerful symbol that reveals the hidden turmoil and inner conflict you are facing in your relationships. The broken glass could represent shattered illusions, disappointments, and hurtful words or actions from those around you. It could also symbolize your own inner insecurities and doubts that have been building up and are now being released in a destructive manner.

Overall, this dream suggests that you may be feeling overwhelmed and burdened by your social interactions and the expectations of others. The broken glass could be a warning sign that these relationships may be toxic or damaging to your well-being. It is important to reflect on your current relationships and address any underlying issues before they manifest in a negative way. This dream is a reminder to prioritize your own emotional health and to surround yourself with positive and supportive individuals.

Fri Jul 19 00:12:57 2024

Estoy en un edificio y al salir veo que ha estado lloviendo mucho, tanto por toda la calle pasa un gran río sucio que se está llevando muchas cosas, trepó por donde puedo y me encuentro a una sirena, le pregunto que como me puedo convertir en sirena?. Ahora Estoy en mi casa con familiares y que están de visita, hay 3 perrito callejeros dentro de la casa, están muy sucios, los voy echar pero no se quieren ir sobre todo el más sucio y enfermo

This dream seems to revolve around the themes of transformation, chaos, and cleansing. The dreamer finds themselves in a building, symbolizing a stable and structured environment, but upon leaving, they are confronted with the aftermath of a heavy rainstorm. The rain and resulting dirty river represent a chaotic and overwhelming situation that the dreamer is faced with. This could be a reflection of real life challenges or emotional turmoil. The dreamer then encounters a mermaid, symbolizing a desire for transformation and escape from the chaos. The question about becoming a mermaid could suggest a longing for a simpler and more carefree existence. This desire for transformation may be a defense mechanism to cope with the overwhelming situation the dreamer is facing.

The dream then shifts to the dreamer's home, a symbol of safety and comfort. However, the presence of three stray and dirty dogs represents the dreamer's inner turmoil and confusion. The dreamer is torn between wanting to cleanse and rid themselves of this chaos, but also feeling a sense of responsibility and attachment to it. The fact that the dogs are sick could indicate that the dreamer is struggling with negative emotions or thoughts that are affecting their well-being.

Overall, this dream suggests that the dreamer is facing a chaotic and overwhelming situation in their waking life. They may be longing for transformation and escape, but are also struggling with inner conflicts and a sense of responsibility. It may be important for the dreamer to find a balance between seeking change and taking care of themselves in order to find peace and stability.

Thu Jul 18 03:38:50 2024

Estar en una casa que no es mía, pero en el sueño si lo era. Al salir, mi padre con su vehículo accidentalmente atropella un perro que luego se transforma en niño y aparece una mujer que no conozco y quien insistentemente trataba de entrar a mi casa

Este sueño es una representación simbólica de tu relación con tu familia y tu hogar, y los cambios y desafíos que estás enfrentando en tu vida. La casa que no es tuya, pero en el sueño lo es, representa tu sensación de inseguridad y falta de control en tu vida personal. El hecho de que tu padre atropelle accidentalmente a un perro simboliza una situación inesperada o un conflicto que surge en tu familia. El perro también puede representar tu lealtad y protección hacia tus seres queridos. Al transformarse en un niño, el perro representa tu niño interior, tu inocencia y vulnerabilidad. Esto puede indicar que estás lidiando con emociones difíciles y necesitas protección y apoyo de tu familia.

La aparición de una mujer desconocida que intenta entrar a tu casa representa una fuerza o influencia externa que está tratando de afectar tu vida y tu hogar. Puede ser una persona real o una situación que sientes que está invadiendo tu espacio personal. Esta mujer también puede simbolizar tu propia feminidad y aspectos femeninos de tu personalidad que estás tratando de integrar o aceptar.

En general, este sueño puede ser una señal de que estás experimentando cambios significativos en tu vida y que necesitas apoyo y protección de tu familia en este momento. También puede ser una llamada para que reconozcas y aceptes tu lado más vulnerable y femenino. Trata de reflexionar sobre tus relaciones y cómo estás manejando los cambios en tu vida para encontrar una mayor estabilidad y equilibrio.

Tue Jul 16 15:08:01 2024

Dream of fighting frenemy coworker. This person isn’t a fighter type in reality, but known for gossiping behind my back and doing spiteful things. At one point, I stopped talking to them and they banded a group of coworkers against me. Now in the present they engage with me casually. So, in the dream we’re working and our manager asks who is responsible for a mess in the storage room, I hear the girl blame me in a whisper, however I try to clear my name while exposing the girl as a liar. The manager seemingly shakes her head as she feels there is drama. Later on in the dream, I’m working and I go to ask the manager something, although she is busy mopping so the floor is wet, I decided to ask later and as I exit the room, the girl blocks my way, thinking I’m trying to get to the manager but I tell her I wasn’t, she refuses to listen to me and grabs my arm aggressively, I tell her to let go, shocked and angered by her audacity. She refuses and I then call the manager to witness although there were customers that were witnesses. Our manager acknowledges, but ignores, so I become fed up and push her in defense, we then begin to fight, she accuses me of jealousy. In the end, I go call the manager once again over the phone to clear my name although I’m conflicted. In summary, in real life, this coworker will be leaving soon for college; the other coworkers against me remain.

This dream reflects the ongoing conflict and tension between you and your frenemy coworker in waking life. The fact that the person is not a fighter type in reality suggests that the aggression and conflict in the dream are symbolic of the underlying issues and dynamics in your relationship with this person. The dream begins with a scene of you and your coworker working together, symbolizing your current situation in waking life. The mention of the storage room and the mess in it represents the hidden or unresolved issues between the two of you. The fact that your coworker blames you for the mess in a whisper suggests that she is still gossiping and spreading rumors about you behind your back.

Your attempt to clear your name and expose her as a liar reflects your desire to defend yourself and set the record straight. The fact that your manager shakes her head at the drama suggests that she is aware of the tension between you and your coworker but chooses to ignore it.

In the later scene, you encounter your coworker again, but this time she aggressively blocks your way and grabs your arm. This symbolizes her attempt to control or manipulate you, as she refuses to listen to your explanation and accuses you of jealousy. This could also reflect your feelings of being trapped or controlled by this person in waking life.

The fact that the manager acknowledges but ignores the situation suggests that the issue is being overlooked or dismissed by those in authority. This could represent your frustration with the lack of support or resolution in dealing with the conflict.

The final scene of you calling the manager over the phone to clear your name reflects your inner conflict and uncertainty about how to handle the situation. The fact that your coworker will be leaving soon for college symbolizes the end of this chapter in your relationship with her. However, the presence of the other coworkers who remain against you suggests that there may still be lingering tension and unresolved issues even after your frenemy is gone.

Overall, this dream highlights the power dynamics and underlying issues in your relationship with your frenemy coworker. It may also reflect your feelings of being unfairly judged or misunderstood by your manager and coworkers. It is important to address and resolve these issues in waking life in order to move forward and maintain a positive work environment.

Tue Jul 16 10:19:49 2024

Soñé encontrándome con un amigo del pasado quién ha entregado un álbum de fotos para un amigo en común, mientras hablábamos vimos luces en el cielo que giraba como planetas que chocaban ya traían a su órbita a otros planetas o estrellas para colapsar en el centro, esos choques estelares Se volvieron luces y después se transformaron en burbujas que provocaron una lluvia ácida

El dreamer is reuniting with a friend from their past who gives them an album of photos for a mutual friend. This friend may represent a part of the dreamer's past that they have not fully let go of, and the album symbolizes a desire to hold onto memories and nostalgia. The fact that the album is for a mutual friend suggests that this person may have had a significant impact on both the dreamer and their friend. As they are talking, they see lights in the sky that are spinning like planets colliding. This could symbolize the dreamer's feelings of chaos and confusion in their waking life. The planets colliding and bringing other planets or stars into their orbit may represent the dreamer's struggle to maintain stability and control in their life, as outside forces and events continue to disrupt their plans.

The collisions then turn into lights and eventually transform into bubbles that cause an acid rain. This could symbolize the dreamer's fear of being overwhelmed by their emotions. The bubbles represent the dreamer's thoughts and feelings, which are building up and eventually causing a destructive release. The acid rain could also represent the dreamer's fear of the consequences of their actions or emotions.

Overall, this dream may suggest that the dreamer is struggling to let go of their past and the memories associated with it. They may also be feeling overwhelmed and out of control in their waking life, as external events continue to disrupt their sense of stability. The dream may be a warning to address these issues and find ways to cope with the chaos and potential emotional turmoil. It could also be a reminder to focus on the present and let go of the past in order to move forward.

Tue Jul 16 04:43:21 2024

I was in the exam hall. Sitting on the last bench. I was feeling dizzy. I called my exam supervisor. I handed over some kind of book to him. He asked me something but I started losing consciousness slowly.

This dream may represent feelings of stress and anxiety related to a current or upcoming exam or test in your waking life. The exam hall setting suggests a high-pressure, formal environment where you are expected to perform and prove your knowledge or abilities. Sitting on the last bench may symbolize a sense of isolation or being at the back of the pack, perhaps feeling like you are not as prepared as others. The feeling of dizziness may represent a lack of clarity or confusion in your thoughts and emotions. This could be a reflection of the pressure you are under and the fear of failing or not meeting expectations. Calling your exam supervisor may symbolize a desire for guidance and support, or perhaps seeking validation and reassurance. By handing over a book, you are possibly acknowledging your need for help and admitting that you may not have all the answers.

The supervisor asking you something may represent your own inner doubts and insecurities, manifesting as an external authority figure questioning your capabilities. Losing consciousness could symbolize a fear of losing control or failing in your exam. It could also represent a desire to escape from the stressful situation, even if it means avoiding the exam altogether.

Overall, this dream may suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed and unsure about your abilities to perform well in a challenging situation. It may be a reflection of your current state of mind and your fears and doubts about your academic or professional performance. It could also be a reminder to seek support and guidance from others and to not be afraid to ask for help when needed.

Mon Jul 15 09:43:34 2024

In my dream, I was in a machine that spun us around. I went in a lift to get to the machine, with some other kids. I got in the machine and whilst I was being spun, a man from my protest group came to say hi to me, and well done for my poem. I felt really happy, and had a crush on him.Then, I saw a picture of myself. I was wearing a white top, and my boobs were bigger and I was biting my nail. I was saying 'I love him' 'I love him' 'I love him' even though I don't know this guy.Then, in the next part I was telling my mum that people were talking about our family and spreading rumours. I told her that she can't look after herself let alone my disabled brother. So then, she said she didn't want us anymore. She abandoned us and I was wondering where to stay that night. And then, the background went white. And I saw a man walking towards me.In the dream about my mum she said, 'I am a narcissist. I need to get therapy before I can even look after you guys again. 'And the man was going to foster me and let me stay at his.

The dream begins with the dreamer being in a machine that spins them around. This machine can represent the chaos and unpredictability of life. The dreamer is not in control and is being tossed around by external forces, symbolizing their feelings of being overwhelmed and unable to keep up with the demands of life. The dreamer enters the machine with other children, which could represent the dreamer's feelings of being surrounded by peers who are also struggling and facing similar challenges. This could also indicate a desire for companionship and support.

The man from the dreamer's protest group appearing and congratulating them on their poem represents recognition and validation for their efforts and beliefs. The dreamer's happiness and crush on this man could symbolize a need for approval and acceptance from others, particularly those who share their values and beliefs.

The dreamer then sees a picture of themselves, wearing a white top and with bigger breasts. This could represent a desire for physical and sexual attractiveness and a fear of not measuring up to societal standards. Biting their nail could symbolize anxiety or insecurity about their appearance.

The dreamer repeatedly saying 'I love him' while looking at the picture could indicate a longing for love and connection in their life. This could also represent a fear of being alone or not being able to find someone who loves and accepts them.

The dream then shifts to the dreamer telling their mother about people spreading rumors about their family. This could symbolize the dreamer's fear of judgment and criticism from others. The dreamer's comment about their mother not being able to take care of herself or their disabled brother could represent feelings of burden and responsibility for their family's well-being.

The dreamer's mother then says she doesn't want them anymore and abandons them. This could represent the dreamer's fear of being rejected and abandoned by their loved ones. It could also symbolize a fear of being left to fend for themselves and not having a stable support system.

The dreamer's feelings of uncertainty and desperation are highlighted as they wonder where to stay that night. This could symbolize a fear of being homeless or not having a place to belong. The sudden shift to a white background could represent a blank slate or a fresh start, symbolizing the dreamer's desire for a new beginning.

The dreamer sees a man walking towards them, who then reveals that he will foster and take care of them. This could represent the dreamer's desire for a loving and nurturing figure in

Sun Jul 14 01:41:51 2024

Soñar que camino arriba de perros muertos envueltos en bolsas y tengo una flor morada y tengo que recolectar motra para salir

Este sueño puede ser interpretado de varias maneras dependiendo de la experiencia personal del soñador y de los elementos y emociones presentes en el sueño. Sin embargo, en general, este sueño puede ser visto como una representación simbólica de un proceso de cambio y transformación en la vida del soñador. Los perros muertos envueltos en bolsas pueden simbolizar situaciones o personas del pasado que ya no tienen un papel activo en la vida del soñador. Esto puede ser un indicio de que el soñador está dejando ir viejas formas de pensar, comportamientos o relaciones que ya no le sirven y que le están impidiendo avanzar en su vida.

La flor morada representa la creatividad, la intuición y la espiritualidad. Su color morado también puede estar relacionado con la transmutación y la transformación. El hecho de que el soñador tenga esta flor en su mano puede indicar que está en un proceso de crecimiento personal y que está conectando con su lado más intuitivo y espiritual.

La recolección de motra puede simbolizar la necesidad de recolectar nuevas ideas, conocimiento y experiencias para avanzar en el camino de la transformación. Puede ser un llamado a explorar nuevas posibilidades y a salir de la zona de confort para evolucionar y encontrar un nuevo propósito en la vida.

En resumen, este sueño puede ser una representación de un proceso de cambio y transformación en la vida del soñador, dejando ir el pasado y abrazando nuevas oportunidades para crecer y evolucionar. Puede ser una invitación a conectarse con la creatividad, la intuición y la espiritualidad para encontrar un nuevo camino en la vida.

Sat Jul 13 20:49:07 2024

Que estábamos en una iglesia, bueno...Da la casualidad que asistimos a un lugar así, que supongo y, que era una iglesia, yo estaba casi atrás en una mesa y luego llegaste y me estabas diciendo algo, no me acuerdo que era, pero luego llego una mujer, parecía ser tu hermana, prima no se; una mujer mayor que tú que tenia toda tu confianza. Y te dijo algo como que fueras seria o sincera... Que bueno te exorto con algo que ya casi no recuerdo, solo recuerdo que después de que ella te hablara te pusiste nerviosa y solo me dijiste yo estoy orando por ti...

En esta iglesia, el lugar sagrado, se encuentra la persona que sueña con su pareja. Esto representa la importancia que tiene la relación para ambos y la necesidad de estar en un lugar de paz y tranquilidad para hablar de temas importantes. El hecho de que la persona esté sentada en una mesa, podría representar un sentimiento de estar en una posición de poder o control en la relación. La llegada de la mujer mayor, que podría ser una figura de autoridad o sabiduría, representa la influencia externa en la relación. El hecho de que sea la hermana o prima de la pareja sugiere que es una persona cercana y de confianza en la vida de la pareja. Esto podría simbolizar la presencia de la familia y su influencia en la relación.

Las palabras de la mujer, pidiéndole a la pareja que sea seria o sincera, podrían representar un llamado a la honestidad y la comunicación en la relación. Quizás la pareja tenga dificultades para expresarse o mostrar sus verdaderos sentimientos y la figura de la mujer mayor está tratando de ayudarles a resolverlo.

El hecho de que la pareja se ponga nerviosa después de la intervención de la mujer y solo mencione que está orando por la otra persona, puede indicar que hay una cierta incomodidad o resistencia a enfrentar los problemas en la relación. Tal vez la pareja prefiera recurrir a la oración o a la fe en lugar de enfrentar los problemas directamente.

En general, este sueño puede representar la necesidad de trabajar en la comunicación y la honestidad en la relación, así como la influencia de la familia y la importancia de encontrar un lugar de paz y tranquilidad para abordar los problemas en la relación. También puede sugerir que la pareja necesita aprender a enfrentar y resolver los conflictos en lugar de evitarlos o recurrir a la fe para solucionarlos.

Thu Jul 11 23:38:34 2024

Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in this dream symbolizes a deep-seated fear or anxiety that you may be currently facing in your waking life. The marshmallow man is a familiar and innocent figure, representing childhood nostalgia and comfort. However, in this dream, the marshmallow man is also larger than life and imposing, suggesting a sense of overwhelming and uncontrollable fear. Additionally, the fact that the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is a fictional character from the movie 'Ghostbusters' may symbolize your subconscious trying to process and make sense of this fear. Just like the characters in the movie had to confront and defeat their fear in order to save the city, this dream may be urging you to confront and overcome your own fear in order to move forward in your life.

The white color of the marshmallow man may also hold significance in this dream. White often symbolizes purity and innocence, further reinforcing the idea that this fear may stem from a childhood experience or belief. The fact that the marshmallow man is made of marshmallows, a sweet and sugary treat, could also represent a fear that is disguised as something harmless or pleasant.

Furthermore, the fact that the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is towering over the city in this dream could symbolize the overwhelming nature of this fear and how it may be impacting different aspects of your life. It is possible that this fear is hindering your personal growth and causing you to feel stuck or trapped.

Overall, this dream may be a reminder to confront and overcome your fears in order to move forward and reach your full potential. It may also be a sign to revisit any childhood experiences or beliefs that may be contributing to this fear and to find ways to address and overcome them. Facing your fears can be intimidating, but ultimately it will help you to grow, develop, and lead a more fulfilling life.

Votes: 1

Wed Jul 10 03:37:32 2024

soñe con que ilusionaba a mi ex con que ibamos a regresar o que podriamos tener algo pero al final lo estaba engañando pues yo ya tengo una relacion con mi pareja actual. Lo hacia con maldad y en mi sueño disfrutaba que se ilusionase y al final tratarlo friamente

Esta es una interesante y compleja manifestación onírica que revela un conflicto interno y emocional que estás experimentando en tu vida amorosa actual. El hecho de soñar con tu ex indica que aún hay aspectos de esa relación pasada que no has resuelto completamente y que siguen afectando tu presente. Además, el hecho de ilusionarlo y engañarlo en el sueño puede reflejar una sensación de culpa por haber dejado a tu ex y haber encontrado una nueva pareja. El hecho de que en el sueño disfrutes al ver a tu ex ilusionado y luego lo trates fríamente, puede estar relacionado con un sentimiento de venganza o deseo de herir a tu ex por algún dolor que te causó en el pasado. Esto puede estar relacionado con una necesidad de validar tu nueva relación y demostrar que ya has superado a tu ex.

El engaño en el sueño también puede ser una manifestación de tus propios miedos e inseguridades en tu relación actual. Puede ser que sientas que no estás siendo completamente honesto con tu pareja o que tengas dudas acerca de la estabilidad y fidelidad de la relación.

En resumen, este sueño refleja un conflicto interno entre tu pasado y tu presente, así como tus propias emociones y pensamientos contradictorios en cuanto a tus relaciones amorosas. Es importante que reflexiones sobre tus sentimientos y acciones hacia tu ex y tu pareja actual, y que busques una forma de resolver los conflictos internos que están afectando tus relaciones.

Mon Jul 8 02:42:25 2024

just had a dream where Tom told me to desire him as much as he desires me.. that’s the only way this will work then I got sad about Booker because he didn’t text.. then I dream with pj and Nelson and he was dating a woman and she said I’m living with him but nothing ..I’m convenient to him but he doesn’t want me he is looking for someone else.. we were all in Nelson’s car and pj refused the seat in the front side of his jeep

In this dream, Tom symbolizes a desire or goal that the dreamer is striving for. Tom's request for the dreamer to desire him as much as he desires them represents the dreamer's need to be equally invested in achieving this goal. This could suggest that the dreamer may not be putting enough effort or energy into their pursuits, and that they need to have a stronger desire and drive to make things work. The dreamer's sadness about Booker not texting could represent a fear of rejection or disappointment in their personal relationships. The dream may be reflecting the dreamer's insecurities and doubts about their own desirability and value to others.

The presence of PJ and Nelson in the dream could symbolize different aspects of the dreamer's personality. PJ may represent a more carefree and spontaneous aspect, while Nelson may represent a more rational and practical side. The fact that they are all in Nelson's car could suggest that the dreamer's practical side is currently in control and leading the way.

The woman that Nelson is dating may represent a potential romantic interest or a desire for companionship in the dreamer's life. However, her statement that she is 'convenient' to Nelson but he is still looking for someone else suggests that the dreamer may feel like they are not the first choice or priority in a potential relationship.

The dreamer's refusal to sit in the front seat of PJ's jeep could symbolize a reluctance to take charge or assert themselves in their relationships. It could also suggest a fear of being in the spotlight or taking on a leadership role.

Overall, this dream may be reflecting the dreamer's desire for a fulfilling and equal partnership, as well as their fears and insecurities in pursuing this goal. It could be an indication that the dreamer needs to have more confidence and determination in their pursuits and not settle for being 'convenient' to others.

Sun Jul 7 21:37:34 2024

Ruyamda tanımadığım kiz bana seni seviyorum dedi

Bu rüya, bilinçaltımızın bize mesajlar gönderdiği düşüncesiyle ilgilidir. Rüyada görülen kız, bilinçaltımızın temsilcisidir ve bize sevgi mesajı göndermektedir. Bu durumda, rüyayı gören kişinin hayatında bir şeylerin eksik olduğu ve sevgiye ihtiyaç duyduğu düşünülebilir. Sevildiğini hissetme ihtiyacı, rüyanın ana temasıdır. Rüyada tanımadığınız biri size sevgi sözcükleri söylediğinde, bu gerçek hayatta size yakın olmayan birinin size sevgi göstermesi anlamına gelebilir. Bu durum, hayatınızda yeni birisinin varlığına işaret edebilir veya yakın çevrenizdeki birinin ilgisini çekmiş olabilirsiniz. Rüyada söylenen 'seni seviyorum' sözü, sevgiyi ifade etmek için en güçlü kelimedir ve rüyanın size verdiği mesajın önemini vurgular.

Rüyada gördüğünüz kızın tanımadığınız biri olması, bilinçaltınızın size sevgi mesajı gönderirken bunu farklı bir şekilde ifade ettiğine işaret edebilir. Rüyada tanımadığınız birinin size sevgi göstermesi, gerçek hayatta yakın çevrenizde veya ilişkilerinizde yaşadığınız sevgi eksikliğine dikkat çekmektedir. Bu durumda, rüyayı gören kişinin hayatında sevgiye daha fazla önem vermesi gerekebilir.

Rüyada söylenen 'seni seviyorum' sözcüklerinin doğrudan rüyanın sahibine söylenmesi, r

Votes: 1

Sun Jul 7 08:48:28 2024

In my dream, I was in town and they were banning something, but I don't remember what it was. I saw flocks of people running. Then I went to a memorial, for the Palestinians, where the adults lay candles and wore veils to be respectful. There was also incense, and I remember seeing two girls from my school (I'm not very close to them) . We went together to talk and catch up. : We went into my house and into the toilets to talk more. But then one of our teachers knocked on my door and asked us to get out. We weren't sure at first but we then opened the door. He wasn't mad or anything, he let us be.In the next part, I went to a swimming pool after school with many many people. I wanted to go into the bigger lane but it was too deep, and I almost sunk. But there were kids younger than me going into the deep end, so I went to the stairs and into the water. It wasn't so bad. I then saw a ballpit slide but that was on land, not in the water. I went on a water slide instead.In the evening, I went to the bakery. My mum was there too. She brought me one iced bun. I was hungry and wanted another but I could not afford it. So I ate one iced bun and stole two. I was very very guilty and scared.In the night time, I was crying because I wanted to tell someone about what I did. I couldn't tell my mum because she was unstable. So I called my teachers instead, even though they were half asleep.

The dream begins with the dreamer in town, witnessing a ban on something that is not remembered. This could symbolize the dreamer's feelings of being restricted or limited in some aspect of their life. The sight of flocks of people running could represent a sense of chaos or urgency in the dreamer's life. The dream then shifts to a memorial for Palestinians, where adults are laying candles and wearing veils as a sign of respect. This could symbolize the dreamer's empathy and compassion towards others, as well as their desire for peace and harmony. The incense could represent a desire for spiritual or emotional purification.

The presence of two girls from school, whom the dreamer is not close to, could represent the dreamer's desire for friendship and connection. This desire is further emphasized when they go to the dreamer's house to catch up. However, their conversation is interrupted by a teacher, who represents authority and rules. This could symbolize the dreamer's fear of breaking rules or disappointing authority figures.

The dream then shifts to a swimming pool, which could represent the dreamer's emotions and subconscious mind. The dreamer's struggle to go into the deeper lane could symbolize their fear of diving deep into their emotions or confronting their innermost thoughts. The presence of younger children going into the deep end could represent the dreamer's feelings of inadequacy or being left behind by others.

The water slide could symbolize the dreamer's desire for fun and excitement in their life. This desire is contrasted by the sight of a ballpit slide on land, which could represent the dreamer's feeling of being out of place or not fitting in with their peers.

In the evening, the dreamer goes to a bakery with their mother, who brings them one iced bun. This could symbolize the dreamer's feelings of satisfaction and contentment in their relationship with their mother. However, their desire for more buns but inability to afford them could represent the dreamer's feelings of lack or scarcity in their life.

The dreamer's decision to steal two buns could symbolize their feelings of guilt and shame in regards to their desires and actions. This is further emphasized by their fear of being caught and punished.

In the night time, the dreamer is crying because they want to confess their actions to someone but feel unable to tell their unstable mother. This could symbolize the dreamer's inner turmoil and struggle with their conscience. Their decision to

Votes: 1

Fri Jul 5 14:17:28 2024

Une jeune femme vient se mettre à côté de moi, se penche en avant pour me chuchotter à l'oreille : est-ce que les jets d'eau du terre-plein central fonctionnent de temps en temps ?

Dans ce rêve, la jeune femme représente une partie de vous-même qui est en quête d'informations et de réponses. Elle vient à vous et se penche en avant, montrant ainsi qu'elle est prête à écouter et à recevoir. L'action de chuchoter à l'oreille peut symboliser un secret ou une information importante que vous avez besoin de découvrir ou de comprendre. Le lieu où se déroule le rêve est également important. Le terre-plein central peut représenter une zone de transition, un espace entre deux chemins, ce qui pourrait refléter un moment décisif ou une prise de décision dans votre vie. Les jets d'eau peuvent symboliser des émotions refoulées ou des sentiments intenses qui peuvent surgir de manière imprévisible dans votre vie. Le fait que la jeune femme demande si les jets d'eau fonctionnent de temps en temps peut indiquer que vous êtes en train d'explorer ces émotions et de chercher à les comprendre.

En somme, ce rêve peut refléter votre désir de trouver des réponses à des questions importantes dans votre vie et de comprendre vos émotions et vos sentiments. Il peut également refléter un moment de transition ou de prise de décision dans votre vie, où vous avez besoin de vous appuyer sur votre intuition et votre capacité à écouter votre voix intérieure pour trouver les réponses dont vous avez besoin.

Fri Jul 5 05:43:34 2024

I dreamt about being in a wolf pack like those novels books and that my mate is an alpha with two mate I was the second mate and there is also another couple in there we were five people in a room my mate moms the old Luna was making sure we get well together so she hired someone to spy on all of us we are always in the same room and on the same bed but there was no place for me on the bed so I went outside to get some fresh air but before I went there was my old illness and I fainted but my mate caught me and I was sick and before that I already hurt my self and the other couple said to my mate to help me but he did nothing then I talked to the other couple mate and said that * I don't want to disturb you couple so once it is midnight and everyone is asleep I will leave the house * I think the other couple were my mate beta then I woke up but i think in the dream my mate loves me more than his othere girl but one of us has to be the new luna and i told the other girl that dhe should be the luna i will be the one who helps the luna and the alpha.

The dream begins with the dreamer being a part of a wolf pack, which could symbolize a sense of belonging and being a part of a community. This is further emphasized by the mention of novels and books, which typically represent a journey of self-discovery and self-identity. The dreamer's position as the second mate and the presence of two other couples in the room could represent a feeling of competition or comparison with others in terms of love and relationships. The dreamer's mate being an alpha could symbolize a desire for power and control in their personal relationships.

The old Luna, who is the mother of the dreamer's mate, represents wisdom and guidance. Her hiring someone to spy on the group could suggest a lack of trust and potential feelings of insecurity within the relationship.

The dreamer's inability to find a place on the bed could symbolize a feeling of being left out or not fitting in with the group. The mention of the dreamer's old illness and fainting could represent unresolved issues or past traumas resurfacing. The dreamer's mate catching them and taking care of them could symbolize a sense of protection and care from their partner.

The dreamer's mate not helping them with their injury could suggest a lack of support or neglect in the relationship. This could also be connected to the dreamer's statement of not wanting to disturb the other couple, possibly indicating a fear of being a burden or causing conflicts.

The dreamer's conversation with the other couple's mate about leaving the house at midnight could symbolize a desire for freedom and independence in the relationship. The mention of the other couple being the dreamer's mate's beta could represent a feeling of being second best or not being the primary focus of their partner's attention.

The dreamer's decision to let the other girl be the new Luna and their willingness to help speaks to their selflessness and willingness to support their partner and their relationship. This could also suggest a desire to avoid any potential conflicts or competition within the group.

Overall, this dream could reflect the dreamer's feelings of insecurity, competition, and a desire for power and control in their relationships. It also highlights their caring and selfless nature, as well as their need for independence and freedom. It is possible that the dreamer may be struggling with finding a balance between their own needs and desires, and those of their partner and their relationship.

Wed Jul 3 04:16:40 2024

Soñé que habían muchísimos aviones en el cielo pero parecía que estaban cayendo y flotando como en ríos imaginarios. Y de repente se cayó un avión muy cerca de mi pero me salvaba

This dream is rich in symbolism and can be interpreted in various ways. The presence of numerous planes in the sky suggests a sense of chaos and confusion in the dreamer's life. The planes could represent different aspects of their life, such as work, relationships, or personal goals, that are all competing for their attention. The fact that the planes seem to be falling and floating in imaginary rivers could symbolize the dreamer's feeling of being overwhelmed and out of control. The planes, which are usually a symbol of speed and control, are now out of place and moving in an unpredictable manner. This could reflect the dreamer's fear of losing control and being unable to keep up with the demands of their life.

The sudden crash of a plane near the dreamer could represent a specific event or situation that is causing them distress and anxiety. This event could be related to a personal or professional setback that the dreamer is afraid of facing. However, the dreamer is saved from this crash, indicating that they have the strength and resilience to overcome challenges and emerge stronger.

The dreamer's proximity to the crashing plane could also suggest that they are directly involved in or affected by the event. This could indicate that the dreamer needs to pay more attention to their current circumstances and take proactive steps to address any issues that may be causing them stress.

The skies are often seen as a symbol of freedom and limitless possibilities. However, in this dream, the sky is filled with chaos and danger. This could reflect the dreamer's current state of mind, where they feel trapped and unable to see a clear path forward. The dream may be urging the dreamer to take a step back and reassess their priorities and goals, and to find a way to bring balance and order back into their life.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer's fears and anxieties about their current circumstances. It could also be a reminder to stay resilient and adaptable in the face of challenges and to trust in their ability to overcome any obstacles.

Tue Jul 2 22:17:06 2024

I am a small kid going in kindergarten garden there I like a very shy quite girl name ishuu I was always with her she sees me as a normal friend but I like her alot everyone knows that there were naughty kids messing her up and I fight them after school everyday. One day everyone was leaving the city forever I was crying bawling infront of teacher that please take care off her please protect her nobody is there fir her sir please like that sir said don't worry I'm always there . Then train stats to move I was running looking for her I couldn't find her I see sir sitting in train train was moving I was crying again sir please look after her like that and suddenly she appeared near sir and we looked a each other and train moved away and she got flach backs of me being always there for her protecting her taking care of her But in real life the girl I was dreaming is my lovable girlfriend

The symbolism in this dream suggests a desire for protection and a fear of losing someone close to the dreamer. The dreamer is represented as a small child, indicating a sense of vulnerability and innocence. The kindergarten garden symbolizes a place of growth and learning, suggesting that the dreamer may be in a period of personal development or self-discovery. The shy and quiet girl named Ishuu represents the dreamer's love interest or significant other. The dreamer's attachment to her is evident as they are always together and he likes her a lot. This may indicate a deep emotional connection and a desire for a closer relationship with her.

The naughty kids who are causing trouble for Ishuu represent external forces or obstacles that may be threatening the dreamer's relationship. The dreamer's willingness to fight them shows his determination to protect and defend Ishuu.

The dreamer's crying and pleading with the teacher to take care of Ishuu symbolizes his fear of losing her or their relationship. This could reflect the dreamer's insecurities or anxieties about the stability of their relationship.

The train symbolizes a journey or transition in the dreamer's life. The fact that everyone is leaving the city forever could represent a major change or ending in the dreamer's life. The dreamer's frantic search for Ishuu on the train suggests a fear of losing her or being left behind.

The appearance of the dreamer's girlfriend near the teacher on the moving train represents a sense of reassurance and a reminder of their strong bond. The flashback of the dreamer always being there for Ishuu and protecting her shows his dedication and commitment to their relationship.

Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer's fears and insecurities in his current relationship. It could also suggest a desire for a deeper connection and commitment with his girlfriend. It is important for the dreamer to communicate his feelings and concerns with his girlfriend in order to strengthen their relationship and address any underlying issues.

Votes: 2

Tue Jul 2 06:06:23 2024

My father died and corpse was taken to the mortuary

The death of one's father in a dream can often represent the end of a significant phase in the dreamer's life. This can be interpreted as the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood, or the end of a particular relationship or situation. It can also symbolize the dreamer's fear of losing their father or the desire to break free from their father's influence. The corpse in this dream can represent the physical and emotional aspects of the father that have died. This can include his presence, guidance, support, and protection. It may also symbolize the dreamer's feelings of grief and loss, as well as their struggle to come to terms with the reality of their father's death.

The mortuary is a place where the dead are prepared for their final resting place. In this dream, it can symbolize the dreamer's need to process their emotions and come to terms with their father's death. It can also represent the dreamer's desire for closure and a sense of completion.

Overall, this dream may be reflecting the dreamer's feelings of sadness, loss, and the need for closure and acceptance. It may also be a reminder of the dreamer's relationship with their father and the impact he had on their life. It is important for the dreamer to acknowledge and process these emotions in order to move forward and find peace within themselves. It may also be a reminder to cherish the memories and lessons learned from their father.

Tue Jul 2 06:01:29 2024

I saw I friend who does last year in my dream and she told me my father will die

This dream appears to be a manifestation of your subconscious fears and anxieties surrounding the loss of a loved one. Seeing your friend who passed away last year could represent your unresolved emotions and grief over their death. This could also indicate a longing for their presence and a desire to connect with them once again. The fact that your friend tells you that your father will die could reflect your fear of losing another important figure in your life. Your subconscious mind may be projecting these fears onto your father, who represents stability and protection in your life.

Furthermore, the appearance of your deceased friend in the dream could also symbolize your own mortality and the inevitability of death. This could be a reminder to cherish and appreciate the time you have with your loved ones.

It is also worth noting that seeing someone who has passed away in a dream could be a way for your subconscious to process your feelings and emotions related to their death. It could be a sign that you need to address any unresolved issues or emotions you have surrounding their passing.

Overall, this dream could be a reflection of your fear of losing someone close to you and a reminder to cherish the time you have with your loved ones. It could also be a way for your subconscious to process your emotions and come to terms with the loss of your friend. It is important to address these fears and emotions in order to find closure and peace.

Sun Jun 30 10:28:56 2024

I m dreaming of cheating on my boyfriend

The symbolism in this dream of cheating on your boyfriend suggests that there may be underlying feelings of guilt, temptation or dissatisfaction in your current relationship. It could also indicate a desire for change or excitement in your romantic life. The act of cheating in a dream often represents a lack of commitment or loyalty, either to your partner or to yourself. This could mean that you are feeling disconnected or unfulfilled in your relationship, and may be seeking something more meaningful or fulfilling.

It is also important to consider the person you were cheating with in the dream. This could represent qualities or traits that you feel are missing in your current partner. It may be a reflection of your subconscious desires or needs that are not being met in your relationship.

Additionally, the dream could be a manifestation of insecurities or fears about your relationship. Perhaps you have doubts about your partner's loyalty or trustworthiness, and the dream is a reflection of those fears.

On a deeper level, the dream could be a reflection of your own sense of self-worth and value. Cheating in a dream may symbolize a lack of self-respect or confidence, and a need to explore and understand your own desires and needs in a relationship.

Overall, this dream could be a wake-up call to address any underlying issues or concerns in your relationship, and to communicate openly with your partner about your feelings. It may also be a reminder to reconnect with yourself and prioritize your own emotional and physical needs.

Sat Jun 29 18:50:26 2024

I live in NC but in the dream I was going to California to see the ocean. I was a child and with my father and uncle, who I never spent much time with as a child. The beach was packed with so many people you could hardly walk. The water was much more blue, cleaner and prettier than our beaches in the east. I was telling people that we had driven all the way across the country to see the blue water. Some people were asking me about north Caroline as if it were a foreign country. I was suddenly very aware of my southern accent. But I decided I did not mind it all. I started my period and was bleeding all over my clothes and on everything I touched. I was embarrassed because I was with my dad and uncle and not female relatives. Then I decided not to be ashamed because I could not help bleeding and there was nothing I could do about it. I was frustrated because I had no privacy and people were all around me. When I did try to change clothes people kept walking in on me.

This dream is rich in symbolism and reveals a lot about the dreamer's subconscious thoughts and feelings. The dreamer's location in NC represents their current state of being, while the journey to California symbolizes a desire for change or escape from their current situation. The ocean, a vast body of water, symbolizes the unknown and the subconscious mind. The dreamer's child self and the presence of their father and uncle, who they did not spend much time with as a child, could represent unresolved issues from their childhood. This could suggest a longing for a closer relationship with their father and uncle or a need to address past issues and emotions.

The crowded beach and the clear, blue water can be interpreted as a metaphor for the dreamer's social life and relationships. The dreamer may feel overwhelmed and surrounded by people, but also longs for a more peaceful and beautiful environment.

The mention of North Carolina as a foreign country highlights the dreamer's sense of being different or feeling like an outsider. The sudden awareness of their southern accent could symbolize a fear of being judged or not fitting in with others.

The dreamer's period and the embarrassment of bleeding all over their clothes and everything they touch could represent feelings of shame or vulnerability. This could be linked to the dreamer's struggles with their femininity and sexuality.

The frustration of not having privacy and people constantly walking in on them could suggest a lack of boundaries or feeling exposed in some aspect of their life. This could also symbolize the dreamer's struggle with finding personal space and time for themselves.

Overall, this dream highlights the dreamer's desire for change and a need to address unresolved issues from their past. It also reveals their struggle with self-acceptance and the need to set boundaries in their personal and social life.

Sat Jun 29 12:41:38 2024

Soñé que estábamos yn amigo y yo en una zona rural, luego entramos en una casa, estaba el señor que cuidaba en paso hacia la casa y mi presencia lo convenció para que entraramos a la casa, cuando entramos a la casa, había una chica rubia con su madre, la desperté y su madre se mostraba muy amable, le dije a la chica que no se preocupara, que no era nada formal. Sentí una sensación de atracción hacía la chica rubia.

En este sueño, la zona rural representa una parte más tranquila y natural de tu ser, lejos del ajetreo y el estrés de la vida urbana. El hecho de que estés con un amigo sugiere que te sientes cómodo y en confianza en esta parte de ti mismo. Al entrar en la casa, simbolizas tu entrada en tu interior y en tu subconsciente. El señor que cuida el paso hacia la casa puede representar tu conciencia o tu sentido de responsabilidad. Tu presencia lo convence de que es seguro entrar, lo que sugiere que estás dispuesto a explorar tu subconsciente y enfrentar tus emociones y pensamientos reprimidos.

La chica rubia y su madre representan aspectos de tu feminidad y tu relación con tu madre. La chica rubia puede simbolizar una parte más juvenil y despreocupada de ti mismo, mientras que su madre puede representar tu conexión con tu lado materno o con la figura materna en tu vida.

El hecho de que despiertes a la chica rubia puede indicar un despertar de tu atracción hacia esta parte de ti, o puede simbolizar una necesidad de despertar tu lado más juvenil y despreocupado. La amabilidad de la madre puede representar tu necesidad de ser más amable contigo mismo y con los demás, y de aceptar y cuidar de tu lado femenino.

En general, este sueño puede estar señalando tu deseo de explorar y aceptar tu lado más suave y femenino, y de encontrar un equilibrio entre tus aspectos masculinos y femeninos. También puede estar indicando una necesidad de ser más amable y compasivo contigo mismo y con los demás.

Sat Jun 29 08:30:00 2024

In my dream I was eating with people I know and some people I don't know in reality In the dream there was a lava coming in front of us and some one I know in reality said you have to sing Moana how far I go and I went to the near sea and started singing the song ,the water 🌊 rise up and take the lava coming and off it then after that the water comes to me and put a small mark on my neck and a water bracelet on my ankle.

This dream is rich in symbolism and can be interpreted in various ways. The act of eating with people you know and some you don't know in reality could represent the idea of coming together and sharing experiences with both familiar and unfamiliar individuals. This could symbolize the dreamer's desire for connection and new experiences in their waking life. The presence of lava in the dream could represent intense emotions or potentially dangerous situations that the dreamer is facing in their waking life. Lava is often associated with destruction and chaos, suggesting that the dreamer may be feeling overwhelmed or threatened by certain circumstances.

The person in the dream who encourages the dreamer to sing the song 'How Far I'll Go' from the movie Moana could represent a supportive figure in the dreamer's life, encouraging them to face their fears and take on challenges. This person may also symbolize the dreamer's own inner strength and determination.

The dreamer's singing and the subsequent rise of the water can be seen as a powerful manifestation of the dreamer's emotions and inner strength. It shows that they have the ability to overcome challenges and turn potentially destructive situations into something positive.

The water in the dream can represent emotions, intuition, and the subconscious mind. The fact that the water rises up and takes on the lava could suggest that the dreamer is successfully channeling and controlling their emotions. This could also symbolize the dreamer's ability to confront and overcome their fears.

The small mark on the neck and the water bracelet on the ankle could represent a sense of protection and empowerment. The dreamer may feel that they have gained a new level of strength and resilience, represented by the mark and the bracelet.

Overall, this dream could be seen as a reflection of the dreamer's inner strength and ability to overcome challenges and fears. It may also represent their desire for connection and new experiences in their waking life. It is a reminder that they have the power to transform difficult situations into something positive.

Thu Jun 27 18:57:15 2024

I recently dream often about me returning to the country I lived 7 years in. That country is germany. in all my dreams I can go there in matter of seconds and comr back. I have friends there and things are pretty good

This dream likely represents a desire to revisit a significant period of your life. The country you lived in for 7 years, Germany, holds a special place in your heart and represents a time of growth, exploration, and connection. The fact that you can easily go there in your dreams suggests that this place still holds a strong emotional pull for you. It may also symbolize a longing for a simpler time or a desire to reconnect with old friends or memories. The ease with which you can travel to and from Germany in your dreams may also reflect your current feelings of being stuck or stagnant in your waking life. You may be seeking new experiences or a change of scenery, and the dream is reminding you that you have the power to make that happen.

The presence of friends in your dream also highlights the importance of relationships and connections in your life. It may be a reminder to nurture and maintain these connections, even if they may be distant or require effort to maintain.

Overall, this dream is a reflection of your past experiences and how they continue to shape your present desires and aspirations. It may also serve as a reminder to appreciate the positive aspects of your past and to actively work towards creating a fulfilling present and future.

Thu Jun 27 13:49:26 2024

soñé que estaba con unas personas que no conocía y que estábamos bajando una montaña y la calle era de tierra y tenia piedras y era un día muy soleado, yo tenia como un libro y que en él podía volar, pero esas personas como tipo en 'broma' intentaban cogerme pero yo no keria y hacia como fuerza para que ni me cogieran, habia momentos que me tocaba hacer fuerza para poder volar, porque yo volaba era como por el libro y el viento, llegó un momento donde ellos se quedaron atras y yo me bajaba del libro y lo empezaba a leer, no recuerdo muy bien que era pero era tipo que dios y eo dibablo eran una misma persona, y entonces yo escubaba que ellos se acercaban y ellos querian saber lo que yo estaba leyendo pero yo queria ocultarlo entonces volvia a volar y luego llegamos a una tipo cueva y aparece una tipo bruja y yo le lanzo un echizo pero no logro hacerle algo solo logré que se le pusiera de color azul, luego nos dice que tenemos que jugar algo y que tenemos que ponernos la cara como si fuéramos calaveras porque ella quiere que nosotras estemos muertas, una niña dice un poema con una tipo princesa que es de la bella y la bestia pero lo hace del color amarillo que es el color deo vestido de la princesa, otra persona hace un poema sobre un tipo perro y luego me tocaba a mi pero no había ninguna princesa en la pared somo habían tipo colores y figuras, había color rojo, azul, y amaril

Este sueño podría estar relacionado con tu proceso de autoconocimiento y tu relación con los demás. La montaña y la calle de tierra representan tus obstáculos y desafíos en la vida, mientras que el día soleado simboliza tu optimismo y confianza en ti mismo. El libro que te permite volar representa tus habilidades y talentos para superar esos obstáculos. Las personas desconocidas que te acompañan en el sueño podrían representar a personas nuevas en tu vida o aspectos desconocidos de ti mismo. El hecho de que intenten atraparte y que tú te resistas simboliza tu deseo de protegerte y mantener tu privacidad. Es posible que tengas miedo de ser vulnerable frente a los demás.

El momento en el que te bajas del libro y comienzas a leer simboliza tu necesidad de reflexionar y buscar respuestas más profundas sobre tu vida y tu identidad. El descubrimiento de que Dios y el Diablo son una misma persona puede representar tu lucha interna entre el bien y el mal, entre tus deseos y tus valores.

La aparición de la bruja puede representar tus miedos y preocupaciones. El hechizo que le lanzas podría simbolizar tu intento de controlar estas emociones negativas, pero la bruja sigue presente. El juego en el que te piden que te pongas la cara de una calavera podría representar tu miedo a la muerte o a perder tu identidad. El poema de la niña sobre la princesa de La Bella y la Bestia podría representar tus deseos de ser amado y aceptado tal como eres, mientras que el poema sobre el perro podría simbolizar tu lealtad y protección hacia aquellos que amas.

El hecho de que no haya una princesa en la pared y solo haya colores y figuras podría representar tu búsqueda de tu verdadera identidad y tu lucha por definirte a ti mismo. Los colores rojo, azul y amarillo podrían representar diferentes aspectos de tu personalidad o emociones: el rojo podría simbolizar tu pasión y energía, el azul tu tranquilidad y estabilidad, y el amarillo tu creatividad y

Thu Jun 27 13:43:57 2024


इस सपने की प्रतीकात्मकता का तात्पर्य आपके अंदर छिपे कलाकारी और रचनात्मक भावनाओं को जगाने की इच्छा से है। स्वप्नद्रष्टा के जीवन में कला और सृजन की अपार आवश्यकता है जो उन्हें स्वतंत्र बनाती है और उनकी स्वाधीनता को समर्थन करती है। स्वप्नद्रष्टा के अंदर कलाकारी की इच्छा स्थित होने का अर्थ है कि वह अपने अस्तित्व को समझने और अपने अंदर छिपे कलाकार को जागृत करने की इच्छा रखता है। यह स्वप्न उसे यह भी बताता है कि वह अपने अंदर कलाकार को स्वतंत्रता और स्वाधीनता के साथ बाहर लाने के लिए तैयार है। इस सपने का अर्थ भी है कि स्वप्नद्र

Votes: 3

Thu Jun 27 02:34:52 2024

So I had dream about an old school mate and me at some type of school we bunked class then in the school yard went to a netball event. The event ended and people left the girl and I walked out as she said to me I'm going to see my boyfriend I said I want to see your boyfriend too let's go she refused in a jolly way and started running so I followed then we ran into a field like space where I noticed a tree with gold balls in them so I started to shake the tree for the balls to fall then after all the balls fell we saw a golf hole and found a golf like stick but made of rubber we tried shooting in the hole but missed as I finished my turn I realized she had vanished So I went back to the netball place where I saw that the space was now used for an event and one of my favorite group was playing my favorite song and it started to get full of people but these were people who were 3 years younger than me then all of a sudden the music changed and uncle waffles the di was playing her hit single so I started dance and now it was getting really full some guy nudged me and pointed down the stairs I was on saying someone was looking for me when I looked at the direction it was my boyfriend and I woke up

The dream depicts a sense of nostalgia and longing for past experiences and relationships. The old school mate represents a connection to the past, possibly a friendship or romantic relationship. Bunking class symbolizes a desire to escape responsibilities and obligations. The school yard represents a safe and familiar environment. The netball event symbolizes a social gathering or an important event in the dreamer's life. The fact that the girl and the dreamer walk out together could symbolize a strong bond or connection between the two. The mention of the girl's boyfriend could represent the dreamer's feelings of jealousy or longing for a romantic relationship.

The field-like space with a tree and gold balls represents a sense of playfulness and carefree attitude. The dreamer's action of shaking the tree for the balls to fall could symbolize a desire for material abundance or success. The golf hole and stick made of rubber could represent the dreamer's attempt to achieve a goal or overcome a challenge in a non-conventional way.

The sudden disappearance of the girl could symbolize the dreamer's fear of losing the connection or bond with her. This fear could stem from the dreamer's feelings of inadequacy or insecurity in the relationship.

The return to the netball place where an event is taking place could symbolize the dreamer's return to reality and facing the current situation. The fact that the space is now used for an event and is full of people could represent the dreamer's desire for social acceptance and recognition. The appearance of a younger crowd could symbolize the dreamer's feelings of being out of place or not fitting in with their peers.

The change in music to the dreamer's favorite song could symbolize a sense of comfort and familiarity. The mention of 'Uncle Waffles' could represent a figure from the dreamer's past who holds a significant place in their memories. The dreamer's dance could symbolize a sense of freedom and expression.

The dreamer's boyfriend appearing at the end could represent the dreamer's desire for a stable and loving relationship. This could also symbolize the dreamer's need for emotional support and validation from their partner.

Overall, the dream reflects the dreamer's desire for a carefree and joyful life, as well as their longing for past experiences and relationships. It also highlights the dreamer's internal conflicts and insecurities in their relationships and social interactions.

Wed Jun 26 20:21:38 2024

Long ago, I had a dream where I was in an indoor playground tube slide being chased by a which, and he has been saying ¨im gonna get you¨ repeatedly, and in the end he was about to grab me and I woke up immediately as that happen.

This dream could represent a feeling of being pursued or threatened by something or someone in your waking life. The indoor playground could symbolize a safe and familiar place, such as your comfort zone or childhood memories. The tube slide could represent a narrow and confined path, possibly symbolizing a situation or decision that you feel trapped in. The witch could represent a powerful and intimidating force, possibly representing a person or situation in your life that is causing you fear or anxiety. The witch's repeated phrase of 'I'm gonna get you' could symbolize a sense of impending danger or harm. The fact that the witch almost catches you before you wake up could symbolize the fear of being caught or overwhelmed by this threat in your waking life. This dream could also indicate a fear of losing control or being overpowered by someone or something. The witch's pursuit could represent a feeling of being constantly chased or pressured by external factors. It could also suggest a fear of being taken advantage of or manipulated by someone.

The fact that the dream takes place in a playground, a place associated with childhood and innocence, could suggest that this fear or threat has roots in your past experiences. Perhaps you have had a traumatic experience in your childhood that is resurfacing in your current life.

The sudden awakening at the climax of the dream could symbolize a need to confront and address this fear or threat in your waking life. It could be a sign that you need to take action and face your fears instead of avoiding them.

Overall, this dream could be a reflection of your subconscious concerns and fears. It may be a reminder to examine any current stressors or potential threats in your waking life and find ways to confront and overcome them.

Wed Jun 26 03:04:07 2024

Bu gün rüyamda teyzemle anemle birtane mafya kılıklı adamlrdan para alıyoruz ve nasıl oluyosa bi anda yok oluyorlar ve polis girer ve mafyalrı götür biz kuzenlerimizle otobüsün arka koltunda oturdumuz üçün bizi görmüyolar ve bi anda otobüs çalışıyu ve poliselr bunu fark ediyo ve otobüsün arka pencersinden atlıyorum ve arkadaşımın evin yanıda oluyo qaçıb bilmedimiz bir yere giriyoruz ve polsiler bizi bbuluyo bitdi tam ozama oyndım

Bu rüya, rüyacının bilinçaltında var olan endişeleri ve korkuları yansıtmaktadır. Rüyacı, teyzesi ve annesiyle birlikte bir mafya kılığındaki adamlardan para alırken, birdenbire bu adamların ortadan kaybolması ve polisin gelmesi, rüyacının korkularını ve güvensizliklerini yansıtmaktadır. Rüya, rüyacının iç dünyasındaki karmaşık ve tehlikeli durumların varlığına işaret etmektedir. Otobüsün arka koltuğunda kuzenleriyle oturması ise, rüyacının kendisini güvende hissettiği aile bağlarına sığınma isteğini simgelemektedir. Otobüsün çalışması ve polislerin bunu fark etmesi, rüyacının iç dünyasındaki tehlikeli durumların farkına varması ve kaçması gerektiğini göstermektedir. Rüyacının otobüsün arka penceresinden atlaması, zorluklardan kaçma isteğini ve kaçış mekanizmasını simgelemektedir. Arkadaşının evine girme ve polislerden kaçma çabası, rüyacının güvende hissettiği kişilere ve yerlere sığınma isteğini yansıtmaktadır.

Rüyadaki mafya kılığındaki adamlar, rüyacının iç dünyasındaki güçlü ve baskıcı kişilikleri temsil etmektedir. Bu kişiliklerin yok olması, rüyacının bilinçaltında var olan güçlü ve baskıcı dürtülerin ortadan kalkmasını simgelemektedir. Polislerin gelip mafyaları götürmesi ise, rüyacının iç dünyasındaki tehlikeli ve baskıcı

Mon Jun 24 00:16:23 2024

I was in the living room of my former house, it looking the way it did before I was 8. I constantly attacked and tried to hurt a big black hairy spider, that was just jumping away from me, passively accepting my kicks and punches. Then, the scene switched. I was kicking and beating a white goat, feeling intense aggression and destructive impulses for some reason. The more I punched, the more pained and exhausted the animal looked. It didn't try to run away from me or defend itself, but I could tell by some point that it was looking at me with a disappointed and puzzled look, as if it wasn't understanding why I was so ruthless and cruel to it and couldn't leave it alone. At some point, I understand that so many punches fatally injured the animal and it's slowly dying. If I'd left it alone, it would lay there in agony for hours. With tat, I continue to punch it, but now with the goal to kill it in order to end its suffering quickly. It didn't help, the animal felt even more hurt and just gave itself over to me, just allowing me to torture it and staring somewhere with a blank, but pained stare. Finally, when I understood that my punches won't kill the animal instantly and just postpone its death, I look an axe and chopped its head off, it landing on the sofa chair. The whole sitting area where the head landed was covered in blood of a very vibrant colour.

The dream takes place in the living room of the dreamer's former house, which symbolizes their childhood and past experiences. The fact that it looks the way it did before they were 8 suggests that the dream is exploring events and emotions from their childhood. The dreamer is in a state of aggression and violence, attacking a big black hairy spider and a white goat. The spider represents a fear or anxiety that the dreamer is trying to confront and overcome. However, the spider is passive and non-threatening, indicating that this fear may not be as powerful as the dreamer believes it to be. The dreamer's constant attacks and inability to harm the spider could suggest that they are struggling to confront and overcome their fears. The scene then switches to the dreamer attacking a white goat, which symbolizes purity and innocence. This could suggest that the dreamer is experiencing intense aggression and destructive impulses towards something pure and innocent in their life. This could be linked to suppressed anger or frustration towards a person or situation that is causing them harm. The dreamer's punches only make the goat look more pained and exhausted, indicating that their actions are causing harm and distress to this innocent being.

The goat's disappointed and puzzled look suggests that the dreamer's actions are confusing and hurtful, as the goat cannot understand why they are being targeted with such cruelty. This could reflect the dreamer's own confusion and inner conflict about their aggressive behavior.

Eventually, the dreamer realizes that their punches are not enough to kill the animal and end its suffering, so they resort to using an axe to chop its head off. This could symbolize the dreamer's desire to end the situation or relationship that is causing them harm. However, the fact that the head lands on the sofa chair, a place associated with relaxation and comfort, suggests that this decision may have negative consequences for the dreamer's emotional well-being.

The vibrant blood covering the sitting area could symbolize the intensity of the dreamer's emotions and the impact that their actions have on their surroundings. It could also represent the guilt and remorse the dreamer may feel for causing harm to something pure and innocent.

Overall, this dream could be a manifestation of the dreamer's inner conflicts and struggles to confront and overcome their fears and negative emotions. It highlights the destructive impact of their actions and the consequences of trying to suppress or ignore their emotions. It could be a sign for the dreamer to address these

Sun Jun 23 08:34:03 2024

travelling beyond all the planets in space and reaching furtherest planet not know to mankind by a Biblical cord where spirits go when a person dies. There they wait for judgement day for their actions to be accountable. The planet is extremely cold

This dream could symbolize a journey into the unknown and exploring beyond the limitations of one's current reality. The dreamer is traveling beyond all the planets in space, which could represent a desire for exploration and adventure. This may also suggest a need for expansion and growth in one's personal or spiritual life. Reaching the furthest planet not known to mankind could symbolize a search for deeper understanding and knowledge. This could represent a desire to explore the depths of the mind and soul, and to uncover hidden truths. The fact that this planet is not known to mankind could also symbolize the dreamer's own personal journey of self-discovery.

The mention of a Biblical cord in the dream could have multiple meanings. It could symbolize a connection to one's faith or spirituality, as the cord is often associated with the umbilical cord that connects a fetus to its mother. This could suggest that the dreamer's journey is guided by their beliefs and values.

The planet where spirits go when a person dies could represent the afterlife or the realm of the unknown. This could symbolize the dreamer's thoughts and fears about what happens after death. It could also represent a desire for closure and understanding about the concept of death.

The idea of spirits waiting for judgement day could symbolize a need for accountability and facing the consequences of one's actions. This could represent the dreamer's inner conflict and guilt about their past actions and the need to make amends.

The extreme cold of the planet could symbolize a feeling of isolation or detachment from others. It could also represent the dreamer's fear of being judged and facing the consequences of their actions alone.

Overall, this dream could suggest a deep inner journey of self-discovery, a desire for exploration and growth, and a need for accountability and closure. The dreamer may be going through a period of questioning and reflection, and this dream could be a manifestation of their thoughts and emotions.

Sat Jun 22 17:37:20 2024

Me and my crush holding our own skeletons and after some time she left her skeleton and left but i am still holding mine

The dream you have described is rich in symbolism and offers insight into your subconscious thoughts and feelings. Let's break it down to better understand its significance. Firstly, the fact that you and your crush are holding your own skeletons is a powerful symbol. The skeleton is often associated with death, but in this context, it represents the innermost parts of ourselves, our deepest fears, insecurities, and vulnerabilities. By holding your skeletons, you are acknowledging and facing these aspects of yourself.

Your crush's presence in the dream suggests that they hold a significant place in your life. It is possible that you have strong feelings for this person and may even consider them to be a potential romantic partner.

The fact that your crush eventually leaves their skeleton and walks away while you are still holding yours can represent a few things. It could symbolize the fear of being vulnerable and revealing your true self to your crush. You may feel that they have accepted and moved on from their own skeletons, while you are still struggling to do the same.

Alternatively, it could also represent feelings of insecurity and inadequacy in comparison to your crush. Perhaps you feel that they are more confident and have a better understanding of themselves, while you still have a lot to work on.

Overall, this dream may be highlighting your inner fears and insecurities in regard to your crush and the potential for a relationship with them. It is possible that you may need to address and work through these issues before fully pursuing a romantic connection with them.

On a deeper level, the dream could also be a reminder to embrace and accept all parts of yourself, including your skeletons. It is important to acknowledge and work through our fears and insecurities in order to grow and evolve as individuals.

In summary, this dream suggests that you may have some inner work to do before fully opening up to your crush. It is a reminder to be true to yourself and not compare yourself to others, as we all have our own skeletons to face. By facing and accepting these aspects of yourself, you may be able to move forward and potentially build a strong and healthy relationship with your crush.

Sat Jun 22 08:25:27 2024

I was at school, at school in real life, I'm a junior prefect and for some reason, the principal was de-badging me. I realized this would never happen in real life, the dream went lucid and I manifested by sheer will a lava rock golem and destroyed the school because I knew it wasn't real and that I was dreaming.

The dreamer finds themselves in a familiar setting - their school. However, there is a sense of unease as the dreamer is being de-badged by the principal, a symbol of authority and power. Being a junior prefect in real life, this could represent the dreamer's fear of losing their position or not living up to the expectations of their role. The act of being de-badged could also symbolize the dreamer's fear of losing their sense of identity or feeling stripped of their accomplishments and recognition. This could be linked to feelings of insecurity or self-doubt in real life.

The realization that this would never happen in real life triggers a lucid dream state, where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming. This could represent the dreamer's desire for control and power in their waking life. By manifesting a lava rock golem, the dreamer is able to exert their will and destroy the school, a place that holds both positive and negative associations for them.

The lava rock golem could also symbolize the dreamer's raw and untamed emotions, which they feel the need to suppress in their waking life. By destroying the school, the dreamer is releasing these pent-up emotions and breaking free from the constraints of their waking life. This could also represent a desire for change and a need to break away from the routine and monotony of their daily life.

Overall, the dream reflects the dreamer's inner conflicts and desires. The school setting and the role of a junior prefect may represent feelings of pressure and responsibility in their waking life. The act of destruction symbolizes a need for release and a desire for change, while the lucid dream state and manifestation of the lava rock golem represent the dreamer's desire for control and power.

Sat Jun 22 08:13:12 2024

I was in a weird hotel with my family and it looked pretty much like a big villa, but the was a never-ending open casket cemetery behind a glass door. I was scared but left it alone, the manager was a women, she showed me a deep , rectangular shower and t\when I flicked a lever it turned into a kitchen.

The dreamer finds themselves in a strange and unsettling location, a hotel that resembles a large villa. However, the atmosphere is quickly tainted by the presence of a never-ending open casket cemetery, visible through a glass door. This symbolizes the dreamer's subconscious fear of death and mortality. The dreamer may be feeling overwhelmed by their own mortality or the loss of a loved one. The dreamer's family is present in the dream, suggesting that this fear of death is also affecting their relationships and sense of security within the family unit.

The manager of the hotel is a woman, which could represent the dreamer's own feminine and nurturing qualities. The fact that she shows the dreamer a deep, rectangular shower symbolizes a desire for emotional cleansing and purification. This could indicate that the dreamer is seeking to rid themselves of negative emotions or thoughts, possibly related to their fear of death.

However, the shower unexpectedly transforms into a kitchen when the dreamer flicks a lever. This could suggest a need for nourishment and sustenance, both physically and emotionally. The dreamer may be feeling drained and in need of replenishment.

Overall, the dream reflects the dreamer's inner conflicts and anxieties regarding mortality and emotional well-being. It highlights a need for emotional cleansing and nourishment in order to find peace and balance in their waking life. The dream may also be a reminder to appreciate and cherish their loved ones while they are still alive.

Sat Jun 22 08:13:12 2024

I was in a weird hotel with my family and it looked pretty much like a big villa, but the was a never-ending open casket cemetery behind a glass door. I was scared but left it alone, the manager was a women, she showed me a deep , rectangular shower and t\when I flicked a lever it turned into a kitchen.

The dreamer finds themselves in a strange and unsettling location, a hotel that resembles a large villa. However, the atmosphere is quickly tainted by the presence of a never-ending open casket cemetery, visible through a glass door. This symbolizes the dreamer's subconscious fear of death and mortality. The dreamer may be feeling overwhelmed by their own mortality or the loss of a loved one. The dreamer's family is present in the dream, suggesting that this fear of death is also affecting their relationships and sense of security within the family unit.

The manager of the hotel is a woman, which could represent the dreamer's own feminine and nurturing qualities. The fact that she shows the dreamer a deep, rectangular shower symbolizes a desire for emotional cleansing and purification. This could indicate that the dreamer is seeking to rid themselves of negative emotions or thoughts, possibly related to their fear of death.

However, the shower unexpectedly transforms into a kitchen when the dreamer flicks a lever. This could suggest a need for nourishment and sustenance, both physically and emotionally. The dreamer may be feeling drained and in need of replenishment.

Overall, the dream reflects the dreamer's inner conflicts and anxieties regarding mortality and emotional well-being. It highlights a need for emotional cleansing and nourishment in order to find peace and balance in their waking life. The dream may also be a reminder to appreciate and cherish their loved ones while they are still alive.

Sat Jun 22 08:13:11 2024

I was in a weird hotel with my family and it looked pretty much like a big villa, but the was a never-ending open casket cemetery behind a glass door. I was scared but left it alone, the manager was a women, she showed me a deep , rectangular shower and t\when I flicked a lever it turned into a kitchen.

The dreamer finds themselves in a strange and unsettling location, a hotel that resembles a large villa. However, the atmosphere is quickly tainted by the presence of a never-ending open casket cemetery, visible through a glass door. This symbolizes the dreamer's subconscious fear of death and mortality. The dreamer may be feeling overwhelmed by their own mortality or the loss of a loved one. The dreamer's family is present in the dream, suggesting that this fear of death is also affecting their relationships and sense of security within the family unit.

The manager of the hotel is a woman, which could represent the dreamer's own feminine and nurturing qualities. The fact that she shows the dreamer a deep, rectangular shower symbolizes a desire for emotional cleansing and purification. This could indicate that the dreamer is seeking to rid themselves of negative emotions or thoughts, possibly related to their fear of death.

However, the shower unexpectedly transforms into a kitchen when the dreamer flicks a lever. This could suggest a need for nourishment and sustenance, both physically and emotionally. The dreamer may be feeling drained and in need of replenishment.

Overall, the dream reflects the dreamer's inner conflicts and anxieties regarding mortality and emotional well-being. It highlights a need for emotional cleansing and nourishment in order to find peace and balance in their waking life. The dream may also be a reminder to appreciate and cherish their loved ones while they are still alive.

Sat Jun 22 08:13:08 2024

I was in a weird hotel with my family and it looked pretty much like a big villa, but the was a never-ending open casket cemetery behind a glass door. I was scared but left it alone, the manager was a women, she showed me a deep , rectangular shower and t\when I flicked a lever it turned into a kitchen.

The dreamer finds themselves in a strange and unsettling location, a hotel that resembles a large villa. However, the atmosphere is quickly tainted by the presence of a never-ending open casket cemetery, visible through a glass door. This symbolizes the dreamer's subconscious fear of death and mortality. The dreamer may be feeling overwhelmed by their own mortality or the loss of a loved one. The dreamer's family is present in the dream, suggesting that this fear of death is also affecting their relationships and sense of security within the family unit.

The manager of the hotel is a woman, which could represent the dreamer's own feminine and nurturing qualities. The fact that she shows the dreamer a deep, rectangular shower symbolizes a desire for emotional cleansing and purification. This could indicate that the dreamer is seeking to rid themselves of negative emotions or thoughts, possibly related to their fear of death.

However, the shower unexpectedly transforms into a kitchen when the dreamer flicks a lever. This could suggest a need for nourishment and sustenance, both physically and emotionally. The dreamer may be feeling drained and in need of replenishment.

Overall, the dream reflects the dreamer's inner conflicts and anxieties regarding mortality and emotional well-being. It highlights a need for emotional cleansing and nourishment in order to find peace and balance in their waking life. The dream may also be a reminder to appreciate and cherish their loved ones while they are still alive.

Sat Jun 22 02:52:29 2024

soñe con un camino de murcielagos muertos grandes y negros

Este sueño puede tener varias interpretaciones simbólicas relacionadas con tus emociones y tu estado actual de vida. El camino puede representar tu camino en la vida, tus metas y tus acciones. Los murciélagos muertos pueden simbolizar tus miedos, preocupaciones o pensamientos negativos que están afectando tu camino y tu progreso. El color negro puede representar la oscuridad, la depresión o la negatividad en tu vida.

El hecho de que los murciélagos estén muertos puede indicar que has superado o estás tratando de superar estos miedos y pensamientos negativos. Sin embargo, su presencia en el camino puede indicar que aún tienen un impacto en ti y en tus decisiones.

También es importante tener en cuenta que los murciélagos son animales nocturnos, que simbolizan lo desconocido o lo oculto. Esto puede indicar que hay aspectos de ti mismo o de tu vida que aún no has explorado o que no conoces completamente.

En general, este sueño puede estar indicando que estás lidiando con tus miedos y preocupaciones, pero que aún hay trabajo por hacer para superarlos por completo. Puede ser un recordatorio de que debes seguir adelante en tu camino y no dejar que tus miedos te detengan. También puede ser una señal de que es hora de explorar y enfrentar aquellas partes desconocidas de ti mismo para seguir creciendo y avanzando.

Fri Jun 21 21:19:31 2024

I dreamed my daughter and I were both in a prison. She is actually sick and in the hospital right now. She is 16 but is developmentally delayed, so she looks and acts much younger. In the dream, my daughter’s clothes were dirty so a lady let my daughter borrow her own overalls. I was very surprised that they fit because the lady was much larger than my daughter who is tiny for her age. We made friends with the lady who was a lesbian and had a girlfriend also in prison. The lady was comforting my daughter but also seemed to need comfort herself. I felt a general sense of unease about having to be there and not knowing what was going on. I was afraid for my daughter but I was not sure exactly why. I remember thinking that I should be Leary of the lady being a stranger, but I felt that my daughter was safe with her and I was thankful for her kindness.

The dream depicts a sense of confinement and restriction, symbolized by the prison, which can represent a feeling of being trapped or limited in some aspect of your waking life. The fact that both you and your daughter are in the prison suggests that this feeling of restriction affects both of you. Your daughter's sickness and being in the hospital in real life could represent the challenges and struggles she is currently facing. This could also reflect your own worries and concerns for her well-being. The fact that she is developmentally delayed and appears much younger in the dream could symbolize a sense of vulnerability and needing protection.

The dirty clothes could represent feelings of shame or embarrassment, possibly related to your daughter's illness or her developmental delay. The fact that the lady offers her own overalls to your daughter could suggest a sense of compassion and support from someone unexpected.

The lady's larger size compared to your daughter's tiny one could represent a power dynamic or feeling of being overpowered by someone or something in your life. However, the fact that she is a lesbian and has a girlfriend could suggest a need for acceptance and diversity in your life.

The lady's comforting of your daughter and her own need for comfort could symbolize a desire for emotional support and understanding. This could also reflect your own feelings of unease and uncertainty in the situation.

The general sense of unease in the dream could be a reflection of your own fears and anxieties about your daughter's illness and her current situation. The feeling of not knowing what is going on could represent a lack of control or understanding in your waking life.

Your thoughts about being wary of the lady as a stranger but also feeling grateful for her kindness could symbolize a conflict between your rational mind and your intuition. You may have some doubts or reservations about trusting others, but at the same time, you recognize and appreciate acts of kindness and compassion.

Overall, the dream may be highlighting your concerns and worries for your daughter's well-being and your desire for support and understanding in this difficult situation. It could also suggest a need to balance caution and trust in your relationships with others.

Thu Jun 20 07:16:52 2024

I dreamed I was hanging out with some friends in a dark area, and we were talking about our biggest fears. One of our friends replied 'Nuna, she is watching right now' so we looked into the darkness, only to see nothing. My other friend got upset and told him to not make jokes like that. Turns out he wasn't joking, however, as he later DID see Nuna and, even though I didn't, I knew exactly what she looked like: an unnaturally tall and lanky nun dressed in black and grey clothes that allowed her to perfectly camouflage in the darkness. She also looked polygonal, for some reason, as if she were a videogame character. We then ran away at an unusually high speed while creepy music started playing and Nuna chased us from behind. I then woke myself up because this was the most scared I felt from a dream in a while lol.

The dream begins with the dreamer and their friends in a dark area, representing a sense of uncertainty and unknown in their lives. This is further emphasized by them discussing their biggest fears, indicating a fear of the future or the unknown. The mention of Nuna, a name which could potentially be a play on the word 'nun,' adds a religious and possibly moral aspect to the dream. When the friend mentions Nuna, they look into the darkness and see nothing. This could symbolize the fear of the unknown or the unseen, as well as the fear of being watched or judged. The other friend's reaction to the joke suggests a fear of being ridiculed or not taken seriously.

However, the dream takes a turn when Nuna is actually seen by one of the friends. This could represent a realization of one's fears or the manifestation of one's deepest anxieties. The description of Nuna as an unnaturally tall and lanky nun dressed in black and grey clothes symbolizes a sense of foreboding and darkness, as well as a strict and oppressive force. The fact that she can perfectly camouflage in the darkness suggests that the dreamer's fears may be difficult to identify or confront.

The mention of Nuna looking polygonal, like a video game character, could represent a sense of detachment or disconnection from reality. This could suggest a fear of losing touch with oneself or one's surroundings.

The dreamer and their friends running away from Nuna at an unusually high speed could symbolize a desire to escape from their fears. The creepy music further adds to the sense of fear and urgency in the dream. This could represent the dreamer's attempt to suppress their fears or avoid confronting them.

The dreamer waking up because they were scared is a common reaction to a nightmare. This suggests that the dreamer may be avoiding or repressing their fears in their waking life, leading to them manifesting in their dreams.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer's deep-seated fears and anxieties, possibly related to a sense of uncertainty and unknown in their life. It could also suggest a need to confront and address these fears, rather than trying to escape or avoid them.

Thu Jun 20 04:29:57 2024

Recently, I had a dream where I was in my car, me and my dad, we were driving back home from somewhere, but we were driving in the dirt, and all of the sudden, our car fell into a deep hole with both of us in the cat, and as this happened my dream ended instantly.

This dream could be interpreted as a reflection of the dreamer's current state of mind and emotions. The car symbolizes the dreamer's journey and direction in life, while the presence of their father suggests a strong influence or guidance from a paternal figure. The fact that they were driving on dirt roads instead of a paved road symbolizes a sense of instability or uncertainty in the dreamer's life. This could imply that the dreamer is facing challenges or obstacles that are making their path in life unclear and difficult.

The sudden fall into a deep hole could represent the dreamer's fear of failure or being trapped in a difficult situation. This could also suggest a sense of being overwhelmed or out of control in their waking life.

The presence of both the dreamer and their father in the car during the fall could symbolize a shared struggle or burden between them. This could suggest that the dreamer's relationship with their father may be going through a challenging time or that they may be relying on their father for support during a difficult period in their life.

The dream ending instantly could signify a desire to escape from the current struggles and challenges in the dreamer's life. It could also suggest a need for a break or a pause to reassess their situation and find a new direction.

Overall, this dream may be a manifestation of the dreamer's subconscious fears and anxieties about their current circumstances. It may also be a reminder to seek support and guidance from loved ones during difficult times and to take a step back to evaluate their choices and direction in life.

Tue Jun 18 13:34:21 2024

I was with a group of people and on the radio came the song 'Meet me in Montana', and I turned to the people I was with and said, 'You got to be kidding me, I haven't heard this song in years, and now I hear it two days in a row'!

This dream may symbolize a longing for the past and a desire to reconnect with old memories and relationships. The song 'Meet me in Montana' represents a specific time or place in the dreamer's life that holds sentimental value. Hearing it on the radio could represent an unexpected reminder of this time, stirring up deep emotions and nostalgia. The dreamer's reaction of being surprised and exclaiming, 'You got to be kidding me,' suggests that they were not expecting to hear this song and were caught off guard by the sudden rush of feelings. The fact that the dreamer is with a group of people could symbolize a sense of community and belonging. These people may represent individuals from the dreamer's past or present who share a connection to this song and the memories associated with it. This could signify a desire to reconnect with these people or to recapture the sense of belonging and camaraderie they once shared.

The repetition of hearing the song two days in a row could suggest a need for closure or resolution regarding the past. It may also symbolize the dreamer's struggle to let go of the past and move on. The dreamer's statement, 'I haven't heard this song in years,' could indicate a sense of surprise and wonder at how vividly the memories associated with the song resurface.

Overall, this dream may represent the dreamer's longing for a simpler time, a desire to reconnect with old relationships and memories, and a struggle to fully let go of the past and embrace the present. It could also suggest a need for closure and resolution regarding past experiences.

Tue Jun 18 09:39:16 2024

Rüyamda seramikten rengarenk 3 yumurta gördüm

Bu rüya, hayatınızda önemli değişikliklerin ve yeni başlangıçların olacağına işaret etmektedir. Seramik, dayanıklı ve sağlam bir malzemedir, bu nedenle rengarenk yumurtaların varlığı, bu değişikliklerin kalıcı ve uzun süreli olacağını göstermektedir. Rengarenk yumurtalar, hayatınıza girecek olan farklı fırsatları ve deneyimleri simgelemektedir. Bu fırsatlar sizi heyecanlandıracak ve hayatınızı renklendirecektir. Ayrıca bu yumurtalar, hayatınızda çeşitliliğin ve renkliliğin artacağına da işaret eder.

Üç yumurta, hayatınızda önemli üç kişi veya üç önemli olayı simgeleyebilir. Bu kişiler veya olaylar size ilham ve motivasyon verecek, hayatınızda önemli bir rol oynayacak ve sizi daha iyi bir yere taşıyacaktır.

Yumurtalar genellikle yeni bir hayatın başlangıcı ile ilişkilendirilir ve bu rüyada da aynı anlamı taşımaktadır. Bu değişimler ve fırsatlar, sizin için yeni bir dönemin başlangıcı olabilir. Bu dönemde kendinizi yeniden keşfedecek, yeni beceriler öğrenecek ve hayatınızın farklı alanlarında büyüyeceksiniz.

Son olarak, yumurtaların seramikten yapılmış olması, hayatınızdaki değişimlerin size dayanıklılık ve güç kazandıracağını göstermektedir. Bu değişikliklere karşı dirençli olacak ve zorluklarla başa çıkabileceksiniz.

Rüyada görülen seramikten rengarenk üç yumurta, hay

Sun Jun 16 16:55:12 2024

i went into a single person use bathroom and in there were 2 female classmates who i knew pretty well and then we all had a threesome with each other, for additional info, I am currently questing if i am polyamorous or not, i do not have romantic feelings towards these classmates but they did make me feel very special and loved and the bathroom was very clean

The dream you had can be interpreted in various ways, as dreams are often a reflection of our subconscious desires and thoughts. Here, you entered a single-person bathroom, indicating a need for personal space and privacy in your waking life. The presence of two female classmates with whom you are familiar may represent different aspects of yourself or different relationships in your life. These classmates could also represent qualities or traits that you admire or desire. The act of having a threesome with these classmates may symbolize a desire for a deeper connection and intimacy with others. It could also suggest a desire to explore your sexuality and break free from societal norms and expectations. This is further supported by your current questioning about being polyamorous. Your subconscious may be exploring this aspect of your identity through the dream.

The fact that you do not have romantic feelings towards these classmates but they made you feel special and loved could indicate a longing for emotional connection and love, beyond just physical desire. It may also suggest that you are open to exploring different types of relationships, beyond the traditional monogamous one.

The clean bathroom could represent a sense of purity and new beginnings. It may also symbolize a feeling of comfort and safety in exploring your desires and identity.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your inner conflicts and desires, as you navigate your feelings towards relationships and your own sexuality. It could be a reminder to listen to your own needs and desires, rather than conforming to societal expectations. It may also be a sign of your openness to new experiences and a willingness to break free from traditional norms.

Sun Jun 16 14:24:15 2024

que significa soñar con mariposas grandes azules oscuros que envuelven el cuerpo de alguien

Este sueño puede tener varias interpretaciones dependiendo de la situación y emociones que experimentes en tu vida actual. Sin embargo, en general, la mariposa es un símbolo de transformación, libertad y belleza. El hecho de que las mariposas sean grandes y de un color azul oscuro sugiere que la transformación o cambio que estás experimentando en tu vida es profundo y significativo. El color azul oscuro también puede representar emociones intensas o incluso tristeza, lo que sugiere que este cambio puede estar relacionado con sentimientos profundos que estás enfrentando.

El cuerpo de alguien envuelto por las mariposas puede simbolizar una protección o un abrazo de parte de tus seres queridos o de tu propio ser interior. Esto puede significar que estás en un proceso de cambio interno y que estás encontrando apoyo y consuelo en tu entorno cercano.

Otra posible interpretación es que las mariposas representen tus propias emociones y pensamientos, y que estás siendo envuelto por ellos. Esto sugiere que estás siendo consciente de tus sentimientos y pensamientos, y que estás en un proceso de autoexploración y autoconocimiento.

En general, este sueño puede ser una señal de que estás en un proceso de transformación personal profundo y que estás encontrando apoyo y protección en tus relaciones cercanas. También puede ser una invitación a explorar tus emociones y pensamientos más profundos para lograr un crecimiento y evolución personal.

Sat Jun 15 13:41:08 2024

I had a huge old house with tons of rooms. It was a little run down but I was thrilled with all the space.i was throwing a huge party and at the party several women were giving birth. Many of the women were pregnant. In the lower part of the house I had separate rooms for menstruating women, post-partem women, menopausal- all different stages of a woman’s life cycle. My daughter who has barely started her period, wanted to go to the menopausal room and it amused me because I thought she must not understand what it means. A teenage boy at the party started bleeding in his hands. The mood became very somber. His mother said “he gets stigmata sometimes”. Blood was getting on things around him. My sister argued with them and said it is just a trick. I felt awkward. I looked outside and realized that my huge house was actually the old historic courthouse in our town, currently unused. In the dream I was very pretty and lots of guys from my childhood were there, noticing me. The house became very messy quickly I was overwhelmed trying to keep it clean, but I was still happy with all the space, and I was coming up with plans to make it easier to clean. Then my husband was drag racing with a guy from my school and I was irritated with him, they were making bets using liquor.

The dreamer's house symbolizes her inner self, with each room representing different aspects of her personality. The fact that the house is old and run down could suggest that the dreamer is feeling worn out or neglected in some areas of her life. However, she is still excited about the amount of space she has, indicating a desire for growth and expansion. The party in the dream represents a celebration of life and fertility. The women giving birth symbolize the dreamer's own creative potential and the potential for new beginnings in her life. The presence of pregnant women could also represent the dreamer's own desires for motherhood or nurturing.

The separate rooms for menstruating women, post-partem women, and menopausal women represent the different stages of a woman's life cycle. This could suggest that the dreamer is exploring her own femininity and coming to terms with the changes and challenges that come with each stage.

The dreamer's daughter wanting to go to the menopausal room could symbolize the dreamer's own fears or anxieties about getting older and losing her youth. The teenage boy's stigmata and bleeding hands could represent the dreamer's worries about the physical and emotional challenges of adolescence.

The dreamer's sister arguing that the boy's bleeding is just a trick could symbolize the dreamer's own doubts and skepticism about certain aspects of herself or her life. This could also suggest a need for the dreamer to confront and address her doubts and fears.

The old historic courthouse symbolizes the dreamer's past and the idea of justice and fairness. The fact that it is currently unused could suggest that the dreamer is not fully utilizing her past experiences and knowledge.

The dreamer feeling pretty and being noticed by guys from her childhood could represent a desire for validation and recognition from her past. This could also suggest a longing for the simpler, carefree days of her youth.

The messy house and the dreamer's struggle to keep it clean could symbolize the dreamer's overwhelming responsibilities and the need to find balance and organization in her life. The plans to make it easier to clean could suggest the dreamer's determination to find solutions and improve her current situation.

The dreamer's husband drag racing and making bets with liquor could represent the dreamer's concerns about her husband's reckless behavior or their relationship. This could also symbolize the dreamer's own inner conflicts and the need to find a balance between responsibility and fun.

Overall, this dream could

Thu Jun 13 18:28:57 2024

I was in charge of music and lights of a performance that was taking place on stage. However, I kept playing the wrong music or changing the wrong lights, thus making the performance very chaotic and inconsistent. One of the actresses kept coming to me, calling me names and telling me to focus. After the performance, I decided to check the usb, which contained the songs. Turned out a lot of the tracks were missing. I told the actress about it, who was incredibly upset at the news. She was cutting out shapes of paper sheet and she then showed me a picture of a cartoon rat.

The dreamer is in charge of the music and lights of a performance, symbolizing their control over the atmosphere and mood of a situation. However, they are struggling and making mistakes, representing their lack of confidence and competence in their role. The actress who keeps calling them names and telling them to focus is a projection of the dreamer's own inner critic, constantly berating them for their perceived failures and shortcomings. The missing tracks on the USB symbolize the dreamer's feelings of inadequacy and unpreparedness. They may feel like they are missing important skills or qualifications for their current role, causing them to doubt their abilities. The actress's reaction to the missing tracks reflects the dreamer's fear of disappointing others and not living up to their expectations.

The paper sheets being cut into shapes by the actress could symbolize the dreamer's attempts to control and shape their own identity and self-image. The picture of a cartoon rat could represent a fear of being seen as insignificant or unimportant. Rats are often associated with negative connotations, such as being dirty or a pest, and the dreamer may fear being perceived in a similar light.

Overall, this dream reflects the dreamer's insecurities and self-doubt in a position of responsibility. They may feel overwhelmed and unprepared, constantly being criticized by their own inner voice. The missing tracks and cartoon rat represent their fears of not being good enough and being judged by others. This dream may be a reflection of the dreamer's current struggles with self-esteem and their desire to gain control over their own life and identity.

Wed Jun 12 12:51:15 2024

In my dream I was watching a show, called K-On! (there was a boy version as well), until a bunch of men barged in my house looking for me. I hid under my bed and hey found me, but it was all a bad dream. So, i went to school, but we were on a trip to colleges in town. There was this boy i was interested in, so i tried to change classes to be with him. There were many lights, jewelry and chandeliers in the room he was in. In my course, there were many computers. I got bored so i was at the makeup store. I was with my friend, A (who's now homeschooled) and a girl from my scouts. As i was looking, a girl from my class appeared and said i needed eyebrow pencil, and that i should get what i need. My friend took the girl and they became friends. They both went off without me, so i tagged along. We then went to a school party, where we transformed into gyarus. We were dancing and having fun until A said she didn't want me around. I went outside, crying until I saw a girl who looked exactly like my gyaru self. She killed me and I woke up in a shed full of emos. One emo boy raped me and i turned emo. I pretended to like how i looked. I tried to escape, but the doors were bolted shut.

The dream begins with the dreamer watching a show called K-On!, which could represent a desire for a carefree and carelessly happy lifestyle. This could also symbolize the dreamer's desire to escape from reality and enter a world of entertainment and fantasy. The boy version of the show could represent the dreamer's desire for a romantic relationship. The intrusion of men into the dreamer's house could symbolize a fear of being vulnerable or exposed in waking life. The dreamer hiding under the bed could represent a desire to hide from this fear or from certain aspects of themselves.

The dream then shifts to the dreamer being on a trip to colleges in town, which could symbolize the dreamer's search for knowledge and self-discovery. The boy the dreamer is interested in could represent a desire for a romantic connection and the desire to be with someone who embodies intelligence and success.

The lights, jewelry, and chandeliers in the room where the boy is could symbolize the dreamer's desire for luxury and wealth. The course with many computers could represent the dreamer's interest in technology and the pursuit of a successful career.

The dream then takes a turn as the dreamer goes to a makeup store with her friend and a girl from her scouts. This could symbolize the dreamer's desire for beauty and acceptance from others. The girl from the dreamer's class appearing and recommending an eyebrow pencil could symbolize the dreamer's desire to improve her appearance and fit in with her peers.

The dreamer's friend and the girl from her scouts becoming friends and leaving her behind could symbolize the dreamer's fear of being left out or left behind by her friends. This could also represent a fear of losing their friendship and being replaced.

The dream then takes a dark turn as the dreamer and her friends transform into gyarus, which could symbolize a desire to break free from societal norms and expectations. However, this transformation is short-lived as the dreamer's friend rejects her, causing her to feel isolated and rejected.

The appearance of a girl who looks like the dreamer's gyaru self could represent a darker side of the dreamer's personality that she has been suppressing. This darker side then kills the dreamer, which could symbolize the dreamer's fear of losing control or being consumed by this side of herself.

The dreamer waking up in a shed full of emos could represent a desire to escape from the pressures and expectations of society

Tue Jun 11 13:28:19 2024

Во сне появились новые знакомства, в реальной жизни я очень люблю новые знакомства и всегда отношусь к ним дружелюбно, но когда так- теряют уаажение. Так было и во сне. Я относилась к ним спокойно, дружелббно, улыбалась и смеялась) В итоге рядом сидящий мужчина пошел и присел к моей подруге, меня игнорировали, на меня униженно смотрели. Я очень расстроилась и не понимала, что мне нужно сделать. Хотела лишь поговорить об этом, а почему так? как я долна относиться к вам? с агрессией, чтобы заполучить уважение? Началась некач ссора с обной девушкой, я была очень зла и расстроена, я ее повалила на траву, она пыталась драться. Я держала ее руки, гладила ее лицо и говорила, что я не хочу драки. Целовала ее, объясняла, что можно и без дркаи обойтись.

Сон символизирует ваше отношение к новым знакомствам и социальным связям. Во сне вы встречаете новых людей, что отражает вашу открытость и желание общаться с новыми людьми в реальной жизни. Однако, ваш подход к знакомствам может иметь свои недостатки. Когда вы сталкиваетесь с конфликтной ситуацией или чувствуете, что вас не уважают, вы можете терять свою самоуверенность и становиться более уязвимой. Это может быть связано с вашим желанием получить признание и уважение от окружающих. Конфликт с другой девушкой во сне может быть отражением ваших внутренних конфликтов и эмоциональных бурь. Возможно, вы часто сталкиваетесь с ситуациями, когда вам приходится доказывать свою правоту и отстаивать свою точку зрения. В этом смысле, ваша реакция на конфликт во сне, когда вы пытаетесь примириться и избежать драки, может быть символом вашего желания разрешить конфликты мирным путем и сохранить хорошие отношения с окружающими.

Объясняя другой девушке, что можно обойтись без драки, вы, возможно, пытаетесь убедить себя в том, что не нужно проявлять агрессию и конфликты можно разр

Mon Jun 10 09:24:16 2024

Une jeune femme brune en gilet bleu marine allongée sur un lit bleu clair, les bras étendus au-dessus de sa tête, mains jointes sur une chaîne avec un encent argenté d'où s'élève un peu de fumée blanche.

Le rêve que vous avez décrit est très symbolique et révèle des éléments importants sur votre état intérieur et votre vie actuelle. La jeune femme brune en gilet bleu marine représente votre personnalité, vos traits de caractère et votre identité en tant que femme. La couleur brune peut symboliser la stabilité et la sagesse, tandis que le bleu marine peut représenter la sérénité et la profondeur émotionnelle. Le gilet peut indiquer que vous vous sentez protégée et en sécurité dans votre vie. Le lit bleu clair sur lequel la femme est allongée peut symboliser votre vie intérieure, votre monde intérieur et vos émotions. La couleur bleu clair peut représenter la paix et la tranquillité, mais aussi l'inspiration et la spiritualité. Le fait que la femme soit allongée sur le lit peut indiquer que vous êtes en train de vous reposer ou que vous avez besoin de prendre du temps pour vous recentrer et vous reconnecter avec vous-même.

Les bras étendus au-dessus de sa tête peuvent symboliser votre désir d'atteindre vos objectifs et vos aspirations. Vous êtes prête à travailler dur pour réaliser vos rêves et vos ambitions. Les mains jointes sur une chaîne avec un pendentif argenté peuvent représenter votre attachement à quelque chose ou à quelqu'un. La chaîne peut symboliser une relation ou une situation qui vous retient ou vous maintient attachée d'une certaine manière.

Le pendentif argenté avec de la fumée blanche qui s'en élève peut être un symbole de purification et de transformation. La couleur argentée peut représenter la sagesse et la clarté, tandis que la fumée blanche peut symboliser une prise de conscience ou une libération de quelque chose qui vous pesait. Cela peut également indiquer que vous êtes en train de laisser derrière vous des pensées ou des émotions négatives pour avancer vers un nouvel état d'esprit plus positif.

En résumé, ce rêve peut refléter votre désir de trouver la paix et la sérénité dans votre vie intérieure et vos relations. Il peut

Mon Jun 10 05:57:13 2024

After a quick meet with Praggnanandha (chess grandmaster) and him not replying anything to me; I wanted to leave that place with my mother, so she booked a cab but a man on a bike came instead of that and asked us to sit behind him. My mom sat but I walked with with them for while as there was heavy traffic; we were on the main road and when I turned my head to see where that man with my mum was, I didn't see a bike rather I saw them sitting on a scooter.. The scooter was small which means my mom had to stiff herself to avoid being too close to the driver, I became uncomfortable just by the look of it and when I refused to board he took my mom and went a certain distance after which I called him and asked him to drop off my mom wherever they were right now. So now I was trying to book another cab standing in the middle of the road, that could pick me and my mom and go home. The next thing I saw, I was sitting opposite to Magnus Carlsen (a GOAT in chess) and we were exchanging questions and having a nice chat - Which I never imagined to happen.

This dream is filled with symbolism and reflects your current state of mind and emotions. Praggnanandha, as a chess grandmaster, represents intelligence, strategy and competition. Your quick meet with him symbolizes your desire to succeed and achieve recognition in your own field. However, his lack of response to you could suggest feelings of self-doubt and insecurity about your abilities. Your mother in this dream represents a maternal figure or your own nurturing qualities. The fact that she booked a cab for the two of you shows her desire to protect and take care of you. However, the man on the bike who came instead of the cab represents unexpected changes or challenges in your journey. The heavy traffic symbolizes obstacles or difficulties that you may encounter along the way.

The main road could symbolize the path you are currently on in life, and the man on the bike could represent a person or situation that may be leading you astray. Your decision to walk with them for a while could indicate your willingness to take risks and explore new opportunities. However, when you turn your head and see your mother sitting on a small scooter, it reflects your concern for her safety and well-being. The scooter being small could represent your fear of getting too close to the driver, which could symbolize a person or situation that you feel uncomfortable with.

Your attempt to book another cab while standing in the middle of the road could symbolize your determination to find a safe and comfortable solution for you and your mother. This could reflect your ability to adapt and make quick decisions in challenging situations.

The next part of the dream where you are sitting opposite Magnus Carlsen, a GOAT in chess, represents your desire for success and recognition in your field. Your exchange of questions and pleasant conversation with him symbolizes your confidence and self-assurance in your abilities. This could also indicate that you may have unexpected opportunities for growth and success in the near future.

Overall, this dream suggests that you are facing challenges and changes in your life, but you have the determination and adaptability to overcome them. It also highlights your desire for success and recognition, and your ability to confidently pursue your goals.

Sun Jun 9 17:27:17 2024

soñe que estaba en una fiesta era una quinceañera pero el local de veía como mi escuela llegué con una amiga y más al fondo había una alberca y en la alberca había unas niñas que en la vida real no me cae tan bien pero igual nos metimos más al rato esas niñas empiezan a pedir goggles y una amiga nuestra les presta pero les dice que con la condición de que le presten crema para peinar ellas le dicen que no traen y ella hace un berrinche y cuando se va mi otra amiga dice a ver si no se roba crema del baño después nos salimos de la alberca yo traía un traje de baño azul con flores y dije que se sentía raro como si se me fuera a caer del pecho después fuimos a caminar y mi amiga me dijo oye y si buscamos a pancho que es un niño con el que estoy hablando en la vida real pero en el sueño parecía que ya estabas saliendo el y yo bueno el punto es que al rato lo encontramos y ya hablamos con el y nos vamos de la fiesta y nos recoge el papá de alguien no sé quién era pero el señor trabajaba en un local de burros en el camino íbamos sentados yo, un niño que no se quien es, el niño con el que estoy hablando y mi amiga después de un trato le pregunto al el niño con el que estoy hablándole que si como se iba a ir a su casa y le pregunta al señor que si lo podía llevar y el señor dice que si después el niño con el que estoy hablando se duerme y yo y mi amiga le revisamos el celular

Este sueño puede ser interpretado como una representación de tu vida social y amorosa en la vida real. La fiesta de quinceañera simboliza un momento de transición y crecimiento en tu vida, mientras que el hecho de que sea en la escuela indica que estas experiencias están relacionadas con tu entorno académico o laboral. La presencia de la amiga que te acompaña puede representar tu lado social y divertido, mientras que las niñas en la alberca que no te caen bien en la vida real pueden representar a personas con las que no tienes una buena relación en tu entorno social. Sin embargo, al meterte en la alberca con ellas, puede indicar que estás dispuesto/a a superar tus diferencias y aceptarlas.

El hecho de que las niñas pidan goggles y tu amiga les preste a cambio de crema para peinar puede representar una situación de intercambio o negociación en tu vida real. La amiga que pide la crema puede simbolizar un lado materialista o interesado en tu círculo social.

Tu traje de baño azul con flores puede representar tu deseo de destacar y ser notado/a en la fiesta. El sentimiento de que se te va a caer del pecho puede indicar inseguridades o preocupaciones acerca de cómo te ven los demás.

La búsqueda de Pancho, el niño con el que estás hablando en la vida real, puede simbolizar tu deseo de acercarte a él en la vida real y llevar tu relación al siguiente nivel. El hecho de que tu amiga te acompañe en la búsqueda puede indicar su apoyo y aprobación de esta relación.

El señor que trabaja en un local de burros y que los recoge puede representar una figura de autoridad o protección en tu vida. El hecho de que te lleve a ti, al niño con el que estás hablando y a tu amiga puede indicar que esta persona es importante para los tres y los cuida.

Por último, el revisar el celular del niño con el que estás hablando mientras duerme puede representar tus dudas o inseguridades en la relación, y tu necesidad de investigar y asegurarte de

Sat Jun 8 23:25:48 2024

Soñe con una mariposa negra

Este sueño puede tener varias interpretaciones dependiendo del contexto y la situación personal del soñador. En general, la mariposa en los sueños simboliza la transformación, la libertad y la belleza. Sin embargo, al ser negra, puede representar una transformación negativa o una sensación de oscuridad y pesadez. La mariposa negra también puede ser un símbolo de la muerte o de la pérdida de algo importante en la vida del soñador. Puede ser una representación de un cambio o una transición difícil que está experimentando el soñador.

Otra posible interpretación es que la mariposa negra representa una parte de la personalidad del soñador que ha sido reprimida o ignorada. Puede ser un aspecto oscuro o negativo que necesita ser reconocido y aceptado para poder seguir adelante en la vida.

El hecho de que sea una mariposa, un ser que pasa por un proceso de metamorfosis para convertirse en algo hermoso, puede ser una señal de que el soñador está atravesando una etapa de crecimiento y transformación personal. Aunque la mariposa sea negra, todavía hay esperanza de que algo bueno pueda surgir de esta experiencia.

En resumen, soñar con una mariposa negra puede representar una transformación negativa, una pérdida, una parte oculta de la personalidad o un proceso de crecimiento y cambio. Es importante reflexionar sobre la situación actual del soñador y las emociones que se experimentan en el sueño para poder entender completamente su significado.

Sat Jun 8 04:43:43 2024

I dreamt of my ex friend telling me how to be more special and different and she said that I have to have a signature walk

The dream of being told by an ex friend to have a 'signature walk' can be interpreted as a desire for individuality and a need for validation from others. The ex friend symbolizes a part of the dreamer's past that they may feel they have lost touch with or have been rejected by. This could represent a sense of longing for the past or a fear of being forgotten or left behind. The instruction to have a 'signature walk' can be seen as a metaphor for standing out and being unique. This could suggest that the dreamer may feel like they are blending in with others and not being recognized for their own distinct qualities. They may be seeking ways to differentiate themselves and gain attention or admiration from others.

The dream could also be a reflection of the dreamer's insecurities and self-doubt. The ex friend's words may represent the dreamer's inner critic, telling them that they are not special enough and need to do something to be noticed or appreciated. This could stem from a lack of self-confidence or a fear of not being accepted for who they truly are.

Alternatively, the dream could be a manifestation of the dreamer's desire for approval and validation from their ex friend. The instruction to have a 'signature walk' could symbolize the dreamer's need to impress or win back their ex friend's approval. This could suggest unresolved feelings towards the ex friend and a longing for their friendship or the validation they once provided.

In conclusion, the dream of being told to have a 'signature walk' by an ex friend represents the dreamer's desire for individuality, fear of being forgotten or rejected, insecurities, and need for validation. It may also indicate unresolved feelings towards the ex friend and a longing for their approval. The dream may be encouraging the dreamer to embrace their uniqueness and not seek validation from others. It could also be a reminder to reconnect with past friends and confront any unresolved feelings.

Fri Jun 7 11:54:16 2024

im playing with a kid and i ask his name. he says my name and its same as my brother's name. i ask him to call me aunt and my ex shows up out of nowhere and asks the kid to call him uncle. im annoyed and leave the place. i come across a video where im playing with my ex and my current boyfriend is watching me from afar.

This dream may symbolize your struggle with your own identity and relationships. The child you are playing with represents innocence and playfulness, while the fact that he shares your brother's name suggests a connection to your family and familial expectations. By asking him to call you aunt, you are assuming a maternal role and possibly seeking validation and acceptance from others. The appearance of your ex may represent unresolved feelings or desires related to your past relationship. It is possible that you are still processing the end of this relationship and the presence of your ex in the dream brings up feelings of annoyance and discomfort. This may also suggest a fear of being replaced or forgotten in your ex's life.

The mention of your current boyfriend watching you from afar could symbolize your subconscious awareness of his presence in your life and the potential for him to witness your interactions with your ex. This may reflect your insecurity or guilt about your past relationship and its impact on your current one.

Overall, this dream may be highlighting your struggle to find your own identity within the expectations and dynamics of your family and relationships. It may be a reminder to focus on your own needs and desires, rather than seeking validation or approval from others. It may also be a sign to address any unresolved feelings or issues from your past relationship in order to move forward and fully embrace your current one.

Fri Jun 7 05:35:03 2024

J'ai rêvé que je me. Faisait extraire une dent 37 avec absce cette dent me faisait mal sensation de pression puis soulagement quand celle ci est enlevé avec une sensation au niveau génital parallèlement au même moment l'extraction de ma dent à soulage la. Dent de ma fille

Dans ce rêve, vous subissez une extraction dentaire de la dent numéro 37, qui symbolise une transformation ou un changement dans votre vie. Cette dent est également associée à la maturité et à la sagesse, suggérant que vous êtes en train de laisser derrière vous une partie de votre passé pour avancer vers un nouvel avenir. La présence d'un abcès sur cette dent indique peut-être une situation dans votre vie qui vous cause de la douleur ou de la pression. Le soulagement ressenti après l'extraction de la dent peut représenter la libération de ces émotions négatives. Cela peut également être interprété comme un signe que vous êtes prêt à laisser aller un fardeau émotionnel et à vous débarrasser de ce qui vous pèse.

La sensation au niveau génital peut symboliser une connexion avec votre sexualité et votre désir de vous libérer de toute retenue ou inhibition. Cela peut également représenter un désir de créer ou de donner la vie, en rapport avec la dent qui est retirée.

Le parallèle entre l'extraction de votre dent et celle de votre fille peut représenter un lien étroit entre vous deux et une certaine forme de transmission de sagesse ou de conseils. Cela peut également indiquer que vous êtes en train de guider votre fille dans sa propre transformation et que vous êtes prêt à lui transmettre vos connaissances et votre expérience.

En résumé, votre rêve suggère que vous êtes en train de vous libérer de certaines émotions négatives et de vous ouvrir à une nouvelle phase de votre vie. Vous êtes prêt à laisser derrière vous le passé et à avancer vers un avenir plus positif et plus épanouissant. Vous êtes également en train de transmettre votre sagesse et votre expérience à votre fille, tout en vous reconnectant à votre propre sexualité et à votre désir de créer et de donner la vie.

Thu Jun 6 17:55:33 2024

Long ago, I had a brief dream where I was at a park I know that is near my town, it was me and my family, so the dream started when we all were walking in the road, and we see a figure that looks exactly like Freddy krueger staring at us, saying that he will get us, I told him we wont and did so, after saying that, he pulled out a chainsaw and started chasing all of us, we were running as fast as we could to avoid him, but he was to fast so he catched up slowly to to and as he did, my dream ended. What does this dream mean?

This dream may represent feelings of vulnerability and fear in your waking life. The park symbolizes a place of leisure and relaxation, suggesting that this is a comfortable and familiar setting for you. However, the appearance of Freddy Krueger, a well-known horror character, introduces a sense of danger and threat. Freddy Krueger is known for his violent and unpredictable behavior, often attacking people in their dreams. This could symbolize a fear or anxiety that is lurking in your subconscious, ready to surface and cause chaos in your waking life. The fact that he is specifically targeting you and your family suggests that this fear may be related to your personal life and relationships.

The chainsaw represents a tool of destruction and harm, further emphasizing the sense of danger and vulnerability in the dream. It may also symbolize a feeling of being trapped and unable to escape from the source of fear.

The dream ending when Freddy Krueger catches up to you may suggest that you feel overwhelmed and unable to confront or overcome this fear. It may also indicate a sense of powerlessness and lack of control in your waking life.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of underlying fears and anxieties that you may be facing in your personal life. It is important to identify and address these fears in order to overcome them and regain a sense of control and safety. Consider what may be causing these feelings and seek support or guidance to help you overcome them.

Thu Jun 6 16:39:41 2024

Long ago, I had a dream where I was in my old school class with many of my classmates I know, we were just doing our work peacefully and hanging out in there, while we were doing this, our teacher told us that she would be running the restroom, and we told her that's fine, so she went, exited the classroom and while she was on her way, and through the window of the class, I saw a random girl with one big eye in the middle of her face, and for a second, she looked like Esther from the movie Orphan, but she just has one big eye on her face, speaking about her, she pulled out either a baseball bat or a belt, then started hitting my teacher, then came inside our class looking angry and starts to say something very scary and inappropriate, then a classmate I know that was next to me whispers to my ear and says 'what the hell', than the girl comes to us, and starts hitting my friend once, then starts hits me multiple times in the back, and a few in the head and neck, while this was happening, I was thinking of finding an exit, and while finding for an exit in the classroom, my dream ended.

The dreamer is experiencing a sense of nostalgia and longing for the past, as they are transported back to their old school class with familiar classmates. This represents a desire to return to a simpler, more innocent time in their life. The peaceful atmosphere and the act of hanging out with classmates suggests a sense of camaraderie and belonging. The teacher leaving to use the restroom symbolizes the dreamer's feeling of being left alone or abandoned in their current life. This could be a reflection of their fear of being left behind or forgotten by those around them.

The appearance of the random girl with one big eye in the middle of her face could represent the dreamer's fear of being judged or watched by others. The fact that the girl resembles Esther from the movie Orphan, a character known for her manipulative and violent behavior, suggests the dreamer's fear of being harmed or betrayed by someone they trust.

The girl pulling out a baseball bat or belt and attacking the teacher may symbolize the dreamer's fear of authority figures or feeling powerless in the face of authority. This could also represent their fear of being punished or criticized for their actions.

The girl's anger and inappropriate behavior may reflect the dreamer's own repressed anger or frustration towards someone in their waking life. The classmate whispering 'what the hell' could represent the dreamer's own confusion and disbelief at the situation.

The dreamer being hit in the back, head, and neck by the girl represents a sense of vulnerability and being attacked from all sides. This could symbolize the dreamer's fear of being physically or emotionally hurt by someone or something in their life.

The dreamer's thoughts of finding an exit and eventually waking up before they can escape could symbolize their desire to escape from a difficult or uncomfortable situation in their waking life. This could also represent their feeling of being trapped or unable to find a solution to their problems.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer's fears and anxieties about their current life situation, including feelings of being abandoned, judged, and attacked. It may also suggest a need for the dreamer to confront and address these fears in order to find a sense of peace and resolution.

Thu Jun 6 16:39:39 2024

Long ago, I had a dream where I was in my old school class with many of my classmates I know, we were just doing our work peacefully and hanging out in there, while we were doing this, our teacher told us that she would be running the restroom, and we told her that's fine, so she went, exited the classroom and while she was on her way, and through the window of the class, I saw a random girl with one big eye in the middle of her face, and for a second, she looked like Esther from the movie Orphan, but she just has one big eye on her face, speaking about her, she pulled out either a baseball bat or a belt, then started hitting my teacher, then came inside our class looking angry and starts to say something very scary and inappropriate, then a classmate I know that was next to me whispers to my ear and says 'what the hell', than the girl comes to us, and starts hitting my friend once, then starts hits me multiple times in the back, and a few in the head and neck, while this was happening, I was thinking of finding an exit, and while finding for an exit in the classroom, my dream ended.

The dreamer is experiencing a sense of nostalgia and longing for the past, as they are transported back to their old school class with familiar classmates. This represents a desire to return to a simpler, more innocent time in their life. The peaceful atmosphere and the act of hanging out with classmates suggests a sense of camaraderie and belonging. The teacher leaving to use the restroom symbolizes the dreamer's feeling of being left alone or abandoned in their current life. This could be a reflection of their fear of being left behind or forgotten by those around them.

The appearance of the random girl with one big eye in the middle of her face could represent the dreamer's fear of being judged or watched by others. The fact that the girl resembles Esther from the movie Orphan, a character known for her manipulative and violent behavior, suggests the dreamer's fear of being harmed or betrayed by someone they trust.

The girl pulling out a baseball bat or belt and attacking the teacher may symbolize the dreamer's fear of authority figures or feeling powerless in the face of authority. This could also represent their fear of being punished or criticized for their actions.

The girl's anger and inappropriate behavior may reflect the dreamer's own repressed anger or frustration towards someone in their waking life. The classmate whispering 'what the hell' could represent the dreamer's own confusion and disbelief at the situation.

The dreamer being hit in the back, head, and neck by the girl represents a sense of vulnerability and being attacked from all sides. This could symbolize the dreamer's fear of being physically or emotionally hurt by someone or something in their life.

The dreamer's thoughts of finding an exit and eventually waking up before they can escape could symbolize their desire to escape from a difficult or uncomfortable situation in their waking life. This could also represent their feeling of being trapped or unable to find a solution to their problems.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer's fears and anxieties about their current life situation, including feelings of being abandoned, judged, and attacked. It may also suggest a need for the dreamer to confront and address these fears in order to find a sense of peace and resolution.

Thu Jun 6 16:16:17 2024

sex with an intersex person that I have never met before. the sex was deeply satisfying

This dream appears to be deeply symbolic and reflects a desire for a sense of completeness and fulfillment in your personal life. The act of having sex with an intersex person, someone who possesses both male and female biological traits, may represent a longing for balance and wholeness within yourself. This could be related to feelings of internal conflict or confusion about your own identity and gender. Furthermore, the fact that you have never met this person before suggests that this dream is not necessarily about a specific individual, but rather about a deeper, internal aspect of yourself. It is possible that the intersex person in the dream represents a part of you that you have yet to fully explore or accept.

The act of having deeply satisfying sex in the dream could be a symbol of finding harmony and fulfillment within yourself. It may also indicate a need for a deeper connection with your own sexuality and sexual desires. This could be a reflection of a desire for greater intimacy and passion in your waking life.

Overall, this dream seems to be about finding a sense of wholeness and satisfaction within yourself. It could be a reminder to embrace all aspects of yourself, including those that may be seen as unconventional or outside of societal norms. By embracing your whole self, you may find a deeper sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in your personal life.

Wed Jun 5 23:32:03 2024

I was talking to my crush's mom, but I wanted to hear about him, so the next time she asked me a question I said, 'an 11 year old boy with impenetrable armor?' and she laughed a little and said, 'Yes, but I fear his armor has worn a bit thin due to a respiratory infection caused by inhaling gas 160 something years ago.'

This dream is rich in symbolism and reflects your subconscious thoughts and feelings about your crush. The presence of your crush's mother suggests that she represents a maternal figure or authority figure in your life. The fact that you are talking to her indicates a desire for validation or approval from this figure. Your crush's mother is often seen as a representation of your crush himself, or the qualities that you admire in him. In this dream, you are seeking information about your crush, which could suggest that you are curious about him and want to know more about him on a deeper level.

The mention of an 11-year-old boy in the dream could symbolize your crush's youthfulness and innocence, or it could represent a certain time or phase in his life that you find attractive. The fact that he is wearing 'impenetrable armor' suggests that he may have built up walls or defenses around himself, making it difficult for others to get close to him. This could be a reflection of your perception of your crush as someone who is guarded or protective of himself.

The respiratory infection caused by inhaling gas 160 years ago could represent a past hurt or trauma that your crush has experienced. This could be something that has caused him to become more guarded and has affected his ability to let others in. The mention of gas could also symbolize something toxic or harmful that has had a lasting impact on your crush.

Overall, this dream may be reflecting your desire to get to know your crush on a deeper level and understand the reasons behind his guardedness. It could also be a reflection of your own fears and insecurities in trying to get close to someone who may have been hurt in the past. The dream is encouraging you to be patient and understanding in your approach to your crush, as his armor may take time to come down due to past experiences.

Wed Jun 5 21:28:52 2024

I had a dream where I was in a store that kind of looked like Walmart, but it was a whole different Walmart I'm not familiar with, so I was in there with my siblings exploring around and just looking at stuff, and later on, we decided to play hide and seek tag, so we did so, I was the tagger, and while I've been looking for them, I spotted a person who was dressed up like Scream Ghostface Murderer holding a knife, I then began to run, I decided to look for my siblings and informed them about it, but they knew so, and we all began to run from the murderer, I then began to hide somewhere near the clothes area, once I was hiding, I saw the murderer stabbing someone in the back of there body, later on, we all decided to find a near exit, where I and all of my siblings made it alive but we were left unharmed.

The dream starts with the dreamer being in a store that resembles Walmart, but it is unfamiliar. This could symbolize the dreamer's journey through life and the unknown experiences that they will encounter. The presence of their siblings in the dream suggests that family and relationships are important to the dreamer. The exploration of the store with the siblings could represent the dreamer's desire to discover more about themselves and their surroundings. This could also symbolize their curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

The game of hide and seek tag could represent the dreamer's desire for adventure and excitement in life. The dreamer being the tagger could symbolize their role as a leader and the responsibility they feel towards their family.

The appearance of the Scream Ghostface Murderer could represent the dreamer's fear of the unknown and potential danger. The knife in the murderer's hand could symbolize a threat to the dreamer's safety and well-being.

The dreamer's decision to run and warn their siblings about the murderer could symbolize their protective nature towards their loved ones. This could also indicate their sense of responsibility towards their family's safety and well-being.

Hiding near the clothes area could symbolize the dreamer's vulnerability and the need to protect themselves from the danger. This could also suggest that the dreamer is trying to hide their true feelings and emotions from others.

The sight of the murderer stabbing someone in the back could represent the dreamer's fear of betrayal or being hurt by someone they trust. This could also symbolize the dreamer's fear of facing their own inner demons or hidden fears.

The search for a near exit and the dreamer and their siblings making it out alive could symbolize the dreamer's ability to overcome challenges and emerge victorious. This could also represent the dreamer's resilience and determination to protect themselves and their loved ones from harm.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer's fears, desire for adventure, and their protective nature towards their family. It could also suggest that the dreamer needs to confront their fears and be more open and honest about their emotions.

Wed Jun 5 05:07:00 2024

i seen a grren grasshoppers in grass field

In this dream, the symbolism of the green grasshopper and the grass field can represent growth, abundance, and fertility. The color green often symbolizes growth and renewal, while grass is associated with nourishment, stability, and the natural world. The grasshopper, on the other hand, symbolizes agility, progress, and adaptability. Its ability to jump long distances and its vibrant green color suggest that you have the potential to make great strides in your own personal growth and development. The fact that the grasshopper is seen in a grass field further emphasizes this idea of growth and progress.

The grass field itself can also hold significance in this dream. It represents a fertile ground for growth and opportunities. It may also symbolize the need to stay grounded and connected to nature in order to nurture your personal growth.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your current state of mind and your desire for growth and progress in various aspects of your life. It may also suggest that you have the necessary tools and potential to achieve your goals, but it is important to stay grounded and connected to your roots in order to fully grow and thrive.

Tue Jun 4 12:07:30 2024

I had a dream a month ago where I was outside somewhere with my current long distance boyfriend. For additional context, he and I did not meet in real life yet. Back to the dream: I had a broken bicycle toy in my hand. It was a very simple looking almost two dimensional bike toy that was all dark grey or dark brown in color. It upset me that it was broken and I tried to fix it but I couldn't. I gave the toy to my boyfriend to see if he could fix it. I don't remember if he fixed it or not, but I think he did fix it because soon after I remember bending down to kiss him on the lips. He was laying down and I was sitting up so I had to bend down. After I kissed him he seemed pleased with the kiss and had a pleasant look on his face, but he just said the word 'die' to me. I was confused why he would say that. He didn't seem to threaten me in the dream and actually seemed to act as if he died and closed his eyes and turned his head to the side. So in my mind I guess that he meant jokingly that the kiss was so amazing that he died of joy from it? He also is not fluent in English so I wondered if he jokingly meant that he died of pleasure from the kiss and said the word 'die' to me in an innocent way?

The dream starts off with you being outside with your long distance boyfriend, which could symbolize your desire to be physically together with him. The broken bicycle toy in your hand represents a broken aspect of your relationship, possibly the distance between you two. The fact that it is a simple and two-dimensional toy could suggest that this issue is not complex and can be fixed easily. However, despite your efforts to fix it, you are unable to do so, indicating your frustration and helplessness in the situation. When you give the toy to your boyfriend to fix, it shows your reliance on him to help resolve the issue. This could reflect your trust in him and your hope that he can fix the problem. The fact that you do not remember if he actually fixed it suggests that the outcome is uncertain and you are still unsure if he can truly help.

The kiss on the lips represents intimacy and a desire for physical connection with your boyfriend. This could also symbolize a longing for emotional and spiritual connection with him. The fact that he is laying down and you have to bend down to kiss him could represent the power dynamic in your relationship, with him being more passive and you being more active.

The word 'die' could have multiple interpretations in this dream. It could represent a fear of losing your boyfriend or the relationship itself due to the distance. It could also symbolize a fear of intimacy and vulnerability, as the act of kissing someone could be seen as a metaphorical death of one's defenses. Alternatively, it could represent a fear of change or ending, as the word 'die' is often associated with finality.

The fact that your boyfriend said it in a joking manner and seemed pleased with the kiss could suggest that he is not a threat to your relationship and may even be enjoying the intimacy as well. His lack of fluency in English could also symbolize a lack of clear communication between the two of you, causing misunderstandings and confusion.

Overall, this dream could reflect your longing for physical and emotional connection with your long distance boyfriend, as well as your fears and uncertainties about the future of your relationship. It may also highlight the need for clear and open communication between the two of you to address any issues and strengthen your bond.

Mon Jun 3 11:05:34 2024

I had a dream that my highschool was right next to my house like both were separated by one wall but that wall had an entrance to my house which led to an extra class room , I was told to close up our house but when I went to the entrance there was a teacher and a student who was my age , the teacher asked me what time it was and I said it was late , he needs to let the student go home and he said okay , and I and the student chatted while I was leading him out , and it seemed flirty but when I said good bye he didn't ask for my number

The symbolism in this dream is quite rich and can be interpreted in various ways. The first aspect to consider is the presence of your high school and house in close proximity, separated by only one wall. This could suggest a blending of your personal and academic life, or a feeling of being trapped or confined in both areas. The wall with an entrance to your house leading to an extra classroom could represent a hidden or secret part of yourself that you are not fully aware of. This could also signify a desire for more knowledge or learning in your life.

The fact that you were asked to close up your house could symbolize a need to protect or guard yourself, or to keep certain aspects of your life private. This could also suggest a feeling of vulnerability or insecurity in your waking life.

The teacher and student in the dream could represent authority figures or mentors in your life. The fact that they were your age could suggest that they represent aspects of yourself that you are struggling to integrate or understand.

The teacher asking for the time and your response of 'it was late' could indicate a feeling of being pressured or rushed in your waking life. It could also suggest a need to prioritize or manage your time more effectively.

The flirty conversation with the student could represent a desire for more social interaction or connection in your life. However, the fact that he did not ask for your number could suggest a fear of rejection or a lack of confidence in pursuing romantic relationships.

Overall, this dream may be reflecting your thoughts and feelings about balancing different aspects of your life, as well as your desires for knowledge, protection, and social connection. It could also be highlighting any fears or insecurities you may have in these areas. Consider these symbols and their meanings in the context of your waking life to gain a better understanding of the underlying message of this dream.

Mon Jun 3 03:04:20 2024

i was getting ready for soccer practice because everytime before practice my friend picks me up. I got my waterbottle ready and i went out the door when i saw all of my teammeates inside of the car insted of just one! I was happy! i took a selfie with all of them but when i looked at the phone though, they didnt appear in the selfie??? idk. I arrieved at soccer practice and saw some kids from the lower team with just regular clothes on, no soccer jerseys practicing with us. turns out they were just like us! they werent that good though. i just remember passing the soccer ball around. then i took a test or someting and i remember drawing a flag and basically copying somebodies answers without their knowledge.

The dream symbolizes the dreamer's desire for acceptance and validation from their peers, particularly within their soccer team. The friend who picks them up before practice represents a supportive and reliable figure in their life. The water bottle may symbolize the dreamer's physical and emotional preparation for the challenges ahead. However, the dreamer's expectations are not met as they realize that their teammates are not physically present in the selfie, suggesting a sense of disconnect or feeling left out. This could reflect the dreamer's fear of not being included or accepted by their team. The appearance of the lower team members without their soccer jerseys may symbolize the dreamer's perception of themselves as being on a lower level or not as skilled as their teammates. This could be linked to feelings of inferiority or self-doubt. However, the fact that the lower team members are just like the dreamer and not as skilled as expected may represent the dreamer's realization that they are not alone in their struggles and that they are capable of improving.

The passing of the soccer ball and taking a test may suggest the dreamer's need to prove themselves and their abilities to their teammates and coaches. The act of copying someone else's answers without their knowledge may represent the dreamer's desire to fit in and be seen as successful, even if it means compromising their values or cheating. This could indicate a fear of failure and a need to conform to the expectations of others.

Overall, the dream highlights the dreamer's desire for acceptance and validation, and their fear of being left out or not measuring up to their teammates. It may also suggest a need to address these insecurities and find a sense of belonging within the team. The dream could serve as a reminder for the dreamer to focus on their own progress and not compare themselves to others.

Sun Jun 2 19:59:52 2024

Im see the little birds in the dream and they goes infront of me

Сон: Я вижу маленьких птиц во сне и они идут передо мной.


Птицы являются символом свободы и легкости. Также они могут олицетворять души умерших, которые приходят к нам во сне, чтобы передать какое-то послание. В данном случае, видение птиц может означать, что вы подсознательно ищете свободы и легкости в жизни. Возможно, вас тяготят какие-то обязанности или проблемы, и вы хотите избавиться от них и насладиться жизнью в полной мере.

Также стоит обратить внимание на количество птиц. Если их много, то это может символизировать обилие и изобилие в вашей жизни. Однако, если птицы одна за другой проходят перед вами, это может указывать на то, что вы чувствуете потерю контроля над своей жизнью или теряете что-то важное.

Кроме того, важно обратить внимание на то, как птицы движутся. Если они летят высоко и свободно, это может означать, что вы стремитесь к высоким целям и свободе от каких-то ограничений. Но если птицы идут по земле, это может указывать на то, что вы чувствуете себя заторможенным и не можете достичь своих желаний.

В целом, данный сон может указывать на то, что вы ищете свободу и легкость в жизни, н

Sun Jun 2 02:45:46 2024

Şirniyyatdan bir ev içində bir mavi göz sarı saçlı qız və oğlan bunlar bir birlərini sevirlər

This dream is full of rich symbolism that reveals the dreamer's innermost desires and emotions. The setting of the dream, a house, represents the dreamer's sense of self and personal life. The fact that it is described as a 'sweet' or 'delightful' house suggests that the dreamer is content and satisfied with their current state. The two main characters in the dream, a blue-eyed girl and a blonde boy, represent the dreamer's ideal romantic partner. The blue eyes of the girl signify clarity and truth, while her blonde hair symbolizes purity and innocence. This suggests that the dreamer desires a partner who is honest, pure, and innocent. The fact that the boy is also described as blonde could indicate that the dreamer wants to be with someone who shares similar physical characteristics.

The fact that the girl and boy are in love with each other represents the dreamer's own longing for love and a romantic relationship. This could suggest that the dreamer is currently single and desires to find someone to share their life with. The dreamer may be feeling lonely or unfulfilled in this aspect of their life, and this dream is a manifestation of their longing for a loving relationship.

The color blue is also significant in this dream. In many cultures, blue represents trust, loyalty, and stability. This could suggest that the dreamer desires a relationship that is built on a strong foundation of trust and loyalty. The fact that the girl has blue eyes could also indicate that the dreamer wants a partner they can trust and rely on.

The fact that the dream takes place in a house could also symbolize the dreamer's desire for a stable and secure relationship. This is further emphasized by the fact that the house is described as 'sweet,' suggesting that the dreamer wants a relationship that is loving and harmonious.

Overall, this dream reveals the dreamer's deep longing for a loving, stable, and trusting relationship. It is a reflection of their desire to find a partner who is pure, honest, and loyal. It could also indicate that the dreamer is currently feeling unfulfilled in this aspect of their life and is seeking a romantic connection.

Sat Jun 1 10:13:38 2024

I dreamt about going to eat at the canteen in my school and in reality I eat at my school ,so I get my food it was time to eat and suddenly I hear a fight my and friend went outside of the canteen and when we came back inside but my food was gone I was sad and mad I started looking for my food in the canteen and I couldn't find it so I couldn't eat and after i left the canteen i found out that a boy in my class reality and i hates him so much he disgust me he was the one who ate my food so I didn't fight him so after school I got home to my sister and my childhood friend he became a grown up man he is now a biker he coming back he comes to protect me he is a mafia he protects me every single time and I asked him why he said it was nothing but I knew it was something I started doing my findings on him I found out he was mafia so I broke our friendship with him and he kept begging me and I later forgive him and we became a happily couple

The dream starts with the dreamer going to eat at the canteen in their school, which symbolizes a safe and familiar environment. The fact that they eat at their school in reality suggests that this is a routine and common occurrence for them. However, the dream takes a turn when the dreamer hears a fight, which indicates a conflict or disturbance in their life. The dreamer and their friend leave the canteen, which represents a temporary escape from the conflict. When they return, the dreamer's food is gone, which symbolizes the loss of something important to them. This could represent a feeling of loss or disappointment in their waking life.

The dreamer then discovers that a boy in their class, who they dislike and find disgusting, has eaten their food. This could symbolize someone in their waking life who they have negative feelings towards or who has taken something from them. This person could represent a source of frustration or betrayal.

After school, the dreamer goes home to their sister and childhood friend who has now become a grown-up man and a biker. This could symbolize a desire for protection and security in the face of the conflict and betrayal they experienced at school.

The dreamer's friend, who has now become a mafia, represents a powerful and intimidating figure who is able to protect them. This could suggest a desire for someone to stand up for them and defend them from the person who ate their food. The dreamer's friend protecting them every single time could symbolize their need for constant support and protection.

The dreamer's decision to break their friendship with this person and later forgive them could represent a struggle with forgiveness and trust in their waking life. It could also suggest the dreamer's desire to let go of negative feelings and move on from the conflict.

The dream ends with the dreamer and their friend becoming a happily couple, which could symbolize the dreamer's desire for a strong and supportive relationship in their waking life. It could also represent the dreamer's ability to overcome conflicts and challenges with the help of their loved ones.

Votes: 1

Fri May 31 22:55:36 2024

Yakışıklı anime karakterleriyle kiraz çiçekleriyle romantik bir yer

Bu rüya, hayallerinizi ve arzularınızı ifade etmekte ve ruhunuzun derinliklerinden gelen romantik bir çağrıyı yansıtmaktadır. Yakışıklı anime karakterleri, size idealize edilmiş bir sevgi ve romantizm duygusu verir. Bu karakterler, sizin için mükemmel olanı temsil eder ve sizi tamamlayacak bir partner arayışınızın sembolüdür. Kiraz çiçekleri ise, aşkın ve tutkunun sembolüdür. Rüyadaki romantik yer ise, içsel barış ve huzurunuzun bir yansımasıdır. Bu rüya, hayatınızda aradığınız romantizm, sevgi ve huzurunuzun varlığına işaret eder. Bu semboller, sizin hayatınızda romantizme olan özleminizi ve içsel huzurunuzu bulma arzunuzu yansıtmaktadır. Rüyanızda bu romantik yerde bulunduğunuz için mutlu ve huzurlu hissetmeniz, gerçek hayatınızda da romantizm ve huzur arayışınızın devam ettiğini gösterir. Bu rüya, sizin içsel dünyanızda romantizme ve huzura olan hasretinizi yansıtmaktadır ve bunları gerçek hayatınızda da arzuladığınızı gösterir.

Votes: 1

Fri May 31 18:36:22 2024

I had an old padlock and there was no key. So my friend and I were going to use a gun to open the lock by shooting at it.

This dream is rich in symbolism and can be interpreted in a variety of ways depending on the dreamer's personal experiences and associations with the symbols present in the dream. However, there are some general themes and symbols that can be explored to provide a comprehensive analysis. The first symbol to consider is the old padlock. In dreams, a padlock often symbolizes feelings of being restricted, locked out, or unable to access something. The fact that the padlock is old could suggest that these feelings have been present for a long time and have become a recurring issue in the dreamer's life. Additionally, the lack of a key to open the padlock could represent a sense of powerlessness or inability to overcome these limitations.

The next symbol to examine is the gun. In dreams, guns often represent power, aggression, and the desire to assert oneself. In this dream, the gun is being used to open the padlock, which could suggest that the dreamer is trying to use their power and assertiveness to break free from their restrictions.

The act of shooting at the padlock could also have multiple meanings. On one hand, it could represent the dreamer's determination and willingness to take drastic measures to overcome their limitations. On the other hand, it could also symbolize a need for violence or force to solve problems, which could be a reflection of the dreamer's inner turmoil and frustration.

The presence of the dreamer's friend adds another layer of symbolism. Friends in dreams often represent aspects of the self or relationships in waking life. In this case, the friend could represent the dreamer's own qualities and characteristics that they may be relying on to deal with their restrictions. Alternatively, the friend could also represent a supportive figure in the dreamer's life, someone who is helping them in their journey to break free from their limitations.

Overall, this dream could be a reflection of the dreamer's inner struggles and desire for change. The old padlock and lack of a key could represent long-standing limitations or challenges in the dreamer's life, while the gun and use of force could symbolize their determination to overcome these challenges. The presence of the friend suggests that the dreamer may have support and resources to help them in their journey. However, it is important to note that using violence and force to solve problems may not always be the best approach and the dream could also be a warning against such actions.

Thu May 30 21:24:24 2024

Rüyamda sevgilimi başkalarıyla mutlu iken görüyorum

Rüyada sevgilinin başkalarıyla mutlu olduğunu görmek, rüyayı gören kişinin iç dünyasında büyük bir kıskançlık duygusu taşıdığını gösterir. Sevgilinin başkalarıyla mutlu olması, rüya sahibinin kendi hayatında eksik ya da yetersiz olduğu hissine kapıldığını ve sevgilisinin ona yeterince değer vermediğini düşündüğünü simgeler. Rüyada sevgilinin başkalarıyla mutlu olduğunu görmek aynı zamanda rüya sahibinin kendine olan güvenini yitirdiğinin işaretidir. Bu rüya, rüya sahibinin kendi öz değerini sorguladığını ve sevgilisinin ona olan sevgisini sorguladığını gösterir.

Başkalarıyla mutlu olan sevgilinin görüldüğü rüya, rüya sahibinin ilişkisindeki problemlerle yüzleşmesi gerektiğini de işaret eder. Rüyada görülen bu durum, rüya sahibinin sevgilisiyle olan ilişkisinde mutsuz olduğuna ve bu duruma çözüm bulması gerektiğine dikkat çeker.

Rüyanın devamında sevgilinin mutlu olduğu görülürken, rüya sahibinin de yanlarında bulunduğu düşünülürse, rüya sahibinin sevgilisiyle birlikte olmaya çalışırken yaşadığı zorluklara ve çatışmalara işaret eder. Bu rüya, rüya sahibinin sevgilisiyle olan ilişkisinde kendini mutlu etmeye çalıştığını, ancak bunun için başkalarının da mutluluğunu göze almak zorunda kaldığını simgeler.

Rüyada sevgilinin mutlu olduğu görülmek, rüya sa

Wed May 29 19:48:19 2024

Rüyamda hem yeşil hem de kırmızı domates çuvalları görüyordum. Yeşil domateslerin üzerinde kağıtta bir not yazıyordu

'Bir kırmızı domates kadar olgun olmadıkları için henüz yemeyin.' Kırmızı domatesler ise sulu ve parlaktı. Bu rüya, bize kişinin hayatında kendini geliştirmek ve olgunlaşmak için fırsatlar olduğunu gösteriyor. Yeşil domatesler, henüz olgunlaşmamış potansiyel ve gelişmeye açık alanları temsil eder. Bu not, kişinin bu alanlarda hala çalışması ve büyümesi gerektiğini gösterir. Henüz tam olarak olgunlaşmamış olan yeşil domatesler tüketilmeden önce daha fazla zamana ihtiyaçları olduğunu ifade eder.

Diğer yandan, kırmızı domatesler parlak ve sulu oldukları için olgunlaşmış ve hazır olduklarını gösterir. Bu, kişinin hayatında zaten bazı başarılar elde ettiğini ve olgunlaşmış alanlara sahip olduğunu gösterir. Bu durumda, kişi kırmızı domatesleri yiyebilir ve meyvelerini toplayabilir.

Domatesler aynı zamanda bereket ve bolluk sembolleridir. Bu rüya, kişinin hayatında bol fırsata sahip olduğunu ve bunları kullanarak büyüme ve gelişme potansiyeline sahip olduğunu gösterir. Ayrıca, yeşil ve kırmızı renklerin bir arada görünmesi, hayatın sürekli bir döngü olduğunu ve kişinin sürekli olarak kendini geliştirmeye devam etmesi gerektiğini vurgular.

Kırmızı domateslerin sulu ve parlak olması, kişinin hayatında tutkulu ve canlı bir dönem geçirdiğini gösterir. Bu rüya, kişinin hayatında olumlu değişikliklerin ve büyümenin işaret

Tue May 28 17:37:24 2024

Andavo a cena con la mia famiglia, vicino a casa mia in un ristorante sottorraneo (simile ad un bunker) che non esiste nella realtà. Servivano lì carne umana e, resomene conto, ricevo, mentre i miei familiari mangiano, un chiamata del fidanzato della ragazza che disperato chiede dove sia finita. Inizio a mangiare e mi piace, sono però preoccupato poiché uscendo dal ristorante vedo una pattuglia della polizia cercare la ragazza. Il sogno finisce con io che torno a casa con la mia famiglia.

Questo sogno sembra essere un riflesso delle tue preoccupazioni e ansie sulla tua vita familiare e la tua relazione sentimentale. Il fatto di essere vicini a casa tua in un ristorante sotterraneo, simile ad un bunker, può simboleggiare la tua volontà di tenere al sicuro i tuoi affetti più cari. Tuttavia, il fatto che il ristorante serva carne umana può rappresentare la tua paura di essere influenzato negativamente dalle tue relazioni familiari e romantiche. La chiamata del fidanzato della ragazza durante la cena può indicare il tuo senso di colpa nei confronti della tua partner e la tua preoccupazione di non soddisfare le sue aspettative. Inoltre, il fatto che i tuoi familiari stiano mangiando mentre tu ricevi la chiamata può simboleggiare una mancanza di sostegno e comprensione da parte loro riguardo alla tua relazione.

La pattuglia della polizia che cerca la ragazza può rappresentare la tua paura di essere scoperto o giudicato per le tue scelte nella relazione. Inoltre, il fatto che tu sia preoccupato di essere visto dalla polizia mentre esci dal ristorante può indicare il tuo desiderio di mantenere la situazione sotto controllo e di evitare conflitti o problemi.

Il sogno finisce con te che torni a casa con la tua famiglia, il che può indicare il tuo bisogno di sentirsi al sicuro e protetto nella tua vita familiare. Tuttavia, il fatto che la ragazza non sia menzionata potrebbe suggerire che la tua relazione potrebbe essere messa in secondo piano rispetto ai tuoi legami familiari.

In generale, questo sogno sembra riflettere le tue preoccupazioni riguardo alle dinamiche familiari e alla tua relazione sentimentale. Potrebbe essere utile riflettere su questi aspetti della tua vita e cercare di trovare un equilibrio tra le tue relazioni e i tuoi bisogni personali.

Votes: 1

Tue May 28 05:54:52 2024

I dreamt about me and a boy in my class in reality and a boy also he became a zombie and I cured him then there became many and my and my family stayed in our house and then there was a mafia looking for me and he finally found me and took many people also in my class and people I don't know in reality he said he loved me and everyday he acts gentle to me only

This dream seems to be exploring the theme of transformation and change. The boy in your class who becomes a zombie can represent someone or something in your life that has undergone a drastic transformation. This transformation could have been caused by a negative influence or event, as zombies are often associated with death and decay. Your ability to cure the boy could symbolize your desire to fix or heal this situation. The presence of your family in the dream suggests that this transformation may have affected your family dynamics or relationships as well. The fact that you all stay in your house could symbolize a need for security and protection during this time of change.

The appearance of a mafia further emphasizes the theme of danger and threat. This could represent the external forces or pressures in your life that are causing this transformation. The mafia being after you could symbolize the feeling of being pursued or targeted by these forces.

The mafia leader confessing his love for you and acting gentle towards you could represent the conflicting emotions you may be feeling towards this situation. On one hand, there may be a sense of fear and danger, but on the other hand, there may also be a sense of attraction or connection to this transformation or the forces causing it. This could also be a reflection of your own inner struggle to understand and come to terms with this change.

Overall, this dream could be a reflection of your feelings towards a major change or transformation happening in your life. It may also be highlighting the internal and external conflicts that come with these changes. Consider the specific details and emotions in the dream to gain a deeper understanding of what this transformation may represent for you.

Votes: 4

Mon May 27 16:41:33 2024

i was in the red woods with my boyfriend for a vacation in a townhouse. there was a family in the other side and I could hear the dad abusing the mom. the dad was beating the mom and their little boy was pleading and crying for the dad to stop. the dad came across to our part and said 'the yogi is coming to kidnap you.' i was laying down with my boyfriend and trying to close the window but nothing worked. i heard the sound of Mongolian throat singing before i saw a man painted completely red, holding a honey come with red honey dripping come in our direction. the closer he got the louder the music was. i found where the crack in the window was and saw bees and smoke coming in. i tried to get my boyfriend to get up, but he was drugged. i picked him up as best i could and started dragging him to the door. he fell over and they got him. i started running but in my head i knew what was coming next so i woke myself up.

The dream takes place in the red woods, which symbolize danger, fear, and the unknown. This signifies that the dreamer may be facing a challenging or intimidating situation in their waking life. The presence of the boyfriend suggests that he may play a significant role in this situation. The townhouse represents the dreamer's personal space or comfort zone. The fact that they are on vacation suggests that they may be trying to escape or take a break from their daily routine. However, the presence of the abusive family on the other side of the townhouse indicates that the dreamer cannot fully escape their problems.

The dad abusing the mom and their little boy pleading and crying symbolizes a dysfunctional family dynamic or a toxic relationship. This could represent the dreamer's fear of being in a similar situation or their own relationship struggles.

The dad's warning about the 'yogi' coming to kidnap the dreamer can be interpreted as a warning from the dreamer's subconscious about a potential threat or danger in their life. The mention of a yogi, who is associated with spiritual enlightenment and inner peace, could suggest that the dreamer needs to find a way to overcome their fears and challenges.

The man painted completely red symbolizes aggression, anger, and violence. The red honey dripping from the honeycomb represents temptation and a sweet facade concealing harmful intentions. This could represent the dreamer's fear of being deceived or manipulated by someone they trust.

The Mongolian throat singing and loud music symbolize chaos and confusion. This could represent the dreamer's inner turmoil and the feeling of being overwhelmed in their waking life.

The crack in the window with bees and smoke coming in represents the dreamer's growing awareness of the danger and the need to escape. The bees could symbolize hard work and productivity, while the smoke could represent confusion and uncertainty.

The dreamer's struggle to wake up and escape the danger could suggest their hesitation or difficulty in facing their fears and problems in their waking life. This could also indicate a need for a sense of control and agency in their life.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer's subconscious fears and anxieties about their current circumstances and relationships. It may also be a reminder for them to confront their fears and find ways to overcome them in order to achieve peace and harmony in their life.

Sat May 25 09:21:33 2024

I was going Out tonshop with my Mum und as we came Back I saw a Mail in my Phone that I was being kicked Out of my appartement. Apperently I got that Mail the day before and dien't See it so I missed the time to respond. I was super worried because there ist so much time and Money that was Put into renovating that appartement. And I was crying but my Mom Said to get my shit together and Stop crying. When we arrived at my appartement WE saw horses there. There was even a basement full of horses that my Mom went into and called me in Afterwards. It was Kind of hard to leave there but I was very uncomfortable. Then Inwanted to walk into my appartement door and saw another horse Just outside that was about to run away. So I caught it and tied it to a fence outside.

The dream starts with a pleasant outing with the dreamer's mother, representing a sense of comfort and security. However, upon returning home, the dreamer receives a notification on their phone that they are being kicked out of their apartment. This symbolizes a sudden and unexpected change or loss in the dreamer's life. The fact that the dreamer missed the email and did not respond in time suggests a lack of awareness or control over the situation. This could also represent the dreamer's fear of missing important opportunities or not being able to keep up with responsibilities. The dreamer's reaction of worry and crying shows the emotional impact of this change. The mention of time and money put into renovating the apartment suggests a sense of investment and attachment to the current living situation. This could also symbolize the dreamer's efforts and hard work in their personal life.

The dreamer's mother telling them to 'get their shit together' and stop crying may represent the dreamer's need to be strong and handle difficult situations with resilience and determination. It could also suggest the dreamer's internal struggle between emotions and rational thinking.

The horses in the dream symbolize strength, power, and freedom. The fact that there are multiple horses, including a basement full of them, could represent the dreamer's hidden potential and inner strength. This could also symbolize the dreamer's desire for independence and freedom in their life.

The dreamer's mother going into the basement full of horses and calling the dreamer in afterwards could suggest the dreamer's need to tap into their inner strength and potential. This could also symbolize the dreamer's mother offering support and guidance during this difficult time.

The dreamer's discomfort in the presence of the horses and their desire to leave could represent their fear of embracing change and stepping out of their comfort zone. The horse about to run away symbolizes the dreamer's fear of losing control and the need to catch it and tie it to a fence, representing their attempt to manage and control the situation.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer's current anxieties and fears about a sudden and unexpected change in their life. It could also suggest a need to tap into their inner strength and resilience to handle the situation and adapt to change. The dream may also be a reminder to seek support and guidance from loved ones during difficult times.

Sat May 25 07:10:40 2024

J'ai rêvé que je jouais à Genshin Impact sur une tablette et que je tirais des personnages. Durant mon tirage de dix, j'ai eu quelques armes trois étoiles, ce qui est nul, mais aussi pleins de 4 étoiles et un cinq étoiles. Je me suis ensuite rendu compte que je n'étais pas connecté à mon compte, mais à celui de mon meilleur ami. Mes parents étaient à côté de moi. J'étais dans un endroit lumineux.

Ce rêve peut être interprété comme une représentation de votre désir de réussite et de satisfaction personnelle. La tablette symbolise votre capacité à contrôler votre vie et à prendre des décisions. En jouant à Genshin Impact, un jeu de rôle populaire, vous recherchez peut-être une échappatoire à la réalité et une façon de vous sentir plus puissant et compétent. Le fait de tirer des personnages peut représenter votre besoin de faire des choix et d'obtenir des résultats dans votre vie. Les armes trois étoiles peuvent symboliser des obstacles ou des difficultés mineures que vous rencontrez, tandis que les 4 et 5 étoiles représentent des succès et des réalisations importantes.

Le fait que vous ne soyez pas connecté à votre propre compte, mais à celui de votre meilleur ami, peut refléter une certaine insatisfaction ou une envie de vivre la vie de quelqu'un d'autre. Cela peut également suggérer que vous êtes influencé par les choix et les succès de votre ami, et que vous cherchez à les imiter.

La présence de vos parents dans le rêve peut représenter votre besoin de leur approbation et de leur soutien dans vos choix et vos actions. Leur présence dans un endroit lumineux peut indiquer que vous vous sentez en sécurité et en confiance en leur présence.

Globalement, ce rêve peut refléter votre désir de réussir et d'être reconnu pour vos réalisations, ainsi que votre besoin de soutien et d'approbation de la part de vos proches. Il peut également être un rappel de l'importance de rester fidèle à vous-même et de ne pas chercher à imiter les autres pour atteindre le succès.

Sat May 25 07:10:38 2024

J'ai rêvé que je jouais à Genshin Impact sur une tablette et que je tirais des personnages. Durant mon tirage de dix, j'ai eu quelques armes trois étoiles, ce qui est nul, mais aussi pleins de 4 étoiles et un cinq étoiles. Je me suis ensuite rendu compte que je n'étais pas connecté à mon compte, mais à celui de mon meilleur ami. Mes parents étaient à côté de moi. J'étais dans un endroit lumineux.

Ce rêve peut être interprété comme une représentation de votre désir de réussite et de satisfaction personnelle. La tablette symbolise votre capacité à contrôler votre vie et à prendre des décisions. En jouant à Genshin Impact, un jeu de rôle populaire, vous recherchez peut-être une échappatoire à la réalité et une façon de vous sentir plus puissant et compétent. Le fait de tirer des personnages peut représenter votre besoin de faire des choix et d'obtenir des résultats dans votre vie. Les armes trois étoiles peuvent symboliser des obstacles ou des difficultés mineures que vous rencontrez, tandis que les 4 et 5 étoiles représentent des succès et des réalisations importantes.

Le fait que vous ne soyez pas connecté à votre propre compte, mais à celui de votre meilleur ami, peut refléter une certaine insatisfaction ou une envie de vivre la vie de quelqu'un d'autre. Cela peut également suggérer que vous êtes influencé par les choix et les succès de votre ami, et que vous cherchez à les imiter.

La présence de vos parents dans le rêve peut représenter votre besoin de leur approbation et de leur soutien dans vos choix et vos actions. Leur présence dans un endroit lumineux peut indiquer que vous vous sentez en sécurité et en confiance en leur présence.

Globalement, ce rêve peut refléter votre désir de réussir et d'être reconnu pour vos réalisations, ainsi que votre besoin de soutien et d'approbation de la part de vos proches. Il peut également être un rappel de l'importance de rester fidèle à vous-même et de ne pas chercher à imiter les autres pour atteindre le succès.

Sat May 25 07:05:06 2024

J'ai fait un troisième rêve durant lequel je devenais super amie avec Félix de Stray kids. Il y avait d'autres personnes que je connaissais. Je me promenais dans une ville européenne plutôt ancienne et il pleuvait. Je marchais collée a Felix et on partageait des biscuits comme des mikado. On a beaucoup rigolé et on était contents.

Ce rêve semble refléter votre désir de développer une amitié étroite avec Félix de Stray kids, un groupe de K-pop que vous admirez probablement. La ville européenne ancienne symbolise peut-être votre fascination pour la culture européenne et votre envie de voyager et d'explorer de nouveaux endroits. La pluie peut représenter des émotions ou des défis qui pourraient survenir dans cette amitié, mais le fait que vous marchiez collés et partagiez des biscuits montre que vous êtes prête à les surmonter ensemble. Les biscuits, en particulier les mikado, peuvent symboliser la douceur de cette amitié et le plaisir que vous avez à passer du temps ensemble. Vous êtes heureuse et insouciante dans ce rêve, montrant peut-être votre désir de vous échapper de la réalité et de trouver du réconfort dans cette amitié. Globalement, ce rêve peut exprimer votre désir de lier des liens forts avec des personnes que vous admirez et de partager des moments joyeux avec elles.

Wed May 22 03:45:15 2024

In my dream I was in my drama class...I really like drama class, its what got me out of my shell, its my safe space and where I feel most comfortable. In my dream, while in my class, it started raining outside. Me and my friend from drama planned to do a performance for our class, but she had to leave early. When she left it was sunny as she opened the door but eventually it started raining. Outside it got dark like it was midnight. Kids were rushing in and out of the classroom. I walked out of the classroom and saw another friend (my old friend) I don't remember ever saying anything to anyone but as she approached me, she asked 'Who was lying to you' and I said ' what?' and she said 'I heard someone say yes and you said no, so who was lying to you'

The dream takes place in a drama class, representing the dreamer's interest in creativity, expression, and stepping out of their comfort zone. The drama class is also seen as a safe space, where the dreamer feels most comfortable. This could suggest that the dreamer is currently exploring their creative side or is in a period of personal growth. The rain outside symbolizes emotions and cleansing. The fact that it starts raining while the dreamer is in their safe space could indicate that the dreamer is facing emotional challenges or struggles within their comfort zone.

The friend leaving early could represent someone or something leaving the dreamer's life unexpectedly. The fact that it is sunny when she leaves could suggest that the dreamer is initially optimistic about this change, but later on the rain and darkness indicates that it is causing some emotional turmoil.

The kids rushing in and out could represent the dreamer's inner child or aspects of their personality that are quick to react and change. This could suggest that the dreamer is struggling to keep up with their emotions and is feeling overwhelmed.

The old friend approaching could represent a part of the dreamer's past or a past version of themselves. The fact that the dreamer doesn't remember ever speaking to this friend could suggest that they are repressing memories or emotions from their past.

The friend asking 'Who was lying to you' could symbolize the dreamer's inner conflict with trusting themselves and making decisions. The dreamer may be feeling unsure or confused about a situation in their waking life, causing them to question their own judgment.

Overall, this dream may be reflecting the dreamer's current emotional state and their struggle to make decisions and trust themselves. The rain and darkness could represent the dreamer's inner turmoil and the need for emotional cleansing and clarity. It could be a reminder for the dreamer to listen to their inner voice and trust their instincts.

Tue May 21 02:41:36 2024

Soñé varios escenarios en un mismo sueño. El primero qeramos una tribu que escapaba de unos maleantes. Cada uno de los mas fuertes de la aldea jalaba nadando una lancha donde estaban personas importantes de la tribu. Al final logramos salir de lugar donde estuvimos apresados. La segundad, se desarolla en mi antiguo trabajo. Estabaya por terminar mi contrato pero tenía que rendir un examen pero una mujer que supuestamente era una amistad me ayuda en su computadora a tipear preguntas fáciles del cuestionario. Luego aparezco en un baño y mi fin era pintar varias piezas importantes para que se vean mejor. Sin embargo no tenía el permiso. Asi que entré a escondidas para hacerlo, logré realizar lo que tenía que hacer pero lueto entran personas al baño y me escondo. Luego salen y trato de salir a escondidas pero había una cámara de seguridad viendo lo que pasaba. Pasa por mi mente en ese momento que tengo mi amigo de trabajo de ver las cámaras de seguridad y en mi sueño trata de avisarme por medio de un telefono de pared para avisarme que no salga. Luego de ello salgo y me encuentro al personal de seguridad y me llevan. Luego cambia ese escenario y ahora a quien llevaban los de seguridad era una persona de piel negra y que al llevarla a no se donde la iban maltratando e insultandole. Yo trataba de defenderla ante la gente y logré que la gente ayudara y reclamaron a los de seguridad

El sueño comienza con una tribu tratando de escapar de unos maleantes, lo que podría representar una situación de peligro o amenaza en la vida del soñador. Los miembros más fuertes de la tribu representan su capacidad de superar los obstáculos y proteger a los demás. En el segundo escenario, el soñador se encuentra en su antiguo trabajo, lo que puede simbolizar un tema relacionado con su pasado o su carrera profesional. El hecho de que esté por terminar su contrato puede indicar un cambio o transición en su vida laboral. La mujer que le ayuda con el examen fácilmente podría representar su deseo de encontrar una solución fácil o una forma de salir de una situación difícil en su trabajo.

El baño en el que el soñador se encuentra puede representar un lugar íntimo y privado, lo que sugiere que la situación en su trabajo es algo personal para él. El hecho de que él esté tratando de mejorar las piezas importantes también puede simbolizar su deseo de destacarse y tener éxito en su trabajo. Sin embargo, el hecho de que no tenga el permiso para hacerlo podría indicar que no está satisfecho con su posición actual y siente que debe hacer más para sobresalir.

La presencia de la cámara de seguridad puede simbolizar la sensación de ser observado y juzgado en su trabajo. El amigo de trabajo que trata de avisarle sobre la cámara puede representar una parte de él mismo que le advierte sobre las posibles consecuencias de sus acciones. El hecho de que sea un teléfono de pared puede sugerir que esta parte de él está conectada con su pasado o su lugar de trabajo anterior.

En el último escenario, el soñador se ve tratando de defender a una persona de piel negra que está siendo maltratada e insultada por el personal de seguridad. Esta persona podría representar a alguien o un grupo de personas que el soñador siente que están siendo discriminados o tratados injustamente en su vida. El hecho de que él logre que la gente se una en su defensa puede indicar su sentido de justicia y su deseo de luchar por lo que cree que es correcto.

En resumen, el sueño parece

Votes: 1

Mon May 20 22:27:58 2024

Sole que mi madre era empleada doméstica en una casa y yo iba a visitarla ,era una casa muy lujosa pero llegaba la patrona de mi mamá y me tuve que esconder ,después de un rato ella se fue ,yo estaba asombrada de el trabajo de mi mamá por que era abusivo ,después el escenario cambio la casa la iban a deshabilitar y yo iba a ayudar a quitar todo por que la casa era de la esposa de un jefe de mi mamá ,esa casa tenía camarotes por todos lados había mucha gente viviendo ahí yo le decía a mi mamá que esa casa lujosa no era como parecía ,era fea y las condiciones en las que vivían eran horribles ,habían camarotes desordenados y sucios ,después de que se decupo eso le entreguamos eso al jefe me mi mamá que solo recogió las cosas y se fue ,nos dejó la casa y yo me iba a un balcón donde había un jardín muy bonito ahí trabajaba un muchacho el cual era mi amado ,yo estaba enamorada de él y nos besábamos

This dream is rich in symbolism and can be interpreted in multiple ways. It reflects the dreamer's subconscious thoughts, feelings, and desires. The dreamer's mother being a domestic worker in a luxurious house may represent the dreamer's feelings of inferiority or inadequacy. The dreamer may feel that they are not able to provide the same level of luxury or comfort for their family. The patrona's arrival and the dreamer's need to hide may symbolize the dreamer's fear of being judged or looked down upon by others.

The changing of the scene to the house being disabled and the dreamer helping to clear it out may represent the dreamer's desire to improve their family's living conditions and to take control of their own life. The fact that the house belonged to the wife of the dreamer's mother's boss may reflect the dreamer's subconscious desire to break free from the limitations of their family's social status.

The presence of numerous bunk beds and the revelation that the house was overcrowded and in poor condition may symbolize the dreamer's feelings of being overwhelmed and trapped in their current living situation. The dreamer's efforts to show their mother the true nature of the house and its inhabitants may reflect their desire to open their mother's eyes to the harsh reality of their lives.

The dreamer's amado, or beloved, working in the garden may represent the dreamer's longing for a better life and a desire for a romantic partner who can bring them happiness and stability. The intimate moment shared between the dreamer and their amado may symbolize the dreamer's need for love and affection.

Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer's subconscious desire for a better life for themselves and their family, as well as their fear of being judged and their longing for love and happiness. It may also suggest a need for the dreamer to take control of their own life and break free from societal limitations and expectations.

Votes: 1

Mon May 20 09:32:19 2024

C'était il y plus longtemps, j'avais rêvé que je rencontrais Felix de stray kids, mon bias. Je devenais super amie avec lui mais il avait un accident et sa vie était en danger. Dans un deuxième rêve, Je suis avec mes amies et dans les news il est aussi dit que Felix est en danger, je pleure car on est proche. Peut de temps après Felix et les autres membres de stray kids arrivent et je suis super surprise et je fait un câlin avec Félix et il est super content de me revoir aussi. On discute, et il se passe pleins de choses dont je ne me souviens plus mais il est toujours là pour moi. Je savais que je rêvais mais ne voulais pas l'admettre en me persuadant que c'est la réalité.

Ce rêve semble être une représentation symbolique de la relation que vous avez avec votre bias Felix. Felix peut être vu comme un symbole de votre admiration et de votre attirance pour une personne en particulier, peut-être même un artiste ou une personnalité publique. Le fait que vous deveniez amis et que vous soyez proche dans le rêve peut refléter votre désir d'être plus proche de cette personne dans la réalité. L'accident de Felix et le danger dans lequel il se trouve peuvent représenter vos craintes et vos angoisses concernant cette relation ou votre peur de ne pas pouvoir atteindre vos objectifs en lien avec cette personne. Cela peut également symboliser un obstacle ou un défi que vous devez surmonter pour atteindre vos désirs et vos aspirations.

Le deuxième rêve, où vous êtes avec vos amies et que Felix est à nouveau en danger, peut représenter votre besoin de soutien et de réconfort de la part de vos amis dans cette situation. Le fait que Felix et les autres membres de stray kids arrivent pour vous voir peut symboliser une source de force et de soutien dans votre vie réelle.

Le fait que vous soyez surprise et que vous fassiez un câlin à Felix peut refléter votre joie et votre bonheur d'être en sa présence et votre désir de rester près de lui. Le fait que vous discutiez et que des choses se passent peut représenter votre désir d'avoir une connexion plus profonde et plus significative avec cette personne.

Enfin, le fait que vous sachiez que vous rêvez mais que vous ne vouliez pas l'admettre peut être un appel à la réalité et à accepter que cette relation ou cette admiration est peut-être plus superficielle qu'il n'y paraît. Cela peut également symboliser votre désir de ne pas perdre cette connexion avec cette personne dans votre vie réelle.

En résumé, ce rêve peut refléter vos désirs, vos craintes et vos angoisses concernant une relation ou une admiration pour une personne en particulier et peut être un rappel de trouver un équilibre entre la réalité et les rêves.

Mon May 20 04:38:41 2024

Saw Saw a dream of me participating in a reality show and it was a dating show where there were guys and girls and our location was a beach where we were told to stay in our places but the waves were so big that we were swimming from one place to another so I had to hold hands with a girl to stay at a place then we had to fill forms which said about ourselves so one guy read my form and said that I have depth in my personality like I think deeply about everything. Then we went to another place where it was a challenge to know what type of fish did you eat but I am a vegetarian so my favourite youtuber helped me as I said to him that I supported him when he had 100 subscribers he helped me finish that challenge then we went to another location where many were eliminated there were a few members left .

The dream is symbolic of your inner desires and struggles in finding love and acceptance in your relationships. The reality show represents your desire to be seen and validated by others, while the dating aspect symbolizes your search for a romantic connection. The beach location suggests a need for relaxation and a desire to escape from the pressures of daily life. The waves in the dream represent the ups and downs of your emotions and the challenges you face in your relationships. Swimming from one place to another reflects your constant efforts to navigate through these challenges and find stability. The act of holding hands with a girl to stay in one place suggests a need for support and companionship in your journey.

The forms that you had to fill out represent your need to define yourself and be understood by others. The guy who read your form and complimented you for your depth symbolizes your desire to be recognized for your unique qualities and thoughts.

The challenge to identify the type of fish you ate reflects your struggle to fit in and conform to societal expectations. Being a vegetarian and seeking help from your favorite YouTuber symbolizes your inner conflict between staying true to yourself and seeking validation from others.

The elimination of many participants in the dream suggests your fear of being rejected and left behind in your relationships. The few members left at the end represent your hope and determination to find a lasting connection.

Overall, this dream reflects your deep longing for love, acceptance, and understanding in your relationships. It also highlights your inner struggles and conflicts in trying to balance your own values and desires with the expectations of others. This dream may be a reminder to stay true to yourself and not compromise your beliefs for the sake of fitting in.

Sun May 19 19:19:48 2024

Saw a dream of me going on a trip to a temple and after evening we heard a thunderstorm and rain all over we were all panicking then we saw a huge figure or a spirit or angel which was in its agreesive form .

This dream appears to be a reflection of your inner journey and spiritual growth. The trip to the temple represents your desire for spiritual guidance and connection. The evening setting suggests that this is a time of transition or change in your life. The thunderstorm and rain symbolize the emotional turmoil and chaos you may be experiencing. This could also represent a cleansing and purification process, as rain often signifies renewal and rebirth. The figure or spirit that appears in an aggressive form represents a part of yourself that you may have been repressing or ignoring. This could be a strong and assertive aspect of your personality that you have not fully embraced. Alternatively, it could also represent a situation or challenge that is causing you to feel overwhelmed and out of control. The fact that it appears in the midst of the thunderstorm and rain suggests that this aspect of yourself or situation is being brought to your attention and cannot be ignored any longer.

The figure being described as a spirit or angel adds a spiritual dimension to the dream. This could symbolize the intervention of a higher power in your life, guiding you towards self-discovery and growth. The aggressive form it takes could also represent the need for you to confront and overcome your fears and obstacles in order to progress on your spiritual journey.

The overall tone of the dream suggests a sense of panic and fear, which could reflect your own anxieties and insecurities. The temple, being a sacred and safe place, may have been seen as a refuge from the storm, but even there you are confronted with a powerful and intimidating force. This could be a reminder that in order to grow and evolve, you must face your fears and challenges head on.

In conclusion, this dream may be a symbolic representation of your inner journey towards self-discovery and spiritual growth. It highlights the need to confront and embrace all aspects of yourself, even the ones that may seem aggressive or intimidating. It also reminds you that facing challenges and overcoming obstacles is an integral part of this journey and will ultimately lead to a sense of renewal and transformation.

Votes: 1

Sun May 19 08:03:58 2024

Dream of seeing rain and listening to an old hindi romantic song whose lyrics went like 'Purab Ho Paschim Uttar Ho Dakshin Tu Har Jagah Muskuraye, Jitna Hi Jaoon Main Door Tujhse Utni Hi Tu Paas Aaye'

This dream could potentially symbolize a longing for emotional connection and fulfillment in the dreamer's life. The rain represents a cleansing and renewal, a washing away of past emotions and experiences. It could also symbolize a sense of sadness or melancholy, as rain is often associated with tears and mourning. The old Hindi romantic song adds another layer of symbolism, as it is a reminder of the dreamer's cultural and personal history. It may represent a connection to their roots and a desire for nostalgia or a return to simpler times. The lyrics speak of a longing for someone who is far away, but also the hope of being reunited and finding happiness together. This could reflect the dreamer's own longing for a past love or a current relationship that feels distant or unfulfilling.

The direction of the lyrics, from East to West and North to South, could also have significance. These cardinal directions may represent different aspects of the dreamer's life, such as career, family, relationships, and personal growth. The dreamer may feel like they are moving away from these areas, but the dream is reminding them to find joy and contentment in all aspects of their life, no matter where they may lead.

The recurring theme of distance and closeness in the dream, with the dreamer wanting to go far but also wanting to be close, could symbolize inner conflict and a struggle to find balance in their emotions and desires. The dream may be encouraging the dreamer to find a balance between their own needs and the needs of others, and to not let distance or obstacles prevent them from finding happiness and fulfillment.

Overall, this dream seems to be a reflection of the dreamer's inner desires and emotions, with a longing for emotional connection, a sense of nostalgia and a reminder to find balance and joy in all aspects of life. It may also serve as a reminder to not let distance or past experiences hold them back from finding happiness and fulfillment in the present moment.

Fri May 17 07:43:23 2024

I was in what seems to have been a theater. A sort of performance was about to take place and even though I was only an audiance, I was supposed to be a part of that performance. A line of actors dressed as demons walked on stage, chanting something and then walked among the audience. One demon stood next to me. I started chanting with him, but I got startled by something. He said I broke the character and I had to be punished for it. He took one of my pigtails and cut my hair. It made me really upset and I went to the bathroom to look at my ruined hair. A girl that came to the theater with me told me to not to worry and she would fix the hair.

The dreamer is in a theater, which symbolizes a stage for performance and showcasing oneself to others. The fact that the dreamer is only part of the audience suggests a feeling of being a passive observer in one's own life. The dreamer is also expected to participate in the performance, indicating a pressure to conform and fit into societal expectations. The line of actors dressed as demons represents the darker aspects of the dreamer's psyche, the parts that may be seen as negative or undesirable. This could point to suppressed emotions or behaviors that the dreamer has been trying to hide or ignore.

The demons walking among the audience symbolize these negative aspects infiltrating the dreamer's conscious mind. This could suggest that the dreamer is struggling to keep these aspects of themselves under control.

The demon standing next to the dreamer could represent the strongest or most dominant negative aspect of the dreamer's psyche. The fact that the dreamer starts chanting with the demon suggests a potential for the dreamer to embrace these darker aspects of themselves.

However, the dreamer's startle and breaking of character indicates a fear or resistance towards fully embracing these negative aspects. This could be due to societal pressures or personal beliefs.

The punishment of cutting one of the dreamer's pigtails could represent a loss of innocence or a loss of control over one's appearance and image. This could also symbolize a loss of identity or a forced change in the dreamer's persona.

The dreamer's upset and going to the bathroom to look at their ruined hair suggests a need to retreat and reflect on the damage caused by the punishment. The bathroom represents a private and intimate space for self-reflection and introspection.

The girl who offers to fix the dreamer's hair could symbolize a supportive and nurturing aspect of the dreamer's psyche. This could represent the dreamer's inner strength and resilience to overcome challenges and negative aspects of themselves.

Overall, the dream highlights the struggle between conforming to societal expectations and embracing one's true self, even the darker aspects. It suggests a need for self-acceptance and integration of all aspects of the dreamer's psyche in order to find inner balance and harmony. The dreamer may also need to learn to not be too hard on themselves and seek support when needed.

Fri May 17 07:38:39 2024

J'étais dans le rivetoile avec un ami, il était tard et c'était la fermeture. Je ne sais pas pourquoi nous avions autant trainé, il faisait déjà noir, on s'est donc dirigé vers les portes qui étaient déjà fermés. En s'approchant on remarque que l'agent de sécurité et deux autres personnes sont là et fermaient devant nous. Pour moi je me suis dis que c'était tard et j'ai voulu me retourner, mon ami à continuer et on lui a ouvert, j'ai donc suivi et arrivé à la porte (je sais que je voulais dire merci), L'un des gars présents me demande 'si j'ai pas fait de bordel/ou voler'. Je me suis donc emporté en lui demandant pourquoi cette question ? est-ce que j'ai la tete de quelqu'un qui ferait ça ? petite joute verbale sur les discriminations et le racisme. On a enchaîné dehors (sur le parvis) Il continuait à défendre sa position et moi aussi, j'étais entrain de gagner l'opinion du public. Et soudain on aperçoit dans le ciel un avion en feu qui va se crasher, tout le monde court, je me retrouve seul sur le côté droit des halles, je cours, l'avion me rattrape et me dépasse, se pose sur l'eau. Moi rassuré qu'il ne m'est pas explosé à la gueule, je cours vers le côté droit. Un protocole de secours a été mis en place directement, un bulletin d'information tournait en boucle sur le fameux protocole. Je voulais me diriger vers la sortie (ville) mais je constate que tout le riveetoile

This dream has a lot of symbolism and can be interpreted in different ways. It seems to be a reflection of your current thoughts and concerns about your place in society and the discrimination and racism that still exists. The dream takes place in a shopping mall, which represents consumerism and materialism. It could symbolize your desire for success and recognition in society. Your friend could represent a part of yourself, perhaps your more impulsive and adventurous side, that is not afraid to take risks and go against the norms.

The fact that it is late and the mall is closing could symbolize the end of a certain phase in your life or the end of a certain way of thinking. The closed doors could represent missed opportunities or barriers in your life.

The security guard and two other people closing the doors in front of you could symbolize authority figures or societal norms that are preventing you from moving forward. Your friend's determination to continue and get in could represent your own determination to break through these barriers.

When the security guard asks if you have caused any trouble or stolen something, it could represent the stereotypes and prejudices that you may face in society. Your reaction of getting angry and standing up for yourself could symbolize your refusal to be judged by society's standards and your fight against discrimination and racism.

The sudden appearance of an airplane on fire and crashing could represent a sudden and unexpected event in your life that disrupts your plans. This could be a metaphor for a life-changing event or a major shift in your beliefs and values.

Your reaction of running away from the crash and seeking safety could symbolize your instinct to protect yourself and avoid danger. However, the fact that the plane passes over you and lands safely could represent a missed opportunity or a fear of taking risks.

The emergency protocol and the continuous information about it could represent your need for structure and certainty in the face of chaos and uncertainty. It could also symbolize your desire to be informed and prepared for any potential dangers.

The dream ends with you wanting to leave the mall and go outside into the city. This could symbolize your desire for freedom and to explore new possibilities outside of societal norms and expectations.

Overall, this dream seems to be a reflection of your inner struggles and conflicts about societal expectations, discrimination, and the fear of taking risks and facing unexpected events. It may be a reminder to stand up for yourself and your beliefs, and to not let societal norms and prejudices hold you back.

Tue May 14 12:54:09 2024

Íbamos de viaje mi hermana, dos amigas y yo con nuestros respectivos hijos. Queríamos llegar a un evento importante, como un festival. Mi hermana y yo íbamos en el mismo auto, las otras se habían quedado muy atrás, nos estacionábamos en una subida. Mi hermana se dirigía hacia el evento y yo intentaba comunicarme con las otras para indicarles dónde estábamos. Entonces me daba cuenta que desde ahí se veía el mar. Era hermoso y había gente jugando. Me percataba de que las otras estaban más atrás, les quería decir que vinieran a ver, pero no me hacían caso. Veía una tortuga enorme que nadaba muy feliz y les contaba a gritos a las otras, que me ignoraban. Pensaba: 'ellas se lo pierden'

Este sueño puede simbolizar tu deseo de éxito y realización personal, representado por el viaje hacia un evento importante. La presencia de tu hermana y amigas con sus hijos puede representar tu círculo social y relaciones más cercanas. El hecho de que estén en diferentes autos y se hayan quedado atrás puede indicar que cada uno tiene su propio camino y ritmo en la vida, pero aún así tienen un objetivo en común. El hecho de que tu hermana y tú vayan juntas en el mismo auto puede simbolizar tu relación cercana y la importancia que tiene en tu vida. Sin embargo, al llegar al lugar deseado, te das cuenta de que las otras no están cerca y te sientes frustrada al intentar comunicarte con ellas. Esto puede representar una situación en la que sientes que no puedes contar con el apoyo de tus amistades, o que no te sientes comprendida por ellas.

La subida en la que se estacionan puede ser interpretada como un obstáculo o dificultad en tu camino hacia el éxito. El hecho de que veas el mar desde ahí puede simbolizar la perspectiva que tienes sobre tu vida y tus metas, y la importancia de mantener una visión amplia y positiva.

La presencia de personas jugando en el mar puede representar tu deseo de disfrutar y divertirte en tu camino hacia el éxito. La tortuga enorme que nadas felizmente puede representar tu propia fuerza y determinación para alcanzar tus objetivos.

Sin embargo, el hecho de que las otras personas no escuchen tus gritos y te ignoren puede indicar que sientes que no recibes el apoyo y reconocimiento que mereces en tu vida. Puedes sentirte frustrada por esto, pero al mismo tiempo tener la certeza de que tú estás en el camino correcto y que las otras se están perdiendo de algo maravilloso.

En resumen, este sueño puede reflejar tus deseos de éxito, disfrute y apoyo en tu vida. También puede indicar que estás en el camino correcto y que debes seguir adelante, a pesar de las dificultades y la falta de apoyo de otras personas. Es importante que tengas confianza en ti misma

Mon May 13 19:18:03 2024

Had a dream of professing my love to a best friend. In the dream I held her face and said you're always be apart of me.

In this dream, the act of professing your love to your best friend symbolizes a desire for a deeper connection and emotional intimacy with this person. Your best friend represents someone who is close to you, someone you trust and confide in. By expressing your love for them in the dream, it suggests that you have strong feelings for this person and you want to strengthen your bond with them. Holding your friend's face in the dream is a powerful gesture that symbolizes a deep connection and a desire to be physically close to them. This could also represent your desire to be seen and understood by your friend, as the face is often associated with one's identity and emotions.

The phrase 'you will always be a part of me' in the dream carries a strong symbolic meaning. It could suggest that this person has had a significant impact on your life and has become an integral part of who you are. It could also symbolize your fear of losing this person or your desire for them to always be a part of your life.

The dream may also reflect your subconscious feelings towards this friend. Perhaps you have been harboring feelings of love and affection for them but have not been able to express them in waking life. The dream could be a manifestation of these suppressed feelings, giving you an outlet to express them in a safe space.

Alternatively, this dream could also represent your desire for a romantic relationship with your friend. The act of professing your love could be a reflection of your desire to take your relationship to the next level. Holding their face in the dream could symbolize your longing for physical and emotional closeness with them.

Overall, this dream highlights your strong emotional connection and attachment to your best friend. It could also be a reflection of your desire for a deeper and more intimate relationship with them. It is important to analyze your own feelings and thoughts towards this friend in order to fully understand the symbolism of this dream.

Sun May 12 13:25:56 2024

Сниться покійний свекор

У сні покійний свекор символізує минуле. Він може бути зображений у позитивному чи негативному світлі, в залежності від стосунків між сном і свекором. Якщо вони були близькими, то покійний свекор може представляти собою джерело підтримки і поради. Але, якщо вони не були добрі, то ця фігура може викликати страх і тривогу у снівника. Також, покійний свекор може бути символом незавершених справ з минулим. Його з'явлення в сні може свідчити про те, що в снівнику є незакінчені справи або невирішені проблеми з минулого, які варто вирішити або врегулювати.

Другий аспект символізму покійного свекора - це відносини з померлими. Він може бути зображений як спосіб з'єднатися з ними, вираження бажання побачити їх ще раз або попрощатися з ними.

Також, покійний свекор може символізувати надію на врегулювання конфлікту чи розбіжностей з померлими. Це може бути побажання проб